Climate Change Diversity Government Savannah

Savannah’s Springfield Canal stormwater project likely casualty of Trump cuts

Trump’s first action on becoming President was a wholesale revocation of several Biden Executive Office actions, leading to closure of many vital programs. One of these programs is called the Justice40 initiative.

For the first time in our nation’s history, the Federal government has made it a goal that 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain Federal climate, clean energy, affordable and sustainable housing, and other investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution.

By killing the Executive Order that created this initiative, Trump has likely also killed all FEMA funding for a Savannah project to manage stormwater flooding in the Springfield Canal area.

The Justice40 Initiative was a way of allocating resources to historically underserved communities, such as the Carver Village and Cloverdale neighborhoods near the Canal. It wasn’t race-based and in fact made a point of excluding race in its criteria. However, it is a fact that many of the underserved communities in this country are made up of people of color. And because the majority of communities of people of color will benefit, the funding is targeted. The existence of “DEI” is the excuse, but really it is withholding funds that don’t benefit majority white people.

Currently, freezing of these funds is being held up by a court order, though the enforcement of the order is hit and miss. However, because of the association of the funds with environmental justice (“DEI”), and climate change, there’s a strong likelihood the funding will be lost.

It’s difficult to discern from the state of chaos currently in effect in the government, but the funding for the Basin flood control may already have been rescinded.

The state of Georgia, being Republican-led, didn’t join with the other states who have sued the Trump administration to ensure that funding that is promised is delivered. And the states lawsuit court order only extends to the Democrat-led states who filed the complaint However, thankfully,  nonprofits also sued to stop the funding freeze, and this may protect the funding for the project. For now.

If the funding is terminated, Savannah will likely have to sue directly to attempt to enforce the previously approved support, or perhaps get funding from the state of Georgia, instead.

Or wait another four years for a different President.




Constitution Immigration

Subject to the jurisdiction…Trump just stated no one can enforce migration law against migrant mothers

Among the appalling, thoughtless, reckless, and inane executive orders trump issued on Day One, the one considered the most *bonkers is the one to end birthright citizenship.

Yes, is it is true that for over a 130 years, courts have deemed that birthright citizenship is protected by the 14th Amendment, which states:

All people born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

According to Trump’s executive order:

Among the categories of individuals born in the United States and not subject to the jurisdiction thereof, the privilege of United States citizenship does not automatically extend to persons born in the United States:  (1) when that person’s mother was unlawfully present in the United States and the father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth, or (2) when that person’s mother’s presence in the United States at the time of said person’s birth was lawful but temporary (such as, but not limited to, visiting the United States under the auspices of the Visa Waiver Program or visiting on a student, work, or tourist visa) and the father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth.

A lawsuit has already been filed on this order, and I expect others—many others, and not filed in Texas—to follow.

But let’s take a moment to look at Trump’s action another way.

What Trump is saying is that the parents of the child are not subject to jurisdiction, and therefore the the child isn’t a citizen. Technically, the ‘not subject to jurisdiction’ has meant that children of certain foreign diplomats who have immunity from our legal jurisdiction aren’t automatically made citizens when born in the US. According to USCIS:

A person born in the United States to a foreign diplomatic officer accredited to the United States is not subject to the jurisdiction of United States law. Therefore, that person cannot be considered a U.S. citizen at birth under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This person may, however, be considered a permanent resident at birth and able to receive a Green Card through creation of record.

The person born to a foreign diplomat is not a US citizen by birth because the child’s parent or parents are not subject to jurisdiction. So, what does that subject to jurisdiction mean, exactly?

What it means is the parent or parents can’t be arrested,  handcuffed,  detained, or charged with a crime—no matter how serious their actions—unless the country that sent the diplomat waives immunity.

Though the immigrant parent or parents are not diplomats, the concept of not subject to jurisdiction doesn’t mysteriously attain a new meaning in our legal system. It is a plainly understood concept that disdains wiggle room.

So, Trump is saying. is that the parents are not subject to jurisdiction. This means the parent or parents can’t be handcuffed, arrested, detained, charged with any crime, or taken to court. Our immigration laws would have no impact on these individuals, because they’re not subject to jurisdiction.

Ipso facto if Trump’s administration wants to continue removing birthright citizenship from the children of these immigrants, then his administration must agree not to handcuff, arrest, detain, charge, or take any other legal action against the child’s parent or parents. Since deportation is a legal action, the **US could not deport the parent.

Could the administration deport the children, instead? I don’t see how, according to our laws. If the administration wants to arrest, detain, and/or deport the child, they’d have to demonstrate the child was here in violation of immigration law,  but how could they do so?

According to Cornell Law:

Infancy is an affirmative defense offered by a defendant in a criminal proceeding that the defendant did not have the mens rea necessary to be charged with the crime on account of their age. In other words, the defendant was too young to possess the capacity to understand the wrongfulness of their actions.

