
Serenity Countdown

As I was fortuitously reminded, Serenity opens up in a few short weeks: September 30th. I and my roommate have decided we both wanted to see it on the day it comes out, but the where is still open. I also found out that Archon 29 the big St. Louis Fiction and Fantasy convention is going on at the same time, and I considering attending it and the showing there.

For being a big science fiction and fantasy fan, I’ve never been to any kind of convention. Not a Star Trek convention, or one for Dungeons and Dragons and any of the generic fandom type of events. The one at St. Louis promises multiple tracks of presentations, and features some rather fascinating sounding events.

For instance, on Friday night the convention is featuring a showing of Pirates of the Caribbean, inviting all comers to dress like pirates, and then shout out favorite lines from the movie. The convention is hiring pirates and providing all sorts of goodies to make the event one of a kind. I loved Pirates of the Caribbean — did I happen to mention that I adore Depp?–and oddly enough for being a retiring subbie, this party appeals. If the showing is at the Holiday Inn, we can bring our pints o’ rum. Otherwise, we’ll have to settle for the more sedate refreshment at the Convention center.

Outside of the movies, I’d like to attend the event and take photos of people. I think that would be much fun, and add a little variety to all my shots of flowers, birds, bees, etc.

Then there would be Serenity. The people attending Archon are planning on dressing up as their favorite characters in the movie, which I imagine could pass fairly easily for dress on the street. Still, there promises to be a sea of brown.

So, any of you going to see the movie, and if so, are you making a special event out of it?