Legal, Laws, and Regs

Those poor Exxon executives

I don’t hide the fact that I hold today’s sitting Supreme Court justices in disdain. There’s no reason to look further for my reasons than what was reported by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post; about the Exxon Valdez, and the Supreme Court’s concerns about the poor Exxon executives, and what is becoming known as the Supreme Court Corporate Two-Step.

The notion of the justices pulling a number out of thin air seemed a bit too neat for an oil spill that spoiled 1,200 miles of Alaska’s coastline. But then the argument had less to do with the dead marine animals and ruined fishermen than with an obscure maritime law case from 1818 called The Amiable Nancy– or, as Scalia put it, the ” Amiable Whatever It Is.”

As the justices probed the intricacies of the laws of the sea, Ginsburg discussed Rule 50. Kennedy invoked Instruction 30, Instruction 33 and Instruction 36. Spectators showed evidence of drowsiness. Reporters yawned — at least until they were jolted awake by an alarming prospect raised by Ginsburg, who spoke about “a new trial” and the “next time around.”

A new trial? After 19 years of legal fighting? Out on the plaza after the argument, Brian O’Neill, one of the Alaska victims’ lawyers, conceded that, whatever the Supreme Court’s ruling, Exxon had already won. “I guess the lesson you learn,” he said, “is that if you’re big and powerful enough, you can bring the system to a halt.”

Thank you Tortdeform.

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