In other words, the child did not have the criminal intent to violate the law, and therefore hasn’t broken any law. Even without the infant defense,  the baby did not enter the country illegally, they did not cross the border to our country illegally, they did not overstay their visa illegally…they’re just here. As if by magic. And we have no laws on magic.

Still, if Trump wishes to up his deportation numbers, he could deport the children…to the country of their birth. We can live with this.

*Most bonkers, if you ignore that whole Gulf of America thing.

**The executive branch can declare an individual as persona non grata and ask them to leave the country, but this concept is based on the fact that they were originally welcomed to the country, and it gets more twisty from there.

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Doctors Government Health Insurance Just Shelley Medical Medicare Political

Well now, 2024 didn’t go quite as we planned

I was, and I was not, surprised by Trump’s re-election.

I knew there were too many men who would normally vote Democrat who balk at electing a women to be Commander-in-Chief; particularly a Black/Asian woman. I knew that thanks to the rebound from COVID that prices are high—aided and abetted by corporations using COVID as an excuse to squeeze even more profits from the masses. I also knew that the media had done a poor job of holding Trump accountable, while at the same time blowing up any and all perceived Democratic weakness.

Still, I was not emotionally or mentally prepared for Trump to win again. Worse, to actually get the popular vote, though he ended up with less than 50% of the vote.

So, OK. It is what it is. So what am I planning on doing about it?

Speak truth. Or, more comprehensively, tap into any and all changes reflected in Trump’s administration and be prepared to write about as many as possible. And to continue monitoring court cases, especially in courts tainted by Trump-appointed judges.

However, on the way to this writing goal, real life intruded. Suddenly, a month ago, I started getting a visual distortion in the center of my ‘good’ eye (the one that doesn’t have the cataract that needed removing).

I first saw my optometrist, since I had a previously scheduled appointment. She noted I needed cataract surgery but couldn’t tell, or hesitated to tell me, what was happening to my central vision. She referred me to an eye clinic.

When the clinic didn’t call by week’s end, I called up and said, this is something that can’t wait and I needed to come in. They got me in that afternoon.

Evidently, I have a hole in my macula (macular hole). This is a rare occurrence, impacting on 7.8 people per 100,000. It happens when the vitreous pulls aware from the retina—very common with older folk—but instead of pulling away cleanly, it rips a hole in the macula.

We caught it small and the usual procedure is to wait a few months to see if it closes back up naturally (unfortunately, unlikely to happen). In addition, I have to have cataracts in both eyes removed: the one because it’s pretty bad, the other because the retinal surgeon needs a clear view of my eye for retinal surgery (don’t ask for details on this one).

For now, I have my monitor set to 300% resolution, and I can read and write, but it’s not always easy. It should improve with the first cataract removal, but vision may be a challenge after surgery to fix the macula for a few months at least. We’ll have to see.

I still plan on watchdogging the Trump administration and the courts as much as possible, but I’m also adding in some coverage of our medical industry, particularly in Georgia. Knowledge is power, and it’s too easy to feel powerless when you’re hit with a serious medical condition.

Besides, there’s nothing more wonky than exploring the depths of Medicare, medicine, doctors, and health insurance. And I enjoy the wonky.

Immigration Political

Doing the Math on Trump’s Deportation plans

I had planned on writing about Project 2025 and its emphasis on deportation—particularly its unstated but understood emphasis on deporting people Who Are Not White. But I got caught up in the sheer impossibility of Project 2025 and Trump’s grand ideas of mass deportation. What they want, is insane.

Thankfully, in the last few weeks, other media companies, profit or otherwise, took up the challenge. And they did a good job of it. I could have wished they had done so before people starting voting, but better late than never.

ProPublica has done a series of stories on immigration under the main title of The New Immigration. Not only did the nonprofit cover the data that overwhelmed me, it also put a human face on the story of immigration in our country.

Pérez’s assignment had him working at the bottom of a nearly 12-foot ballast tank, according to a subsequent police report; the walls were just 4 feet apart. That meant standing inside a metal cylinder, roughly twice the size of a household water heater, using an argon-gas torch whose flame can burn as hot as 20,000 degrees.

Something went very wrong that day. In the afternoon, workers noticed that Pérez, 20, had not come up for lunch. Friends and family began calling, with no answer.

His coworkers found him slumped over in the tank. “I couldn’t get to him because the gas was too strong,” one of them told ProPublica. “I started screaming, ‘Help! Help! Help!’”

This week, both the Vegas Sun and the Texas Observer noted how chaotic Trump’s deportation plans would be for their states of Nevada and Texas. Yet, in Texas at least, state legislators embrace Trump’s plans.

