
Favorite posts

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The pending Blogicon items have been moved into their permanent Blogicon home. In their place I’ve linked to my favorite weblog posts.

In many cases, my favorite posts have been your favorites too. In fact, for some of the posts, I included the link not because of what I wrote, but because of what y’all wrote.

Speaking of y’all, a discussion rages on this term at Justin’sMark’sDaniel’s, and elsewhere.

From my own upbringing, y’all is equivalent to how Justin sees it. We must share the same roots somewhere.



Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I finally re-designed the Blogicon to its new look, and added anchor tags for each item; you can now link directly to an item. I need to add the new items into the page, as well as add in some attributional links.

As you can see, the page design was blatantly stolen from Google. I’m sure that they’ll let me know if they don’t like me using it. They could sue me but all they’ll get is a giggle because that much squeezing tickles.

Now, after my massive labor, I’m going to take my lazy butt out of my chair where it’s been planted for the last few days and walk down to Farmer’s Market for fresh olive bread and other California comestibles. And then back to work on a longish weblog posting, which I’ll post later tonight.


A cup of coffee

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Dropped a cup of coffee on my light colored Berber carpet this morning. Well, doesn’t this type of thing start your day off right?

Speaking of coffee, and conversations over same that occur between friends, I found this week that I had lost a friend. No, no, not that kind of loss. The person is whole and healthy and happy.

No, what happened was the start of a conversation where one begins to fill in the blanks; the fun process of discovery and shared communication. And then events changed, and perspectives changed, and communication stopped, and a friendship died aborning. You don’t have years invested so you can’t cry tears when a friendship stops before it even has a chance to start. However, you’re left with the feeling of reaching out for the brass ring, and then the ride ends.

Time for another rub at the carpet with my handy spray bottle of Simple Green. Wouldn’t it be nice if they invented transparent coffee?

Just Shelley

Dream a little dream

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper “I love you”
Birds singing in a sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me.

Mama’s and Papa’s Dream a Little Dream of Me

I can’t possibly be the only person who builds up unrealistic expectations, only to have the dawn of day and the smell of coffee make you realize that honey child, you can dream all you want, you’re just not going to get what you’re dreaming for. Of. About. Is that a dangling participle?


Short form, Long form

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I can see that others have added some input to the short form, long form, RSS debate, including our own Mike SandersMeryl Yourish, and dare I say community newcomer, Will Leshner, as well as Dave (of course), and Jon Udell.

I think in some ways, Jon, you and I will probably never agree on the importance of RSS, because you see weblogs as a source of information, and RSS enables this. I see weblogs as part of my community, interconnecting with other communities through links related to stories, or meeting within comments or even blogrolls. Your approach is automation, my approach is less efficient, but effective for me.

Ultimately in the end, as Meryl eloquently puts it, there is no right or wrong way to write a weblog. And RSS is just an associated technology — nothing more, nothing less.