
Radio and P2P – not

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Okay, I’ll be the first to admit I’m a mood today, but there’s few things that tick me off more than this application of “P2P” to any old technology that comes along. And then this proud standing back as if all is explained.

Give me a break.

John throws this simple little sentence out as if the word comes from on high:

What’s the killer app for a desktop content management system?  P2P + Web Services + desktop CMS (Radio).  Killer combo.

I posted a comment to the note asking where the P2P was in this equation. I am not expecting a response.

There is no P2P with Radio. Period. Please don’t tell me “full peers” or any bullshit like that. If there is an assumption of a hard coded IP that is online 7×24 then that is a server. I don’t care what you call it.

Web services. Yes. Desktop content management. Yes. But Radio has no P2P element.

It is a good product and I enjoy using it, and I think it’s interesting that Userland has been able to get all these people to do all this work for no pay via the new publishing paradigm but there is no P2P element in Radio!!


Radio and P2P

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

John did respond, in his comments, to my query ,in his comments, about Radio and P2P:

I need a real P2P system to pull this off. Something that can go through firewalls and NATs. Unfortunately, most P2P systems are run by people that are only interested in Napster-style file transfer (essentially a file pile). There is more to this: apps and Web Services.

Appreciation for answering, but one request: don’t go there — don’t go with the limitations of P2P as an answer to the question of P2P expectations in Radio. I can point out more than one application that uses P2P based technologies and whose focus is not based on file manipulation, starting with a mainstream app John probably knows — Groove.

What does Userland want from P2P? Web services imply a server, which implies a traditional approach to serving application needs. Been there. Done that. Next page, please.

If you’re talking publish and subscribe, now we know we’ve been there and done that. Can anyone say “channels”? The technology is neat and seems to be coming into its own — again — but how P2P is this? Isn’t this dependent on a Radio cloud handling the intermittant connectivities of the individual Radio installations? Just as Groove does within its cloud?

Really, with clouds like these, I’ll never have iron-poor blood, will I?

The technology is neat and important and a real step in the right direction, but I don’t think this is what John was talking about. Or is it?

What do you need from a real P2P System, John? If you articulate this, you might find there are people out there with an answer. But we can’t take a shot if you don’t ask the question. Given the right information, we’d enjoy the opportunity, you’d enjoy the opportunity, we’d all learn from the experience, and we’d all have fun.

And we might even come up with some interesting ideas in the process.


I beg to disagree

One last thing, on the subject of online discussions and disagreements.

People will disagree. And that is what makes the world interesting. And people will sometimes be very vehement in their disagreement. This makes things even more interesting. Occasionally this may result in Person A not talking to Person B. Hopefully not often, but this is going to happen.

And if people feel strongly about an issue, regardless of what we say, we are not going to change their mind unless we somehow take on the appearance of Divine Truth.

No, no. Just looked in the mirror. No Divine Truth here.

Unless the issue is one that you feel can’t be ignored, state your opinion, listen to theirs, and agree to disagree. If you can’t ignore their opinion, write the person off and move on. Such is life.

It is okay to agree to disagree. And it’s also okay to write a person off and move on. However, we should use the latter sparingly — if we surround ourselves by people who only agree with us, our lives will be deadly dull.


RIP Chuck Jones

I didn’t hear about Chuck Jones dying until I started going out on the weblogs, such as at Flutterby, this morning.

If you’re a regular to this weblog then you know I’m a big Looney Tunes fan, especially Marvin the Martian. I have an original Chuck Jones inked cell featuring Marvin and Bugs. When I move, this is the first picture I hang, and never fails to cheer me.

People who spend their lives bringing laughter to others must die very peacefully, counting their life as one long good work.

Good-bye, Chuck — we’ll miss you.

That’s all folks.


Weblogging Feb 24 2002

I think that Mike Golby has some real mixed feelings about Australia beating South Africa at Cricket:

Good cricket is always a pleasure to watch. Great cricket is a delight and the Aussies continue to deliver in spectacular fashion. Cricket worldwide will have to step up a gear or five if any team is to play on the same park as the Mean Machine from Down Under.

Good on yer, you bastards

Being a yank, with little or no idea about what cricket is other than it seems to have something to do with ball and a bat and rather prissy uniforms, it’s rather fun to see reactions to sports such as these from a dispassioned “Well, I’m sure it’s all very good, but it isn’t American Baseball, now is it?” point of view.

Do they really say “out for a duck”?


Well, this is bad news for his weblogging fans: Allan has said that he’s closing down his weblog for a time due to “…circumstances beyond his control”.

Allan, if there’s anything any of us can do to help, holler! If it’s something we can’t help with, then all I can say is you will be missed every day that you’re not posting!



“My grandmother is dying. The doctor says she only has about two or three weeks to live”.

Victor shares a difficult time for him, the upcoming death of a beloved Grandmother.

Saying good-bye — it seems to be a coming together of all the best times of a shared life; glad memories that fill the moment with love and foreseen loss until a peace and grace that transcends all things settles in, and looks back at you from eyes you’ve come to know so well.


Well, trying to adapt the weblog ring code to work within a weblog was an interesting exercise. I’m all tired out.

Due to a combination of antibiotics, altitude change, bad food, heavy stress, and overwhelming moments of lightness of being, I find that I’m not feeling good at all today. Bad, bad headache, very tired, in a very reflective mood.

It does not help to come home and find that the Argentinian ants are back, have found a new entrance into my place, and have set out trails. Time for a bleach wash again, as well as more yelling at management (“They’re in your place, they’re your responsibility.” “Well, they didn’t fly through the window to get to my place, they’re in your infrastructure!”).

If you think living on the 4th floor of a concrete condo would save you from pests of this nature, think again. These little critters will actually climb around the rings of a screw top lid in order to get to the contents.

The smell of bleach is not going to go with my headache.

See below. Join now. The Bird that Burns Wants You!


interesting because a while back, Sharon also had trouble with weblog ring membership, in this case Blogsnobs.

There are few things I dislike more in the world than restricted memberships. The only restriction that should occur within a community is the one where a person opens the door, listens a bit, and decides that this particular place isn’t the place for them and continues on. Every community may not appeal to every person, but the person should make the decision, not the group.

So, I did something about the weblog ring thing. I created a new weblog ring I call Bloggers with Attitude. Anyone who loves to weblog and has a sense of humor — or at least a sense of perspective — can join. There are no restrictions. No criteria. No geographical limitation. No restriction on language used. No limitation of topic. This is a ring for a community of people who drift on by one day and take a peek and say to themselves “Well, hey. There’s some interesting people here. I think I’ll float in and join hands with the party, see how it goes”.

All I need to get this going is three other weblogs to join. So here’s my invite:

Shelley Powers, otherwise known as The Burning Bird hereby invites you to a new weblog ring. The only criteria for this ring is a desire to laugh, cry, chuckle, snarl, get pissed, get sad, love life, like people, discover new things, explore new territories, open your minds, open your hearts, and above all, have fun — at least once a day.

Bloggers with Attitude Ring Hub