People Semantics

Danny gets sudsy

Recovered from Wayback Machine.

Mark Woodman did a nice interview with Danny Ayers on life, love, corner offices overlooking chicken coops, and cats.

Weeellll, not really. The focus of the interview was Danny’s steadfast work with XML, RDF, Atom, and his new book, Beginning RSS and Atom (an excellent book, by the way, and rich with detail and Lotsa Code).

Danny talks about RSS 1.0 and how the old gray mare ain’t what she used to be…well….actually, she is what she used to be. Anyway, he says not to discount the old girl just yet. Now the rest of the world is into Meta, her time has come.

One thing, though — RSS 1.0 is not RDF. By this, I don’t mean it’s not based on the RDF model, and created using RDF/XML. No, I mean that the two are not synonymous.

When I ported my soon-to-be released extensive metadata layer for weblogs to WordPress, the first problem I ran into was the tool used ‘rdf’ in URLs to indicated an RSS 1.0 syndication feed. In my own Wordform, I use rss1, which is much more accurate. RSS 1.0 is the syndication feed; RDF is the model/syntax. You don’t use ‘xml’ to indicated Atom, and you don’t use ‘winer’ to indicate RSS 2.0. So tool makers — stop using ‘rdf’ when you mean RSS 1.0.

I mean it. I’m going to start getting pissy about this.

Oh, and I also want to extend my congratulations to Les on getting engaged. Your lady is a luck woman, Les.

Just Shelley

Kicking funk

Today’s a really nice day–warm, but with a cool breeze and low humidity. The clouds are nice, fat, and fluffy white, against a dark blue sky and people smile at you without you even having to ask for it; even the birds seem to be singing more. This is good because I’ve been in a funk lately, and just haven’t been feeling up to challenging trails (or even sidewalks).

The run of good weather will last through the weekend, so this will probably be my last post for a few days, as I am turning this titanium dominatrix off and spending time outside. In the outdoors. Away from computer. Away from my cellphone. Maybe even away from the camera, though I’m not sure I know how to walk without the camera bag on my back.

First though I had errands to run. I got my hair cut by Ramona, who did a really great job. It’s now a mass of short, wavy curls, with a flirty little flip at the bottom. I feel so hip and fun–not bad for one of those inexpensive walk-in places. Not bad for an older woman with the funk.

Then it was to Petsmart to pick up grass to give to my chlorophyll-junkie cat, and to spend time petting and patting the pups that people bring in. Today, one of the women who works at the store had her 12-week old west highland terrier puppy with her, and that little sweetie just stole my heart.

After extended puppy therapy, I stopped by the market and picked up fresh fruit: bananas, white nectarines, pluots (plum-apricot hybrid), and cherries. The cherries are really nice firm, dark bings–sweet and juicy. And the rest of the fruit seems equally luscious, though it cost an outrageous amount of money. It’s not easy or cheap to eat healthy, but I felt needed the fresh produce, for medicinal reasons.

I also picked up some homemade spinach fettuccine noodles, as well as some unusual new small, but larger than cherry-sized tomatoes, artichokes in seasoned oil, black olives, garlic, onion, cream, and cheese to make a vegetarian Alfredo. It’s simple — just cut the tomatoes and olives up into the artichoke oil to marinade for a time (then drain), cook the sauce (with the garlic and onion) and the noodles and then toss all of together . That’s it — no salad, no bread. And fresh fruit and sorbet for desert.

If this doesn’t kick the funk, nothing will.

Coming back, I passed an intersection where firemen will hold their boots out to collect for charities, and one of the local churches collects for its mission downtown. Today, though, a young man was standing on it, holding up a sign that read, simply, “Down on my luck”. Just standing there, stiff backed, holding that sign. Not approaching the cars, or extending containers to the drivers. Just standing there, looking straight ahead.

I guess it goes to show that no matter how put upon you’re feeling, someone else has it worse. If the sight of him didn’t kick me in the funk, it definitely kicked me in the butt.

Life is good. I have fresh cherries to eat, so life is good.

Connecting Social Media

When one hears persistent squeakings of teeth

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

There has been a great deal of discussion, a pile-on really (as Scoble can attest), about the fact that MSN Spaces is ‘censoring’ certain words such as ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ from being used in specific instances associated with MSN Space-hosted weblogs. This is based on a recent article with the provocative title of “Microsoft bans ‘Democracy’ for China web users”.

From Steve Donohue:

Well, I still hate using them, and it takes me about three times as long to get anything done on a Mac, but this makes me absolutely enraged at Microsoft.

Secular Blasphemy writes:

Microsoft has cowardly decided to ban words like “democracy” and “freedom” in descriptions of personal profiles in blogs at Microsoft Spaces.

NYGirl writes:

How sad, I was hoping that the rise of the internet & blogging will pry open the doors of democracy in China.

