
Time for more noise

Time for more noise:

Oh this is number one
And the fun has just begun

Roll me over lay me down and do it again
Roll me over in the clover, roll me over lay me down and do it again

Sing louder! I can’t hear you!

New version of the words. Does anyone know where I can find a complete recording on the song, online? Regardless of the version?


I like San Francisco

Ev has posted a lovely picture of San Francisco.

The pier is about a 10 minute walk from my place.

Yeah, I like San Francisco, too. I love the Bay.


The iMac

The iMac — nice product, strange package, seems to be a good value

Radio 8.0 — commercial alternative to Blogger, Greymatter, and Movable Type, positive reviews, good price

I’m happy to see folks excited about technology, again. This is a goodness.

However, I can’t stand the noise any longer! First we’re slammed with egg white iMacs; then we’re hit with 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8!


I thought I would provide some noise of my own. Ladies, if you please:

Roll me over lay me down and do it again
Roll me over in the clover, roll me over lay me down and do it again

.wav format
mp3 format

(P.S. Thou art mortal. Thou art mortal.)

Technology Weblogging

The AOL effect

I couldn’t figure out what it reminded me of — all these Radio 8.0 weblogs hitting all at once. It was familiar, I’d seen this before.



“just testing”

“Hello World”

Then I remembered…

It was just like the day when AOL released six million newbies on to the Usenet — all at once.

Just Shelley

Meet Golden Girl

My very first car.

She has a cuter butt than I do.


It’s metallic gold, with a spoiler on the back, 16 inch sporty looking wheels and a great sound system. She drives like a dream and stops on a dime. I’m calling her Golden Girl and Marvin’s going to look very cool sitting on the dash.

Hey, if the Userland folks can stuff the airways, continuously waxing poetic about Radio 8.0, I sure as hell can do a little verbal drooling for my very first car, can’t I?

What’s worse — I’ll be posting photos later today. Lucky you.