
Defining P2P

In P2P, a peer both provides and consumes services. A group of peers can then provide and consume services to and from each other without dependence on any one server. With this understanding, there’s an assumption that this consumption and distribution occurs when the peer is connected.

Within some P2P enabled applications, the communication may be cached or queued when the peer is not connected. I know this the way Groove works.

Within Freenet, any one of the nodes within the network can consume or supply files. But if a peer is not connected, it’s not part of the network, it isn’t a participant and files are consumed and supplied through other participants. Either you’re a peer, or you’re not. Again, the assumption of 24-hour access is not a factor.

Some systems support a hybrid cloud whereby service requests are cached at a remote location (usually hidden from the peer), waiting for the other peer to connect. When the other peer connects, the communication is concluded. The results of the service call can then be communicated back to the originating peer, or cached itself if the originating peer is offline.

In a true P2P system, any one of the peers within the network could act as a cloud (intermediary) for other peers. Within a hybrid system, such as Groove, the system itself might provide these types of intermediary services.

As for firewall issues, most P2P tools can work from within firewalls, or be made to work within firewalls.


Yes, I did

Recovered from the Wayback Machine, solely because the comments were fun.

In case you’re wondering, yes I did pull a posting.

In case you’re curious why, because I felt like it.

Pulled posting has been re-posted

Weblogging Writing

Essential blogging—review

The Essential Blogging book is now available for public review at O’Reilly Network.

The book was edited by Nat Torkington and authored by Rael DornfestCory DoctorowJ. Scott JohnsonBejamin TrottMena Trott, and myself. In case you’re curious, I wrote the Blogger chapters.

Essential Blogging covers basic weblogging technology and concepts, as well as specific weblogging tools: Userland’s Radio, Blogger, Movable Type, and Blosxon.

In addition to the public review, you can also add your input to the book. Rael Dornfest has put out a request for contributions for Chapter 15 — Blogging Voices.

Have something to say? Of course you do; you’re a weblogger. You have to gag us to shut us up. Well, here’s your chance to get your words in an O’Reilly book.

Nat’s also looking for suggestions for the critter to feature on the book cover. Silly boy. We all know what animal to put on the cover of a weblogging book, don’t we? Update: O’Reilly went with a picture of a Meerkat.

Weblogging Writing

Tapping fingers

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Jonathon references an article by Judith Shulevitz about the One Book, One City program — an effort to foster interest in reading and communal togetherness by assigning a book to a community with encouragement to “…stop others on the sidewalk to chat informally about the book, and to attend one of the many planned events around town.”

In her article, Shulevitz argues that …literature does not make us or our society better as a refutation of the premise behind the program.

I agree completely with Shulevitz — literature doesn’t make ‘society’ better. Society is a mob on the perpetual edge of riot and anarchy saved only by laws enacted to ensure the survival of the maximum number of those most compliant. Society is nothing more than a breeding ground of mediocrity.

Damn that was that fun to write! I love nothing more than to respond in my most over-the-top manner to even the simplest written statement, and Shulevitz’s assumptions are anything but simple. Brain cells and tapping fingers, be thy most wicked selves.

I wrote in the comments attached to Jonathon’s posting (corrected for usual Bb typos):

Reading is probably our most important expression of individuality. What we read, when, and how we respond to what we read is a process that begins within our minds as we pursue the word across the page. Even when we attend a public reading, the words are thrown out into the audience — it’s up to the individual to determine how to catch them, play with them.

To throw all of this into a communal improvement exercise? Bah!

Dorothea argues most eloquently in reply by saying:

Problem two is Burningbird’s assumption (certainly a reasonable reading of Shulevitz) that reading is always and inevitably an individual action. Perhaps. But discussing reading is social. Choosing books is *very* social; I get most of my book recommendations from people, not bibliographies. Reading aloud is social. Surely these activities are good-social, worth pursuing? But Shulevitz is willing to trash them.

I don’t approve. I can’t. I had rather see people read and talk and read and talk some more.

I believe that Dorothea and I are in agreement, about reading if not about article or the One City, One Book program.

There is a social aspect to reading — receiving recommendations from friends and admired strangers as well as the interaction of people discussing a work they either loath or love. And books can make a better person hence there is a benefit, indirectly, to society.

(However, I have found that it is usually only an open mind that hears the message of the material; the material doesn’t necessarily create new pathways as much as it uses existing ones in new ways.)

Outside of the requirements of academia, though, the action of seeking a book, making the choice, and opening and reading the book is based on an individual’s interest and inclination. Once read, it is the individual who them must decide whether they loath or love the work enough to discuss it with others.

The most interesting discussions about a creative work — book or article, photograph or painting — occur in a group made of people with strongly individual views of the work. The participation that formed in Jonathon’s comments related to the Shulevitz article is an example of such a group.

As for One City, One Book: I can think of nothing more off putting than to be walking down the street, thoughts engaged elsewhere and to be stopped and asked my opinion of “Jim the Boy”. Or to be given the impression that it’s my civic responsibility to read “Jim the Boy” and to attend community meetings to discuss it.

Shades of “1984” and “Fahrenheit 451”! Even though the latter is based on book burning, the premise really is on group thinking. One City, One Book — might as well call it “groupthink” and be done with it.

As much as I love books and as much as I love to read, I can’t agree with using a combination of hip marketing and subtle group coercion to attempt to engender an appreciation of either books or community in others.



Just Shelley

Free as a bird

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

In addition to storing away most of my worldly goods — except my computers, clothes, cameras, telescope, home made recipe book, CDs, books, and kites — I’m also closing down The Burning Bird Corporation.

I started Burning Bird under the name of YASD in 1996, primarily because companies had a problem employing independents; they feared that they would be stuck with the federal tax liability if the contractor didn’t pay the bill. The issue was further confused by the IRS’s infamous 20 question rule. If you’re not familiar with this rule, don’t worry about it. It’s really nothing more than typical paranoid IRS/government BS.

I managed to move the corporation from Oregon to Vermont to Massachusetts and finally to California. Not as easy as it sounds because you have to close down the corporation in the state you leave, and then re-start it in your new home. This requires filing Articles of Incorporation in the new state, along with giving said state copious amounts of money and an occasional sacrificed chicken or goat.

I was kidding about the money.

The need for an independent to be incorporated isn’t as much of an issue today. Combining this fact with not having either the energy or the funds to move the company, I’ve decided to close it down. Pull the plug. Absorb both the assets (too small) as well as liabilities (too large). File my final corporate dissolution.

I realized this afternoon while exchanging emails with Allan (he of the Dizzy fame) that for the first time in many years, I’m basically unencumbered by business, family, or belongings. I can travel the world — or not — writing and selling books and articles and doing an occasional contract.

When faced with two roads in the wood, the only thing stopping me from taking one road over another is my own inclination and interest.

Free As A Bird,
It’s the next best thing to be
Free as a bird.
Home and dry
Like a homing bird I fly,
As a bird on wing

Free as a Bird — The guys who used to be known as the Beatles