Events of note Government Media Savannah

Savannah fiddles while the US burns

Next Monday the annual Savannah St. Patrick’s Day parade makes its way down our historic streets. The parade is now celebrating its 201st anniversary, an extraordinary achievement. And though it has had a reputation for being one of the biggest “kiss me I’m Irish” bashes in the country, the wild parties and uncontrolled drinking in the squares is now a thing of the past. Not to say there won’t be parties, and it is St. Patrick’s day, so yes, there will be drinking…but families need not fear bringing down the kiddies to celebrate.

Among the parade participants will be marchers from the armed services, including 200 soldiers from nearby Fort Stewart. Unlike past year’s, the military and the city are working hard to prevent the ambush of red-lipsticked attacks by women—a ‘tradition’ that really is dated and frankly, not fun, cute, or acceptable. My personal preference would be to create a law that any attempted smoocher breaking parade boundaries has to stay behind after the parade and help with clean up.

I won’t be attending the parade. I’m still recovering from a serious case of the flu, and I’m no longer that comfortable in large crowds. I may be half Irish, but I’d rather have a cup o tea and a shamrock cookie at home.

And frankly, even without the flu, I am in no mood to celebrate.  Not after watching what’s happening at the federal level the last few months. I’m also not sure I could look into the faces of the soldiers as they march past and not feel shame at what this country is doing to them.

Women and soldiers of color have had their service degenerated by their new Secretary of Defence boss. They’ve had healthcare removed because of political ideology. They’ve watched excellent commanders stripped of their commands solely because of their sex or the color of their skin.

Comrades-in-arms who have served with distinction beside them are being summarily dismissed from their careers because of anti-trans bigotry—a bigotry that is expanding to all members of the LGBTQ+ community.

And what can they look forward to, once they leave the military? If they need therapy, they’ll have to crowd into a cubicle with their therapist and hope a white noise machine keeps their discussion private. If our soldiers need other veteran care, including health, they’ll be waiting months because of a planned decimation of the Veterans Administration. In addition, veterans have long enjoyed greater access to good jobs in our federal government. Now these same veterans are losing their jobs by the tens of thousands.

And those still serving? They don’t know if they’ll be doing publicity work at the border, or instructed to give some of our nation’s most important secrets to frat boys and foreign operatives. They’re being told our closest allies are really our enemies and that ‘woke’ is a greater risk than Russian cyber hackers.

How can we face the soldiers on St. Patrick’s day, and pretend all of this is not happening? To ignore that these soldiers lives are being brutally unraveled but have no fear, the city will keep them safe from lipstick?

I understand the need for balance. One can’t live in a state of anger all the time, and that the St. Patrick’s parade is an important economic event for our area. But living in Savannah the last two months is like living in the fabled village of Brigadoon—cut off from the rest of the country by a determination not to acknowledge what’s happening to the country and its impact here.

People are being laid off here. Funds are being frozen here. Federal offices are being shut down here. Because of NOAA closures, we’re at greater risk from hurricanes. Our fishing industries will be impacted. Are Fort Stewart support personnel among those being fired? Can we even depend on FEMA the next Debby or Helene?

What impact will the obsessive focus on deporting longtime and law-abiding migrants have on our local economies?

How about our healthcare? Drastic cuts are threatened for Medicaid, we already know the Veterans Administrations health services are being cut, but we’re in the middle of a measles epidemic and told to slug down some carrots and all will be well. I paid the price this last week for forgetting my flu shot this last fall, but will I even have an option for a flu shot next fall?

Can we have clubs for women or Black people in our schools? Can we even mention the word ‘Black’? We can’t mention the word ‘inclusive’.

And don’t even get me started on the bird flu and the latest brainstorm from RFK Jr. I now predict the next time the bird flu hits one of our major egg producers in Georgia, instead of culling the herd to stop the threat, we’ll be spraying the birds with cod liver oil. Perhaps we’ll start a birdy meditation circle.

Feed them carrots.

The latest hit to our sanity is tariffs. Or I should say, will we won’t we tariff yes tariff no that has tanked the stock market.