This from LaBouilloire Magique (from which Bablefish translation I found this post’s title):

Démocratie et liberté, vous voyez la frontière là ? Si si on sait qu’on l’a atteinte quand on entend les grincements de dents persistants du gouvernement. Et bien, c’est là que vous vous arrêtez. C’est à se demander si le blocage du site de Libération n’est pas dû qu’à son nom un peu trop subversif pour le régime…

Dan Gilmore writes:

It’s easy enough to understand why our craven corporate giants are doing the dictators’ bidding. But Microsoft and Google, like so many others, rose to enormous wealth and influence by leveraging the freedom they enjoy in the United States. They may be serving their shareholders’ interests. But what they’re doing is not honorable. Why does money trump honor? Is this really the American way?

Rebecca MacKinnon writes:

I agree with Scoble: no outsiders, including Microsoft, can force China to change. But nobody’s asking Microsoft to force China to do anything. The issue is whether Microsoft should be collaborating with the Chinese regime as it builds an increasingly sophisticated system of Internet censorship and control. (See this ONI report for lots of details on that system.) Declining to collaborate with this system is not “forcing the Chinese into a position they don’t believe in.” Declining to collaborate would be the only way to show that your stated belief in free speech is more than 空话: empty words. If you believe that Chinese people deserve the same respect as Americans, then please put your money where your mouth is.

Wired writes:

On Monday, Agence France-Presse, the French news agency, said bloggers were not allowed to post terms to MSN Spaces such as “democracy,” “human rights” and “Taiwan independence.” Attempts to enter those words were said to generate a message saying the language was prohibited.

David Weinberger writes:

understand the argument — Google’s, for example — that it’s better to provide limited access to Web services than no access. Of course, that argument happens to work out in favor of the companies’ commercial interests, so it’s tainted. But there’s also a point at which the compromises turn your software into an instrument of control. I don’t know where that point is but it should be making companies intensely uncomfortable.

…Personally, I think there are times when we absolutely do not want to enable other governments to do whatever it is that they want to do. I would not have wanted my company to help enable Apartheid, and I won’t even go back to enabling the legitimate government of Germany in the 1930s. My point is not that the Chinese government should be compared to this or that other regime but that I do not agree with Scoble’s idea that companies have no right to take moral stances against the policies of other governments.

And Tim Bray writes:

Look, there’s nothing in the basic workings of the free market, nor in U.S. legislation, that says MSN can’t be Beijing’s bitch to buy some bloggers. But remember, it is a free market, on this side of the Pacific. So first, I suspect there’s a lot of people—the kind of creative, independent-minded people that Microsoft needs—who’d generally rather not work at a company that does that. And second, there are a lot of other people who’d prefer to avoid buying products from one.

Yesterday Dare Obasanjo noted that there was a great deal of confusion about this issue. He wrote:

I will say two things though. First of all, the behavior of MSN Spaces isn’t something that is tied to any recent ventures in the past month or two by MSN in China as the article purports. In December of last year Boing Boing ran a post entitled Chinese editions of MSN Spaces censor political terms which covers the behavior described in the Financial Times article.

The second is that the response to the initial feedback on the “censorship” on MSN Spaces made by Michael Connolly in his post Comments on Content Moderation is still valid. Specifically he wrote

…Unfortunately, whenever you create an open platform for people to say whatever they want, and open it up to the wide world (14 languages, in 26 different markets), there is always a handful of people who spoil the party, and post a bunch of inappropriate (and in some cases illegal) stuff. And to make matters worse, what exactly is deemed “appropriate” or not is very subjective, not only from person to person, but from country to country

…We block a set of specific words from being used in 3 areas: the url you select, the title of your Space, and the title of your blog entry. These three fields are reused and displayed in a variety of areas, like search results, so we thought it would be a little thing we could do to cut down on the obvious cases that would most easily offend.

What Dare’s post is saying is that the censorship amounts to the material that shows up in the public spaces of the application. This includes the blog title, post title, and the URL.

I noticed that there is a French publication and weblogger who have commented on this. I guess neither is aware that Google, Yahoo, and other search engines are forced to censor certain web sites related to the neo-Nazi movement from the German and French versions of the search engines because of laws passed in those countries.

I’m guessing that most of these commenters would be surprised to learn that pound for pound, internet censorship is practiced as heavily in other ‘freer’ countries. For instance, Australian censorship laws are infamous, with their ambigous definitions of what is or is not objectionable material.

In fact if you look closely most countries have some form of censorship laws on the books related to internet content–not all having to do with pornography. And I even imagine that most people have forgotten that Dave Winer does (or did) censor weblogs that appeared in based purely on their title (My Big Penis, or something like that, is one that comes to mind).

Frankly, I doubt many of our weblogs could pass all internet censorship laws in all countries, or even those implemented at most public libraries. But since my weblog is not called My Big Penis, it will show up on Dave Winer’s

It is not up to our corporations and businesses to fight for freedom and against censorship. Giving such political and legislative power to business can only result in an overall negative experience regardless of the medium, and the internet is no exception. I have found from history that Business is a lousy judge and a worse executioner.

It is up to the people to fight for freedom and laws to protect freedom. We, first, must fight for freedom in our own countries; and then we must take that fight to others: through pressure from our governments and through international organizations such as the UN. Even then, we must be careful to differentiate the freedom that is a basic human right, and the freedom that is a frivolous desire to act without regard to the consequences.

