Just Shelley Weblogging

Blogging by the Bay

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I’m sitting in an Internet café overlooking the Bay trying to clean up an inordinate amount of email, most of it junk. Notice to friends, one an all — when did it become a regular thing to send emails out every time you post a new weblog posting? Believe me babes, if you write something good, we’ll post a link.

I’m also catching up on weblog reading. I can see Truth or Consequences is still a lively topic. Hopefully everyone’s playing nice together, like good little blogger boys and blogger girls.

Trip out was uneventful the first day, anything but the second. Long story and I’ll blog it when it doesn’t cost so much Photos too.

Just finished loading Golden Girl down as much as possible. Luckily I’m only driving the next few days because my back’s shot. Checked the weather this morning and looks like I’ll be going through snow on all the mountain passes for the next two days. Nothing more fun than Donner Pass in bad weather. Num!

(If I don’t make it, I hereby leave all my photos and weblog posts to the public domain. I’d attach a CC license but there isn’t a “If I kick the bucket” license.)

Thanks for all the kind comments in the last post, and the offers of hosting help. They are appreciated. Chris/Stavros from Emptybottle has found a new weblog home so he won’t be going dark at the end of the month. As for me, I might see if a friend’s offer of a host is still open. Bandwidth’s still an issue, though and it’s running late to make a change. Knock on wood.

I thought about passing the hat for donations — I’m not proud. However, I’ve found that unless you’re Doc Searls, passing the hat doesn’t usually work all that well — we’re either all broke, we’re tip jar’d out, or we’re cheap bastards.

Excuse me — that’s cheap but charming and interesting bastards.

‘Nuff, this is costing. Should be back online by end of week, at least for the rest of the month if nothing else.

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