Our media is filled with local news, and appropriately so. But what’s happening nationally is a local story. Aside from a too-rare piece that squeaks past the news desk now and again, no attempts seem to be made to connect what’s happening in the halls in DC to what we need to know, in the Savannah/Chatham county region or the greater coastal area.

Our leaders are focused on green fountains, too much traffic, and new ship-clearing bridges, which is understandable, and these are important…but communicating with the people about federal actions and their impacts on us here, locally, is also part of their job. Pretending nothing is happening amounts to a dereliction of duty.

(The only person speaking out seems to be Buddy Carter, and he’s reduced to absurdities in his desperate attempts to appeal to Trump’s ego.)

Worse, the silence from our local leaders signals there is no interest in challenging what’s happening at the federal level; that we will be the good little boys and girls and not rock the boat and hope that some crumbs of federal funds make their ways past the DOGE cuts.

Please, sirs, may we have some more?

While a part of me understands about not provoking either Trump or Musk—both known for their egos and their capacity for petty revenge—please, sirs, may we have some more sticks in my throat and leaves a bitter taste.

But … this didn’t start out to be a story about Trump and Musk and the destruction of our government. This is about St. Patrick’s Day and the famous Savannah St. Patrick’s Day parade. It’s about green beer (we can still say ‘green’) and the running of the squares and kissing the Irish and wonderful food and music.

And this is about watching the soldiers marching past, and keeping them lipstick free. Yes, that’s what this is about.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day.


Events of note Government Places

What’s worse than Trump/Vance on Ukraine? Congressional Republicans

I watched a partial video of a town hall by Roger Marshall, junior senator from Kansas. The topic was the Russian/Ukrainian war, and the Trump/Vance/Zelenskyy debacle on Friday.

Here’s how Republicans are spinning what happened with Trump and Vance when they ambushed Zelenskyy.

  1. The war did not have a beginning, it just magically happened.
  2. If it continues, it will be World War III, and let’s throw in nuclear to scare people.
  3. Europe should have stepped up. This is Europe’s fight, not ours.
  4. A million people have died.
  5. This is all Biden’s fault
  6. Trump just wants to have peace

This is the stuff you scrape off your boot after walking through a barnyard.

  1. The war did have a beginning. Putin was the aggressor. And when he promised not to be aggressive, he lied and became even more aggressive. What Putin wants is a Ukraine loyal to him, and he will accept nothing else.
  2. Putin is the one tossing out the threat of nuclear weapons, which to me, makes Russia a threat regardless of what’s happening in Ukraine.
  3. In close to three years, Europe has spent $138.7 billion on Ukraine, while the US has spent $119.7 billion. Europe stepped up.
  4. It’s difficult to count the numbers of dead and wounded. Russia isn’t honest with its counts, and Ukraine doesn’t have counts from occupied territories. But the likely number, though tragic and high, is not a million.
  5. This is Putin’s fault. According to Marshall, Republicans wanted funds for Ukraine but Biden said no. In actuality, it is primarily Congressional Democrats who fought for funds for Ukraine, while the GOP bickered among themselves. The only time the GOP pushed Biden to support Ukraine is shortly after he took office when they were the minority party. Once they took over the House, their interest in helping Ukraine drastically declined. It was up to the Democrats to put real money on the table.
  6. Trump wants tax cuts for the rich. Anything that takes money away from this one single goal is trash to him. Our government, our allies, our healthcare, people’s lives…if it takes money away from tax cuts for the rich, it’s trash to Trump. And Trump likes Putin, because Putin makes him feel special.

We supported Ukraine because it was a country with a true democracy invaded by a totalitarian aggressor intent on domination. And we have long known that Putin is a danger to more than Ukraine. I just never thought I would live to see a US President openly embrace Putin.


Marshall Town Hall video

Putin uses NATO as an excuse for his war against Ukrainian statehood

Bluff and bluster: Why Putin revised Russia’s nuclear doctrine

How much has the US given to Ukraine?