Texas is home to some 1.6 million undocumented immigrants—second in the United States only to California—and another roughly 1.4 million U.S. citizens in the state live with at least one undocumented family member, per studies in recent years. Unauthorized workers form the backbone of crucial sectors; in the construction industry, up to 50 percent of laborers building the state are undocumented, according to a 2013 survey by the advocacy organization Workers Defense Project. All this means Texas would be uniquely disrupted by Trump’s plans, with the tearing apart of mixed-status families placing a possibly massive burden on the state’s meager social services systems, and the exiling of a chunk of its workforce imperiling the economic development and affordability known as the so-called Texas Miracle.

Yet Texas’ statewide Republican leaders are full-throated backers of a Trump return to the White House, leaving dissenters within the immigrant and business community and Democratic Party to advocate for millions of Texas families, workers, and consumers.

Vox called into question the polls that seemingly show most people in the US favor mass deportation. As it found, though, the polls don’t capture the complexity of the issue. (Polls rarely do.)

CBS News noted the impossibly high price tag associated with mass deportation. Business Insider noted how mass deportation would gut the construction industry. And economists warn that Trump’s mass deportation in addition to his plans on tariffs on all international goods will tank the economy.

What is rarely mentioned in any of these news stories, however, is how truly unAmerican mass deportation is. We are a land of immigrants. Immigration and the diversity that has come from immigration are our greatest strengths. In addition, the people most targeted for deportation are not the enemy; migration is not an invasion. People from south and central America are our neighbors. Folks from the islands just off the main land are our neighbors.

To cherry pick out a few bad actors and ignore the vast numbers of hard-working people just trying to build a better life for their families is to ignore what drove our own ancestors to this land. And to target people of color—and make no mistake, Trump and his minions are targeting people of color—is to enshrine racism and bigotry. We the People becomes We the White People, or even We the White People Who Think the Same.

I’d like to think we’re better than that. Even with the ugliness that all too often forms the basis of a Trump rally, I still want to hold on to the belief that we’re better than that.

Media Political

Georgia media: this is no time for neutrality

In the last week, the LA Times and the Washington Post—both owned by billionaires with no newspaper experience—gave notice they wouldn’t publish an editorial endorsing a presidential candidate.

Both publications had endorsements ready to go. Both endorsed Kamala Harris. But in each case, the rich guy owning the paper defaulted to his personal financial interests rather than uphold editorial independence and integrity. And both have suffered losses, as employees have quit and subscribers have cancelled. More importantly, the have lost credibility.

The excuse given is some form of ‘neutrality’, which comes across as disingenuous, at best. There is no neutrality in this election. We have two candidates whose vision for this country differs so drastically, one can’t help wonder if we’ve crossed into another dimension of space and time when comparing the two.

Kamala Harris is for a country to remain strong into the future, while Trump has built his campaign on lies, more lies, and an ugly view of the country and its people that should sicken any decent human being.

When you have all but a few of the nation’s economists coming out in favor of the Democratic candidate, you know the Republican contender is bad. Really bad. His economic proposals based on deporting millions of migrant workers and setting massive tariffs on all goods coming into the country will send us beyond a recession directly into a depression.

(Not to mention setting the Social Security fund clock back several years, so that we face a crisis in funding in a scant six years from now.)

Morally, Trump is corrupt. He’s a malignant narcissist. And he’s consistently demonstrated how dangerously incapable he is of leading our country.

He literally cares for no one but himself, and has surrounded himself with self-serving toadies such as Elon Musk and RFK Jr, both whom can’t wait to destroy our country’s foundations. As for his co-partner in crime, JD. Vance, this man isn’t even liked by his own party—a vapid, gormless chimera basically considered the also-ran of the Trump ticket.

And potentially the next President if Trump decides to serve out his term doddering around his golf courses.

Our precious civil rights have suffered unbelievable damage solely because of the judges Trump has appointed to courts. The only thing that has held back this slide into the dark ages has been President Biden and his administration, as well as Democratically-elected state leaders and nonprofit organizations. And a few good judges, even Republican-appointed ones, who remembered they’re actually here to serve the law, not their own ideological fantasies.

With a Trump Presidency, the destruction of  our country will be complete. He will continue to remove rights for women, for the LGBTQ+ community, for people of color, and even for people of religions other than the dominant evangelical religion. He will continue to appoint the worst judges, who will gleefully pull down Madam Justice and kick her into the dirt.

He will destroy what is now a booming economy, and he will sledgehammer our civil rights.

If he wins, white racist bigots will celebrate in the streets, while the rest of us desperately search for safe havens. And he will pursue us in these safe havens in his quest for revenge…promising to use both the DOJ and the military against us.

This is no time for faux ‘neutrality’. This is a time for all good and decent people to realize that we are at a decisive moment: one choice leads to hope and a determined effort to stitch together the torn fabric of our society; the other choice leads to a darkness I can’t even comprehend.

The LA Times and the Washington Post have failed in their duty to their readers. I hope that the Georgia media does not follow their lead.