Just Shelley

Evil kitty and Phoebe

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

From SB at Watermark: evil kitty collections at Flickr.

Through this, I discovered the story of Phoebe the feral kitten who ended up in a home with three pugs. You actually can tell a full story with a set of photos and just a few comments.

Just Shelley


Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

cold outer circle
poor pluto, once proud planet;
puny rock, got punked


Career woman: new American terrorist

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Ethan sent me a link to Smart Bitches who Love Trashy Novels who writes about an article that I just now noticed is making all the rounds of the feminist weblogs. And then some.

The article is in Forbes and the premise was that men shouldn’t marry career women (sorry, ‘career’ girls). Why? Because we’ll divorce you, cheat on you, and not take care of the house. Bad womans. Bad, bad womans.

I don’t have the time to do this one justice, especially when others have done such a good job. I’ll just point to a few:

Forbes article and counter-point

Feministe Why you should marry a doormat

BoingBoing post, which also points to several other posts.


Shakespeare’s Sister


Alternative take by Slate–note, I do not have long nails, can I use yours?

Excellent article by Salon’s Rebecca Traister

Most of the reaction is outrage, but with a great deal of humor involved. When faced with the absurd, giggle. Then there’s this by Pajamas Media:

“Don’t Marry a Career Woman” says Michael Noer, putting forth a detailed—and honest—list of nine reasons not to do so. (Editor’s note: It is this career woman’s opinion that such reasons are symptoms of something else on the part of both men and women: lack of commitment and lack of gratitude for one’s blessings and/or good fortune.)

Is a complete lack of a sense of humor a prerequisite to write at Pajama Media?

Me? I love articles such as the one at Forbes, unsubstantiated statistics aside. Though I’m beyond the age suitable for most ‘barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen’ scenarios, I’m still a professional woman, very happily single who may actually date from time to time. Articles like this scare away the closet pricks.

It can become a test of sorts. When meeting a new man, I can look him in the eye and tell him, “I’m a career woman”. If he turns pale, flinches, or suddenly excuses himself, I know he’s a both a Forbes reader and a prick. I won’t have to figure out a graceful way to disengage, he’ll happily do it himself. Saves me from finding out he’s a Forbes reader later in the relationship.


For Sale: Attention

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I had a couple of things I thought about writing on this morning. There was a reinvention of mobile computing, as well as echoes of money money money MONEY. Not to mention, all those boys comparing the sizes of their … bank accounts.

But then I thought, what am I doing? Here I am, giving attention to people who sit there raking in thousands, tens of thousands of dollars per day, all based on people like me giving them attention. What do I get? Do I get any of the loot? No siree. Do I get any thanks? Not a bit. Do I even get any respect at least?

Not hardly.

Today, Bb Gun is starting anew. Today Bb Gun only gives attention if she’s paid for it. Yup, I figure a link has got to be worth at least $100.00, would you say? And if I throw a paragraph around it, why that’s got to be worth another $50.00. Or should that be $50.00 a link, and an additional $100.00 for a paragraph?

Hey, I want to get into this blogging as business thing, too. I and others like me have been told we’re not part of the program, we’re going against the flow, casting a pall, being downers and so on. I’m taking this opportunity to expand my horizens, not to mention my bank account, as well as cast gladness in the hearts of those who despaired that we’d ever understand. I figured, at a minimum, I should at least get a bottle of wine.

Oh, I’ll still send attention for free for those who are needy. Kind of like, pro bono weblogging. Additionally, if any of you want to form a network, why I bet all we’d need is five or six of us linking to each other and we’ll own

So any of you want some attention, just send me an email or jot a note in comments and I’ll supply my PayPal account. If you’re strapped for cash, we’ll look into working out some form of payment plan, or even a trade. Got any chickens?

I want to thank those fine, upstanding leaders among us for shedding light on weblogging’s worth so we’re inundated by get rich quick hacks and crunchy wannabees. I particularly want to express my gratitude for demonstrating that the core value of weblogging can be measured in currency.


Fall cometh

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I just had two Starbuck’s Doubleshots and I see dead people! There’s nothing better to jump start your morning than an overdose of caffeine.

I feel good, didda didda didda doo.

This week is the last week of summer vacation and most of the kids return to school next week. This means I can finally go to the zoo again. More importantly, the weather has been dipping into the 60’s at night, which means that the summer awfuls are heading towards an end. I’ll finally be able to walk along the trails again without risk of more allergic reactions to the bug bites. Plus, the new light rail to our neighborhood opens this weekend, which will make it so much easier to go downtown. This all puts me in a fine mood, a fine, fine mood.

I started my new book for O’Reilly this last week. It’s called Adding Ajax. I wanted to wait on saying anything until I bought the domain, to go with my domain. For the book colophon, I thought of suggesting to O’Reilly a baby rhino on stilts. Wouldn’t that just get attention on the book shelves?

This is going to be a fun book, but between it, finishing up the proofs on the Learning JavaScript book, the second part of the tutorial on Planet Planet, and all the work I want to do on the sites, I’m not going to be able to post as frequently as I have been. I’ve set myself up a schedule: walk in the morning, so many hours on the book, so many hours on the sites and tech, and then, weblogging. Light on posting, unless an arrangement can be made– wink wink nudge nudge.

didda didda didda duh

If I can hustle, I can take a week off in October and spend time in the Ozarks and down in Arkansas; taking photos of mills and hunting down an interesting story I accidentally stumbled on. It’s a murder mystery of all things, and I have to spend time at the Historical society in Columbia, as well as the town and county where the mystery occurred. Eventually, it will get published on MissouriGreen–which is yet another site I need to finish.

Y’all are just going to have to nag me to behave myself, stop picking on the boys, and to write and finish my sites. Or not, but if you don’t, you lose an opportunity to pester me when you know I can’t snap back.

I feeeeel good. didda ddida didda doo.