

I have not been taking many pictures. This last winter, circumstances were such that I didn’t have much opportunity. Now, I’m more of a mood to go for walks without the camera. Still, spring is pretty here, though cloudy this year.

This fine fellow is a wood duck, considered the prettiest duck there is. I’ve always been fond of these creatures because they have the most unusual personality. They’re very shy, but also opportunistic. The female seems more dominant than with other duck species. And the males will stare at you, fixedly with blood red eyes, which can be somewhat unnerving.

The photos don’t do the birds, either male or female, justice–their colors are brilliant during the winter months.

male wood duck

female wood duck

This is also a test of another piece of functionality I’m trying to create. This one is a replacement upload page for WordPress that allows one to upload a photo to the server, to Flickr, or to S3 (or any other site that provides an API). It also allows you to specify class names for the image, the link surrounding the image, and a way of specifying size.

Does some ‘stuff’ with metadata, too. You know, stuff.

It needs a great deal of work, still. When finished, I’ll provide the functionality as a plugin for those interested.


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