

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I thought it was serendipitous to read this cricket match coverage pointed to by Michael O’Connor Clarke. How refreshing to see a writer going over the edge. Live.. And to do it with such panache, too.

The serendipity enters because I can identify, strongly, with the writer. I can barely finish editing the RDF book being so completely burned out as a technical writier. It happens to us sometimes: we meet that book that takes everything out of us and leaves us drained. Usually at this point we head off into the wilderness – to the Technical Writer graveyard.

I began the first chapter of the book with the parable about the elephant and the blind wise men. I compared RDF to the elephant and all those interested in RDF as the blind men, each feeling a different part of the specification, each describing a different creature from their limited perceptions. However, my job in the book is to take each of these men and guide them all around the elephant until their completely different views agree.

Did I happen to mention that these men spit and kick?

Seriously, I’m not sure if it was all the re-writes, or all the disparate suggestions, or the sheer difficulty trying to find a simple way expressing a complex theory, but I reached my limit, and my days of writing technology are over. I can feel it. This book is my swan song in the tech book biz. Mu opus. After 14 or so books, I’ve tech talked enough.

Another bit of serendipity: I also read in AKMA’s weblog about a request for a Trackback for Dummies. Six months ago I would have jumped at this. Taking a complex subject and making it understandable to a mass audience, without talking down to the folks, now that’s an interesting challenge. I would have felt up for it. Six months ago, I was prime.

Now, the thought of trying to write anything like this makes me physically feel ill. I hope someone writes this. Someone will. But not me.

I imagine after this, all of the technical weblogs that have linked to me will remove their links. No more RDF. No more RSS. Not even a hint of weblogging technology. I am a sad disappointment.

Guess I’ll just have to settle for writing about life, instead. Sans royalties.


No Green for me

In between checking out the many different peace protests planned for the St. Louis area, trying to decide if I want to participate in a planned civil disobedience protest at the local Boeing plant, I remembered that yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day. Considering that I’m half Irish – really Irish, not the Kiss Me I’m Irish Irish – you might be a bit surprised that I didn’t flaunt the green. Well, to understand this, you need to know a bit of Powers clan history.

You see, my grandfather’s family left Ireland in the latter part of the 1800’s entering in the United States through Canada, where I still have distant cousins in the Novia Scotia area. Our first stop was in New Hampshire, specifically in the Portsmouth region where my grandfather met my grandmother, who happened to be a Pickering.

This could be a lovely tale of true love except for a wee problem – my grandfather’s family was strict Catholic and the Pickering’s were Protestant. In fact, the Pickering’s were old family in Massachusetts, old enough to be tainted with British blood, silver cup Protestant and all, but we don’t hold that against my grandmother. Over a bit of telling and a pint, Grandmother is as Irish as they come (ignoring all my distant cousins in Portsmouth).

However, when my grandfather married my grandmother, he pissed all sorts of relatives off, most of whom washed their hands of our family, on their way to their new home in Boston.

Now, my grandmother’s family wasn’t as opinionated about religion as my grandfather’s, but they thought my grandmother could do better than a shanty town Irishman. This is patently unfair because the Powers clan was good honest laborers, descended from Irish royalty. In fact, I still have distant cousins who work at the Waterford factory in Ireland. Instead of being shanty town Irish, we were lace curtain Irish I’ll have you know.

Regardless of the Pickering silver cup rejection of my lace curtain Irish grandfather, my grandmother was not a woman who liked to be pushed around and she married my grandfather over her family’s objections.

(I have a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that I resemble her to a great deal, including the green eyes, dark auburn/silver Celtic hair, and height – she was close to six feet tall and this is at the turn of the century.)

Still, it’s hard to make a start when surrounded by such disapppointment. The only thing for the newly created Powers-Pickering clan to do at this point was to move to the west and to become Episcopalian.

(Now, Grandmother wasn’t the only Pickering to move west. From what my father has told me, I have distant cousins all throughout the west, including one known to be a horse thief in Yakima. Dad said he was hung. Strung up. Hanged by the neck until no longer kicking.)

After moving to Seattle, my grandfather started a auto repair place in Seattle and he and my grandmother began a family consisting of four boys and one girl (who later became a Jehovah Witness). It wasn’t long after my youngest uncle was born that my grandmother died. This broke my grandfather’s heart and he turned to drink, eventually drinking himself into an early grave. My father and his brothers and sister were shipped out to various family members to raise at that point.

