
Sigh Friday

But I don’t knit.

I agree with Lauren. Sigh.

Other good takes on the interview:

Home Cooked: “What these comments consistently fail to do is explain why women’s activities have been forced to take place in the realm of the domestic, and how their talk has been dismissed as trivial compared with the seriousness of the (male-dominated) public sphere.”

ejchange: And for the record, there are women who do both knitting and politics. hell, there are women who do all three, which, all things considered, is not an easy feat.

Alembic: “By looking at this interview in its full text and context, couldn’t one also make the case that Mena is telling knitters who blog that what they are doing is blogging and that they are just much part of that technological revolution as are the “men” whose voices drown them out in the media … but not in the middle of their own lives, where speaking matters and technology is just a tool.”

Mena Trott’s own post on the article.

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