
Better Bad News on Why Guys don’t Link

Recovered from the Wayback Machine. Unfortunately, Flash

I can’t believe I missed this one: the Better Bad News gang does a Jarvis/Powers dialog on Guys Don’t Link and it is hilarious.

“What’s wrong with being a white male?”

“Belligerance, greed, avarice, intolerance, and force are no longer the winning combination they once were.”

I found a link to this parody in a comment to a post at Misbehaving.

Satire. I love satire.

Is it just me, or does the one guy playing Jarvis sound like Max Headroom?

Speaking of which, Mr. Scoble knows of no geek women or women interested in technology or Longhorn (Microsoft’s next wonderkid) in Silicon Valley. If you match this criteria–female, tech, Silicon Valley–drop by and say Hi. He also doesn’t understand why only guys are asking questions of Jim Allchin, Longhorn architect and O/S VP.

Now that he mentions it, I have some questions on InfoCard and people putting their driver’s license information, passports, credit cards, and other material of this nature into a component integrated into a Windows operating system.

I mean, wouldn’t it be simpler just to lose our wallets on the street, in a really bad neighborhood? And we could save the money of the upgrade.

Anyway, go watch the Bad News broadcast, and meet the real Mags.

“Blogging while old.”

Scoble did respond in comments about the women who I mentioned:

“Dori Smith is a friend and was on my list of 30, but she doesn’t write often enough about technology to make the top 10.

Danah Boyd? Is on my top 30, but her blog doesn’t put her on the top 10, sorry.

This was a press tour. It was a way to meet some of the innovators in the new blogger world and start a conversation with them. It wasn’t a way to win over women.

You saying that Danah has done more for the blogging world than, say, Evan Williams? Or Doug Kaye? Or done more writing about Microsoft technology than Thomas Hawk? Or built a cooler news site than, say, Gabe?

See, that’s the judgment I used. Not whether or not they were male or female. ”


“And none of those are on the blog map.”

But Thomas Hawke — he of the top ten who has had enough impact on weblogging to be considered worthy– posted a photo of why Scoble would want more women, saying he was just joking.

But it wasn’t satire.