Just Shelley

How are you tonight?

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Just peachy. How are you?

I opened the refrigerator and found it and everything in it completely covered with diet Coke. Diet coke with lime, to be exact, a brand new flavor I’m trying (but regret ever so much because I feel as if my tongue has been dipped in furniture polish after drinking a can). The can had been pushed back next to the wall of the refrigerator on the top shelf; combined with a full freezer resulted in the can freezing and then bursting in a beautiful explosion that managed to cover everything quite nicely.

After I had hauled everything out and cleaned down the sides and shelves with soda-water, I noticed that I had a series of jars with only a dib of this and a dab of that so I tossed them. I then noticed that several other things had passed expiration, so tossed them, too. I washed the eggs off and lined them up neatly in the door, and put everything away, dairy here, cokes there. In the front.

But what’s a clean inside if the outside is dusty, and stained.

Nothing shows up dingy cupboards like a clean refrigerator.

When was the last time I moved the microwave and cleaned thoroughly underneath it?

Why is it that stainless steel sinks stain?

The oven smokes so when I use it. Sets off the fire alarm.

The cans and boxes in the open pantry shelves along the wall are all disorganized, and older stuff has been pushed to the back.

You know, I really love copper, it’s my favorite metal. That huge copper vent and hood over the freestanding stove has years of grime and tarnish covering it . I wonder what it will look like polished and clean?

The birds are building nests. Look at that silly finch trying to haul that huge piece of weed across the ground. Easier to see when the windows in the french doors are clean.

The floor. Nothing better than a freshly scrubbed and waxed floor.

Now I’m left with the can, which I’ve decided to keep. It’s a pretty can. It reminds me of nights when I wake, unexpectedly. It looks familiar.



Shock blogging

Articles are now appearing that the FCC is going to be going after stations carrying the nation’s shock jocks, including Howard Stern. In fact, he is going to be the organization’s number one target, which isn’t surprising because he is the number one rated shock jock in the nation.

The FCC is also lobbying for setting higher fines, a move that the Public Relations Society of America believes could impact on First Amendment’s freedom of speech unless the FCC also provides more explicit guidelines about what is ‘obscenity’:

“The problem is that the FCC never has spelled out what’s permissible and what’s not permissible,” said Reed Bolton Byrum, APR, immediate past president of PRSA. “‘When in doubt, leave it out’ cannot be an acceptable policy in a democracy that depends on free and open discussion. And, if we start losing small, independent broadcasters because they can’t afford the risk of getting fined on some arbitrary application of a vague standard, all we’ll have left are a few big media companies. And the fewer entities there are, the easier it will be to control them.” “As Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once observed, ‘Censorship reflects society’s lack of confidence in itself,’” Byrum added.

To underscore the vagueness of the FCC regulations, PRSA pointed to the widely publicized use of the “F” word by rock star Bono in a live broadcast on an awards program. The FCC ruled that was not obscene because it was just an epithet and not a reference to a sexual act and did not impose a fine. In the wake of the recent imbroglio, FCC Chairman Powell says he thinks the commission erred in that decision.

Unlike Canada’s Broadcast Standards, which provide specific detailed information about what is and is not permissible (such as derogatory material based on race or sex), the FCC’s guidelines have been kept deliberately vague, relying on each community to determine what is or is not obscene in their area. The only law specified is the following:

Obscene speech is not protected by the First Amendment and cannot be broadcast at any time. To be obscene, material must meet a three-prong test:

An average person, applying contemporary community standards, must find that the material, as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;

The material must depict or describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable law; and

The material, taken as a whole, must lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

The average person in this country doesn’t even know what prurient means, much less have the ability to objectively define the artistic value of any given material. However, this definition was not derived by the FCC–it is from two rulings by the Supreme court based on landmark cases: Roth v. United States and Miller v. California. It is the second case where the three-prong approach to judging obscenity arose; a measure to allow individual communities to set their own standards, but unfortunately, leaving a great deal of vagueness in the interpretation. (More at the First Amendment Center.)