Fact check: Trump makes numerous false claims at Cabinet meeting

Republicans try to out-hawk Biden on Ukraine aid

Can Biden keep U.S. aid flowing to Ukraine amid GOP chaos in House?

Why are some Republicans opposing more aid for Ukraine?

What is the death toll of Russia’s war in Ukraine?



Dear Buddy Carter

In 2022, you asked us to pray for Ukraine.

You wrote:

Putin is the enemy of the free world and must be stopped.

Before party, we are Americans. And America has a responsibility to defend freedom. That is why I support Biden’s decision to sanction Russia’s banking industry.


But we have to do more.


Russia is no longer worthy of a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. I joined a resolution with several House colleagues calling for their removal.


We must crush Russia with economic sanctions, including the energy sector. They must be cut off from the free world economically and diplomatically to pay for Putin’s reign of terror.

In April, 2024 you wrote about peace through strength:

You don’t need me to tell you that we live in a dangerous world right now. Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel last weekend reminded us of that. Crime is rising here at home, our border is wide open, China is eyeing Taiwan, Russia is continuing its war against Ukraine, and Israel is fighting for its right to exist.


Putin, Xi, and Iran are, to use the words of Speaker Mike Johnson, a “new axis of evil.” Unfortunately, we have a leader, President Biden, who lacks the strength necessary to defend democracy and freedom abroad. His botched Afghanistan withdrawal, slow response to Russian aggression, appeasement of Iran, and failure to defend our nation’s borders have made our entire world less safe. Our enemies are watching this administration, and they’re liking what they’re seeing.

Our enemies are watching this administration, and they’re liking what they’re seeing.

You’ve never been shy about criticizing former President Biden for Putin’s actions and the war in Ukraine. So much so that I have to wonder about your total silence related to the ‘press conference’ (one could really call it an ambush) between Zelensky and Trump/Vance.

Never in the history of this country have we subjected a friend and ally to the treatment Zelenskyy received. Never have we seen a US President and Vice President chastise and bully a visiting dignitary like we did on Friday. And to see such a wholehearted embrace of Putin—Putin!—completely negates everything this country has accomplished for the last seventy years. More, it has negated everything this country has stood for, for 250 years.

And not one word from you. Not even a quiet murmur of “I say…”

I watched Secretary of State Rubio sit glumly on a couch next to VP Vance, a picture of misery, wanting to be anywhere but in that room. I watched amateur journalists ask profound questions like, “Why aren’t you wearing a suit,” as if Zelenskyy’s only concern was whether he should wear single-breasted or double.

(And many people on social media have noted that no one has ever asked Elon Musk this question. I guess US oligarchs can do what they want.)

Trump and Vance berated Zelenskyy, with petty demands for ‘thank yous’ and snide asides about him being the reason this war is still ongoing. Not one criticism of Putin. In fact, Trump praised Putin. Praised him to Zelenskyy’s face—praised the man who has decimated Ukraine, killing tens of thousands of people.

I’m astonished Trump didn’t repeat his earlier assertion that it was really Ukraine that started the war.

And what have we heard from some of your fellow Republican Congressional members?

Senator Graham:

“What I saw in the Oval Office was disrespectful, and I don’t know if we can ever do business with Zelenskiy again,” Graham, a close Trump ally, told reporters as he left the White House after the clash, which drove relations with Kyiv’s most important wartime ally to a new low.


“He either needs to resign and send somebody over that we can do business with, or he needs to change,” the South Carolina senator said.

And then there’s the House Speaker:

“Thanks to President Trump – the days of America being taken advantage of and disrespected are OVER,” Speaker Mike Johnson posted on X.


“Zelenskyy could have left the White House today with a peace deal for his country, ending this conflict. Instead, he chose to disrespect our President and nation,” Rep. Diane Harshbarger, R-Tenn., posted on X. “Thank you, President Trump and Vice President Vance, for standing up for our country!”

Not all Republicans were willing to sell out our country in abject fear of Trump.

Representative Don Bacon, a moderate Republican from Nebraska, threw his support behind Kyiv.


“A bad day for America’s foreign policy. Ukraine wants independence, free markets and rule of law. It wants to be part of the West. Russia hates us and our Western values. We should be clear that we stand for freedom,” he said in a statement.

