Diversity XHTML/HTML

The women of XML

Dare Obasanjo wrote a terrific post in response to my noticing that the Applied XML Conference had no women speakers. He listed out several women in the XML world who would be great speakers, several of whom I was familiar and agree with him, 100%.

In particular, I would be intrigued by a presentation by Lanqing Dai, who is now working with WinFS, but used to work with the XmlDocument class. The subject of WinFS came up in conversation in a thread associated with a post I wrote over at Practical RDF, and I’ve been wanting to learn more about it.

(Yes, time to drop some of my bias about Longhorn and take a closer look at the technologies.)

Another person to add to this list of exceptional XML leaders and practioners would be Dorothea Salo, who recently gave a tutorial on XML classification systems at Extreme Markup, and who was also one of my tech editors for the Practical RDF book.

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