(As a side note, I don’t agree with the new FCC fines and feel they are an election year gambit, and that they are going to adversely impact on broadcast television and radio. However, by taking such a foolishly extreme measure, I think this action will backfire and eventually this issue will most likely appear back in the Supreme Court, primarily because of the vagueness of the wording, and the extreme nature of the penalities. In addition, this is further complicated by the FCC allowing mergers that are putting most of the broadcast media into the control of large media corporations. Personally, I think this is a greater violation of the public’s right to an unfettered and free media than the obscenity laws.)

As coincidence would have it, Howard Stern’s movie Body Parts was on cable last night and I watched it. It was an interesting flick and I liked how the movie managed the seque between scenes. It also provides some insight into Howard Stern’s head. He at one point decided that he was going to say whatever he wanted to say on the air, regardless of the consequences. As he told it, he was going to be completely honest on the air.

One can admire a person who wants to be honest on the air. However, the movie also showed a Howard Stern who betrayed confidences of friends and family, manipulated people to his own ends, and who valued being on the air, the larger the market, the better, above all else. Additionally, his movie, like his broadcasts, seems to imply that he just can’t understand why people are offended at what he says, and it isn’t his fault if they are. This plaint of “it’s not my fault” and “nobody understands me” reminded me forcibly of the new Bush ad Safer, Stronger with its implications of a whiney President going “It’s not my fault the country is so fucked up.”

In some ways Stern is a champion of free speech, but from the movie and all I’ve read, he’s really interested only in his own free speech, and could care less about anyone else’s. In fact, Stern’s main interest in the First Amendment is as a silent but key player in his act.

As I’ve said before, this puts me into a quandary. On the one hand, I believe that speech should be protected, even speech that I find offensive. On the other hand, I dislike having to protect something I value so much, freedom of speech, by supporting someone who values it so little. Still, the measure of a belief occurs when that belief is challenged to an extreme, and if Howard Stern’s Constitutionally protected free speech is abrogated, I would have to support him.

But it is not.

All the FCC can do is levy fines on radio stations that carry material deemed obscene. It cannot imprison or force off the air any one person. In addition, the FCC’s jurisdiction ends at the end of the public broadcast airwaves. In other words, it has no say in what appears on cable, satellite, in print, or on the Internet. Why? Because these means of communication must be deliberately invited into a person’s home; they are not carried as part of a open signal that can’t be blocked. In fact, it is because these signals can’t be blocked that an organization like the FCC was originally created. Long, long ago.

If Stern’s stations can no longer afford to carry him, then he can move to cable or satellite, book or print, or even the Internet. However, and this is a key factor, he may lose income in this move; he’ll definitely lose some audience in this move. But, the First Amendment does not guarantee that everyone have equal access to the airwaves, or that a person’s income is protected–it only concerns free speech.

As much as free speech does interest me, Howard Stern does not so why am I returning to this topic? Because of a phenomena I’ve noticed in weblogging this week, and a scene in Body Parts that seems to provide some explanation for it.

In the scene, an NBC employee is telling the NBC Program Manager who had been trying to force Howard Stern off the air that Stern’s audience spent more time listening to him than listeners of other radio shows. Paraphrasing because I don’t have the exact words, on average a person listens to only 15 minutes of an typical broadcast; however Stern’s fans would listen to over an hour of his broadcast.

“Why”, said the Program Manager.

“Because they want to hear what Howard will say next.”

“Yeah, but what about the people who don’t like Stern”, asks the Program Manager.

“They listen on an average of over two hours per broadcast.”

The incredulous Program Manager asks why.

“Because they want to hear what Howard will say next.”

I got a chuckle out of this because I’ve been following, with fascination, Jeff Jarvis rather histrionic support of Howard Stern in his daily Howard Stern updates. With each, his readers repeat the same arguments I have also given. More so, many ask why he keeps repeating Howard Stern posts daily–why doesn’t he move on?