But you? Not a peep. Not a word. You’ve sat silent through the destruction of our government, You’ve remained silent as good, hard-working government employees are fired solely to feed a score board. You’ve turned away as Trump has given Elon Musk virtual control over the country.

And now. The man who asked us to pray for Ukraine, and to show peace through strength and who admonished Biden because he supposedly didn’t do enough for Ukraine…

You stay silent while the President and Vice President of the United States wraps Ukraine up in pretty paper, and gifts it to Putin—not noticing, or caring, that the United States got tied up in the bow.


Buddy Carter: Pray for Ukraine

Buddy Carter: Peace Through Strength

Trump-Zelenskiy clash divides US Republicans, dims aid prospects

Democrats dismayed, Republicans applaud after White House says Trump kicked out Zelenskyy

Video of meeting


Volodymyr Zelenskyy prefers Zelenskyy, though Zelenskiy and Zelensky are also common spellings of his name


Government People

Dear Buddy Carter


Once won, not easily lost. But once lost, forever gone.

In his first month in office, Trump’s greatest harm has been to trust.

Our allies are no longer our allies, but our enemies, and trust between us has been shattered.

We supported Ukraine…until we didn’t, and somehow Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the fault of…Ukraine?

We have insulted our neighbor Mexico, and threatened tariffs that would harm our country as much as it.

We have derided Canada, this country’s closest friend. We have demanded they halt a nonexistent migrant flood or suffer devastating consequences…only to say, Ooops, we didn’t mean it, a week later.

We embrace dictators and celebrate oppressors, while dismissing democracy as some quaint old custom.

Trust has also been broken between government worker and employer. After months satisfying job requirements, and then packing up home and family to move near their job, employees are being summarily fired—not for any good reason, or for lack of ability, or even because the job isn’t necessary. No, the jobs are lost solely because some kids working for a man who is, and is not, working for, and is not working for, the Trump administration needs a bullet point for his “what I did last week.”

We’ve also lost the trust of individuals and organizations, both foreign and domestic. USAID was suddenly cut, stranding US workers in dangerous situations. We let food rot on our docks rather than send it to those who are hungry. A bipartisan government agency that amounted to less than 1% of our budget but resulted in positive outcomes throughout the world is gutted because it’s low-hanging fruit in some kind of DOGE numbers game that more closely resembles Path of Exile 2 than sound fiscal policy.

We’ve lost the trust of US farmers and companies who provided the goods USAID supplied, and whose bills are going unpaid because someone who does not know what they are doing is just stopping everything. It’s so easy to turn something off. Just flick a switch. And then walk away from the result.

States can’t trust that the federal government will follow through on commitments made. States can’t prepare communities for future hurricanes, or clear old mines and reclaim the land, or even ensure their citizens are employed because someone from DOGE thought they’d pad their ‘score’ board.

We’ve lost trust in the US government’s health system, once the finest in the world. Why? Because it’s now led by people who think Cheerios is more harmful than cancer, measles, and e.Coli.

Medical researchers can never trust our government’s commitment to long-term research efforts because the same silly kids who again do not know what they are doing, just stopped funding of efforts that could and would save lives.

Their reason? Because they can.

We can’t even get a break by going to one of our national parks, because we can’t trust they’ll be open because of job cuts.

As for yourself…Congressional Republicans have lost our trust because all of you have not made one move against all of these actions. Buddy, you’re normally a talkative kind of guy, but I’ve not heard a peep from you other than introduce a bill to buy Greenland and call it Red, White, and Blueland. Even though the actions the Trump administration take are blatantly illegal and threaten the Constitutional balance that has kept our country strong for 250 years.

When questioned, some Congressional members assure us that the courts are on the job. The courts will pick up the slack for Congress. Yes, sir, trust the courts.

The same members then move to impeach members of the courts.

When fear of Trump overrides the fundamental obligation Congressional members have to their constituents, Congress might as well not exist.

Trust. In just one month, so much trust has been destroyed. There may come a time in the future when more responsible leadership will work to bring together the remains of trust.