My father and one of his brothers spent a fair amount of time with one uncle who was a fur trapper, living in the back woods of Canada. My Dad liked the cabin, though he got a bit tired of the snow after a time. My mother still has the old snow shoes my father used to wear to get around in during his stay in Canada. Eventually, though, the family thought my father and his brother needed to learn a bit more than fur trapping, so he found a relatively permanent home with my great aunt, my grandfather’s sister, in Seattle.

Now, where does this all lead back to my not celebrating St. Pat’s day? Well, you see, I found out most of this history when another cousin removed was doing geneaology research as part of her conversion to the Mormon faith. She contacted the Irish Catholic cousins in the Boston area during her efforts, telling them of her conversion in the process. Well, this so offending that part of the family that they vowed never to have anything to do with those of us who gave up the Godly ways of the one, true church, to live a life of heathenish sin in the west.

Well, the Powers-Pickering clan isn’t what you would call overly sensitive or refined, but even we know a rebuff when we get one. We vowed to never darken their doors again, and rejected all aspects of our Irish Catholic heritage. Just the mention of St. Patrick or the wearing o’ the green and you can see the hairs rise on the back of any number of second, third, and fourth cousins necks. We’d sooner vote Republican.

So while the rest of you were doing your best to get drunk on ale and stout and green beer, and eating boiled dinner, and watching lithesome young maids dancing about, I was at home quietly refraining from any such nonsense, preferring to spend my time listening to the President.

And you can believe every bit of this story, because I’m Irish, and we Irish, we never tell tales.

Next time, remind me to tell you about my Welsh grandfather who could sing like a prince, and had magic in his soul.


Unpatriotic to not support the President

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The Republicans and the White House have called Democrats “unpatriotic” for speaking out against the upcoming battle with Iraq. Senator Kennedy asked the question that still waits answer: How much is this going to cost. Senator Daschle declares that Bush has failed diplomacy. Both are declared to be unpatriotic.

But then, I’m also unpatriotic, because I think Bush has an agenda that doesn’t serve this country. That’s speaking out, so therefore I’m unpatriotic. In fact, I’m a traitor, which is what one of the people called those of us who participated in the candlelight vigil on Sunday.

I have a poster I’d like to hang in my window. It shows a peace sign with a yellow ribbon, with the words “Bring them home now”. I like it because it shows that I support the military, but not the war. I won’t display it, though, because I have a cat; I’m concerned that if I put the poster up, someone will throw a brick through the window and my cat will get out, and get lost or killed – she has no commonsense at all.

After President Bush’s speech yesterday, from one moment to next, the stakes have changed for those of us who continue to protest the President’s actions, in Iraq and at home.


Light a candle for peace

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

It is better to light a candle
than to curse the darkness.

Mother Teresa


Over 300 people showed up to light a candle for peace. They lined both sides of the street and stretched a couple of blocks. For the most part, those in the cars who passed between raised their thumbs and honked in support; however, there were a few that were emphatically Bush supporters.

About half way through the hour long vigil, one lone dissenter showed up – a middle age man who stood across the street, holding up a Marine Corp flag. He nodded pleasantly at the people holding the candles; they waved back.

The people were smiling, but quiet, subdued. That moment of truth weighed heavy, as we stood shoulder to shoulder in an unbroken line of flickering light, sending a message of hope as ephemeral as the flame.



Moment of Truth

Reading a Sydney Morning Herald report from reporters in Baghdad. The author writes:

In 1991, the coded messages gave us 1 hours’ to 2 hours’ notice. But for now, the next best indication of imminent action will be the UN’s withdrawal of the weapons inspectors and the evacuation of the last remaining members of the diplomatic community.

In a story at ABC News

The United Nations flew most of its helicopters out of Iraq on Sunday, and Germany advised its citizens to leave the country immediately amid mounting fears of war with the United States.

Iraq is now on war footing, with Saddam Hussein vowing to take this war everywhere, and Bush issuing a global ultimatum:

Tomorrow is a moment of truth for the world.

Yes, but whose truth?

When we lived in Vermont, my cat once caught a tiny deer mouse. You know the kind of mouse I’m talking about – tiny little body and huge ears and eyes. Zoe played with it and batted it about and tortured that little thing until we forced it from her, and put it out of its misery.

If we’re going to have this war then let’s have it so that we can face the aftermath. Let’s stop with the pretenses, and the phony summits, and the press releases, and Powell saying one thing while Cheney says another. If we’re going to rain bombs on Baghdad, let’s do so and quickly, rather than leave the people of that city in terror. Let’s stop toying with Iraq and move in for the kill.

In two hours I’m going to join a couple of hundred people holding up candles against the warm spring breeze, murmuring words of peace. But inside there’s a part of me that wishes the war would just start, so it could be over.