But look Jarvis’ posts. Look at the comment count for each. For most of the posts, he gets on average less than 10 comments. However, with a typical Stern post the comment count is usually over 50 comments. Or more. Most disagreeing with Jarvis, and most repeating the same argument over and over.


I thought I was the center of the Universe

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Returning to Halley Suitt’s writing, Delacour Rapprochement, she responds to Jonathon Delacour’s and Stavros’ statement about being “half a planet away from the action” with:

One of the things he mentions is how he and Stavros The WonderChicken live far away from some of us bloggers who hang out in Boston, SF, NY. I was very interested in that, just thinking about it the other day, not in terms of living near bloggers, but rather, thinking about how few people you see in any given day and our lives are lived – even in this jet-set world – in very local ways. If your local neighborhood includes Harvard University or Times Square or The Golden Gate Bridge, you do have a different “local” experience over a lifetime which some may call elite, but this is where we live. I don’t know if I want to apologize for it, but as I mentioned in my post “The Star You Are” it’s disingenuous to pretend it’s not part of the game here.

It is funny, but when I read both of the gentlemen’s use of this term, I read it as their being half way around the planet from the United States, not specifically Boston or New York or San Francisco. Within the given context of BloggerCon, this is Boston-based primarily because Dave Winer hosts the event there, not specifically because it was a a global center for weblogging.

I have lived in both Boston and San Francisco, and they are interesting communities, with lively histories and culture. They are both known for their universities, as well as being technical centers. However, considering that all webloggers aren’t academic, nor are they technical, I’m not sure where the implicit understanding of these two locations being focal points comes from, other than both locations have been the center of technical conferences.

(I do understand where the New York reference came from – New York and New Yorkers have always considered themselves the center of the known universe.)

I’ve known Stavros for close to three years, *Mr. Delacour for over two, and Ms. Suitt just over a year. Among the people they know or have known are folks who live in Wisconsin, Tacoma, Tennessee, Chicago, Georgia, Japan, Canada, various places in upstate New York, the UK, and yes, in Boston and San Francisco–but not to the exclusion of any other location. So I am puzzled by Ms. Suitts assertion that Harvard University, Times Square, and the Golden Gate Bridge provide some form of elite background.

I worked at Harvard Business School, and it was an interesting place. It’s a very pretty campus, and famous, but so is Indiana University, Washington University here in Missouri, Perdue, Yale, and, well, I could go on. Times Square is cool. I always try to visit Times Square when I visit New York. It’s a wild place, primarily because you’ll never know what or who you’ll meet there. But elite? Not unless you want to count the guy trying to sell fake diamond watches on the street.

Then there is the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge. It is a treasure, and still one of my favorite places. What’s remarkable about it is how accessible it is. No matter what time of day or the weather, you can always find a quiet spot on the beach by the Bridge.

I am belaboring a point at Ms. Suitt’s expense and for that I apologize to her. She is only reflecting what is an unspoken assumption among American bloggers, which is these locations are the places to be. There’s always a conference, or symposia, or some blogger get together that features at least one, possibly more A-List bloggers. Even those of us within the US can feel half a planet away from the action sometimes.

But it’s really only an illusion, smoke and mirrors.

Ms. Suitt also wrote:

I want be a writer when I grow up. It’s not easy to make a living being a writer. It’s easier to get paid to write if people know who the hell you are. I do want people to know who the hell I am, because I want them to read what I write. I want to be paid for what I write.

If Stavros or Mr. Delacour were to visit from South Korea or Australia, I would first give them both **huge hugs and big, wet kisses–on the cheek, I hasten to add, lest some think I’m propositioning them here, in my weblog. I would show them my home and places I love, and wine them and dine them and delight in finally meeting them. I would ask who they would want to see and I’d load them tenderly into Golden Girl and take them anywhere they want to go. We could go to Washington, or even North to BC. How about close to home and Chicago? Texas? No problem. Georgia? You got it. Boston? It would be my honor.