But the world will never look at this country the same way again. Government employees will never believe that doing a good job in a necessary task guarantees stability again. Businesses, farmers,  and nonprofits will never be able to depend on fiscal promises given again. Medical researchers will never know if the study they start now will actually be allowed to finish.

And we can never again fully trust that when we need the government, it will be there for us.

And you, Buddy. Will we in Georgia ever be able to trust you again?

Trust. Once broken, gone forever.


Trump says Ukraine started the war that’s killing its citizens.

Historian Anne Applebaum breaks down what Trump’s alignment with Russia means

US joins Russia to vote against UN resolution condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine

Trump says Canada and Mexico tariffs are ‘going forward’ with more import taxes to come

Nearly $500m of food aid at risk of spoilage after Trump USAid cuts

Billions of dollars at stake for farmers hit by Trump funding freeze, pause on foreign aid

Small businesses struggle to find their footing one month into Trump 2.0

Iowa pauses work restoring dangerous abandoned mines over federal funding uncertainty

Savannah’s Springfield Canal stormwater project likely casualty of Trump cuts

Amid Chaos, New Report Reveals 40 Percent of DOGE Cuts Save No Money

The Blinding Contempt of the DOGE bros

600 civilian employees at Tinker Air Force Base face termination amid workforce shakeup

A closer look at RFK, Jr.’s stance on ultra-processed foods

Kennedy says panel will examine childhood vaccine schedule after promising not to change it

Trump halts medical research funding in apparent violation of judge’s order

Canceled meetings and confusion: NIH grant funding in limbo despite court injunction

Elon Musk says federal employees must either document their work — or lose their jobs

Fired federal workers hunt for new jobs but struggle to replace their old ones

Federal Personnel Office Tells Agencies That Musk’s Directive Is ‘Voluntary

Fired in Trump’s chaotic purge, an Army vet says he’s never felt more betrayed

GOP lawmakers confronted by constituents angry with Trump-Musk cuts

Trump’s GOP allies bombard judges with impeachment threats

Musk calls for impeachment after Baltimore judge blocks Trump’s DEI executive order

Concern grows as Arizona national park closes visitor centers


Messages to Representative Buddy Carson, First District, Georgia

Climate Change Diversity Government Savannah

Savannah’s Springfield Canal stormwater project likely casualty of Trump cuts

Trump’s first action on becoming President was a wholesale revocation of several Biden Executive Office actions, leading to closure of many vital programs. One of these programs is called the Justice40 initiative.

For the first time in our nation’s history, the Federal government has made it a goal that 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain Federal climate, clean energy, affordable and sustainable housing, and other investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution.

By killing the Executive Order that created this initiative, Trump has likely also killed all FEMA funding for a Savannah project to manage stormwater flooding in the Springfield Canal area.

The Justice40 Initiative was a way of allocating resources to historically underserved communities, such as the Carver Village and Cloverdale neighborhoods near the Canal. It wasn’t race-based and in fact made a point of excluding race in its criteria. However, it is a fact that many of the underserved communities in this country are made up of people of color. And because the majority of communities of people of color will benefit, the funding is targeted. The existence of “DEI” is the excuse, but really it is withholding funds that don’t benefit majority white people.

Currently, freezing of these funds is being held up by a court order, though the enforcement of the order is hit and miss. However, because of the association of the funds with environmental justice (“DEI”), and climate change, there’s a strong likelihood the funding will be lost.

It’s difficult to discern from the state of chaos currently in effect in the government, but the funding for the Basin flood control may already have been rescinded.

The state of Georgia, being Republican-led, didn’t join with the other states who have sued the Trump administration to ensure that funding that is promised is delivered. And the states lawsuit court order only extends to the Democrat-led states who filed the complaint However, thankfully,  nonprofits also sued to stop the funding freeze, and this may protect the funding for the project. For now.

If the funding is terminated, Savannah will likely have to sue directly to attempt to enforce the previously approved support, or perhaps get funding from the state of Georgia, instead.

Or wait another four years for a different President.