By putting the responsibility to battle for freedom of speech into Microsoft’s (or Google’s or Yahoo’s or any other internet-based content provider’s) hands, we are holding them accountable for enforcing our views without taking any accountability for this on ourselves.

Question: for those of you who have condemned Microsoft for this action, how many of you avoid buying products manufactured, directly or indirectly, in China? If you own Apple products, take a look at the manufacturer’s label. Oh, and be prepared to give up that cute little iPod.

In other words, if you condemn the censorship in China, the place to make a stand starts in your wallet, not in Redmond.

Copyright Weblogging

The EFF’s Blogger legal guide

As much as I’ve tweaked the issue of Creative Commons and weblogging accountability, I would be remiss if I didn’t provide a link to EFF’s Legal Guide for Bloggers.

The guide provides some good overview of issues such as legal liability, copyright, and defamation. It isn’t detailed, but chances are if you need detail, you probably need a lawyer.

The guide does reference Creative Commons, but a very neutral overview of it, primarily pointing us to the CC site. If I think one section is weak, it is the section devoted to copyright, Creative Commons, and people making comments:

When a person enters comments on a blog for the purpose of public display, he is probably giving an implied license at least for that display and the incidental copying that goes along with it. If you want to make things clearer, you can add a Creative Commons license to your blog’s comment post page and a statement that by posting comments, writers agree to license them under it.

Just to clarify this: if you comment here, it’s going to display here. If you don’t want it to display here, don’t comment here. If after you comment, you regret the fact — delete the comment. If you can’t manage your own destiny with all this, and you sue me, I’ll send Microsoft after you. After all–I’m the only blogger that hasn’t condemned MSN Spaces and blamed the company for the upcoming fall of the internet. The company owes me.



We’re getting the worst storm of the season tonight and I went to my favorite storm watching spot to get photos. It was a magnificent cloud with lightning, which I couldn’t capture as I was just too slow. I love the wind pushed in front of the storms, though, and leaning into it as it blasts around me.

When it started raining heavily I headed home. Entering the complex, I started up the hill using my regular route, forgetting that part of the road is closed off for road re-surfacing. The car in front of me also forgot, and was stopped at the barrier. Looking in the rearview mirrow, I spotted an SUV behind me.

It’s narrow to turn around in that spot with cars parked on both sides. The car in front started backing up, and I started backing up but the lady in the SUV wasn’t moving. I finally stopped, and the blue car ahead of me, impatient, started backing up on the other side of me.

Did I happen to mention it’s narrow? And that he was impatient? Sure enough, on the other side of me, he hit a parked car, scarping his car’s side down the other fender. He stopped, and I thought he was going to get out, but then he just took off. I rolled down my window to see where he went and saw him a couple of blocks away, turning the corner. The lady behind asked if I got the license plate, which I hadn’t. But she did back up the SUV enough for me to turn around and I followed him to see if I could identify his car.

I couldn’t find him so I headed back to the damaged car, calling the police to report a hit and run. When I got to the car, a young guy was standing beside it and thinking it was the owner, I yelled out I had called the police. Seems it wasn’t the car owner but the ‘hit and run’ driver.

He had pulled around to where his house was to park, and then walked back. He was pretty unhappy I had called the police, but as I told him he took off without a word to anyone and to all intents and purposes, he was a hit and run. I called the police to let them know the guy showed up, but the dispatcher told me and the guy to wait, the police were on the way. I told the guy I would say I misunderstood the situation, but he was still unhappy.

The rain became extremely heavy and I ran back to my car to wait for the police. I then noticed I had left the back door of the car open and the back seat was soaked. I was soaked, too, and for being as hot as it was, feeling really cold. When the policewoman came, I ran out into miserable downpour long enough to briefly tell her my story. She said I could go, and I took off.

When I got home, I told my roommate what happened and asked him: was I wrong to have called the police? He answered no way. The guy had driven several blocks away, without a word to anyone, and leaving the site of an accident. For all I and the other lady knew, he was a hit and run driver.

So why did I let the guy make me feel I was in the wrong?

Anyway, my roommate made me some chicken soup and I’m curled up in my chair with a soft blanket over my legs, still feeling upset about the experience. Then a knock on the door–a neighbor lady had found my wallet out in the street in a puddle by my car and was returning it. Though everything is soggy, it’s all there. And as much as the water has been running, it’s lucky it wasn’t washed away. That was nice of her, and her actions made me feel a little better; but I still feel that right now I would rather be walking the beach near Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach, Oregon at sunrise–by myself–than be here. Walking, flying my huge sport kite, checking out the tidal pools–anything but be here, and anything but be with people.

None of the pictures really came out, so no photos. But I did want to point out that in addition to the thoughtful comments to my last post there’s a lively discussion about it at Lauren’s weblog–excellent discussion attached to both posts. And Dennis Kennedy at Corante’s Between Lawyers wrote a great follow-on post to the recent Creative Commons post.