But even if, as is likely, we never meet, nothing would change. My interest in them wouldn’t suddenly fade away, because it is their writing that attracted me to their spaces and it is still their writing that brings me back. Them boys, they be damn fine writers. And so is Ms. Suitt.

The only geography important to writing is your head. Writing isn’t who you know or where you live, it’s what you put on the page. You can’t write when you’re at a party, or a blogger dinner, or conference; all the parties and dinners and conferences in the world aren’t going to make you a better writer.

As for fame, there’s no guarantee that even the best writing in the world will make you rich and famous; being included within a weblog won’t make that writing somehow more lucrative. A few people have received professional gigs, writing and otherwise, because of their weblogs and their popularity and who they know. They will always be the very rare exception. Folks saying otherwise, and I’m not including Ms. Suitt in this, are doing everyone a disservice by implying that weblog popularity provides some form of shortcut to glory and fame.

Ms. Suitt seems to agree with this:

I came to blogging as a writer. Did I come to blogging to become a famous writer? No, I think I came to blogging just to write.

Walk down the street right now, no matter where you are. Ask the first person you meet who Glenn Reynolds or Dave Winer are. Then ask them who Janet Jackson is. Every time you confuse weblogging with fame and fortune, repeat this exercise, but replace Janet Jackson because fame is fleeting.

*I’m trying out Joseph Duemer’s use of formal last names rather than the more familiar first names when discussing ideas rather than people. There has been discussion that the use of first names can personalize conversations, which can lead to misunderstandings. In addition, use of first names may make new readers feel more excluded from the discussion.

**Well, there goes my attempt to withhold undue familiarity.


Feministe on Rape

Feministe has an extraordinary essay today on Rape is a Men’s Issue. She writes:

My boyfriend roasted a customer at work this week for his choice of attire. A college student walked into his store wearing a “Free Kobe” t-shirt. When B saw the smug student wearing the shirt, he whipped his head around, put on his meanest face and snapped, “That shirt is fucking stupid.”

The kid looked shocked, Bryan said, and it was clear he felt something akin to shame or stupidity. Good.

However, many of the young men that Bryan work with were unaware of what the shirt meant. When Bryan explained that Kobe Bryant was on trial for rape, they understood, but didn’t seem to bothered by the ordeal or the provocative nature of wearing that offensive attire. That complacency bothers me.

I keep wondering how many people are out there wearing the same shirt.

As she finds out, too many. And more.

Excellent points, and excellent writing.

(The font is a bit small so wear your glasses, don’t miss any of the words.)

Weblogging Writing

Sleepless in St. Louis

If you were up in the wee hours of a St. Louis night, last night, you would have noticed me publish and then pull a couple of posts, which I then re-published this morning. Last night was another difficult, sleepless night for me, and sometimes I write things I’m not sure I want to publish: the first because it does reflect on friends of mine (and concerns that I’m breaking a confidence); the second because sometimes in the wee hours of the morning, I am a moral coward.

However, I’ve been assured that no confidences have been broken in regards to the first, and as for the second, in the morning I am always a tigress, hear me roar. I may be inspired by the night, but I’m emboldened by the morning.

My sleepless nights are due in some part to attempting to live life as a writer, as Halley Suitt puts it. Though I want to make further comment on her geographical ruminations in a later post, for now I can agree with Ms. Suitt when she writes, It’s not easy to make a living being a writer. Even being known, especially being known primarily in weblogging circles, is no guarantee of success when it comes to selling books or articles.

(Especially not when you write a book on something like RDF and most of your readers aren’t technical, aren’t interested in RDF, or both, as sales seem to indicate. I should either write about sex, dieting, or having sex while you are dieting.)

Unless you’re JK Rowley or Stephen King, most fulltime writers live in a permanent state of hunger; spending an amazing amount of time thinking of new article and book ideas, looking for new publication sources, and searching for other sources of income in between those times when actually working on one’s current book (three chapters of which will earn the next installment in the advance and thus one can pay for one’s car, not to mention that the kitty cat needs to have her teeth cleaned).