
Note to Japan: perhaps a different methodology is in order

As much as I appreciate seeing video of rare and unusual creatures, the films coming from the Japanese marine biologists come with a high price tag.

Earlier, they captured a giant squid on a hook and we got to see a giant squid in action just before it died.

In the last few weeks, scientists have moved a frilled shark and a goblin shark to aquarium tanks, where they subsequently died. Quite quickly, too.

In both cases we do get to see video of creatures that live in a world alien to ours, true; and the videos are wonderful to see. At the same time, though, I find this particular study methodology to be a bit hard on the studied.

Critters Just Shelley

What were they thinking?

Zoë had to go in for a rather intensive physical today. She’s always been somewhat of a gorger, chomping down her dry food too fast and than… know. Lately it seems to happen more frequently and we thought it was time to check her out, make sure she’s OK.

Zoë’s also moving with more difficulty. When she walks down the stairs in the morning, she hops down, keeping her back legs together.

The vet tried to listen to her heart and thought she heard a murmur. To check for sure, she got an EKG, which is kind of cute (if not inexpensive). The worst of it, though, was getting a blood sample.

Zoë is the sweetest cat in the world, but she hates vets. One we had would examine her without assistance until the day when Zoë actually scratched the stainless steel of the examining table. The doctor jumped back, held his arms up, exclaiming, “Whoa!”

Now she gets a vet, two assistants, and being wrapped in The Blanket. Well, and today she got a muzzle for the first time, too. It’s good to know Zoë still has her teeth.

I’m not happy with the vet right now, and it wasn’t necessarily because of the muzzle. They shaved Zoë’s neck to get a blood sample, but she fought so much they decided to get the sample from her leg. A shaved neck and three shaved legs, they got their sample. Since the legs were still bleeding what did they do? They put gauze over the puncture wounds, and wrapped each leg with adhesive medical tape.

Do you know how hard it is to get tape out of a cat’s fur? Especially when it hurts the cat? My roommate and I finally succeeded, but not before our little girl was further traumatized. I think it’s time to find another vet.

Zoë is now on arthritis medication; one of the first real signs of her advancing age. According to the charts, she’s equal to a 75 year old human but she still plays On the Back of the Chair monster, chases the bird toy around the top of the bed, plays keep-away.


Green Design

Vestal Design mixes coverage of environmental issues and web page design into an interesting mix. Mike Lin writes today on The Climate Project:

Well, my spirits are high and I’m going to do my best to hit the ground running. I’ve just landed in Nashville where I’ve been invited to meet with Al Gore, climate scientists, and educators this week and as participant in The Climate Project. Following in Vestal friend and collaborator Serge de Gheldere’s footsteps, I’m looking forward to learning more about climate change and reporting back this week with my thoughts, impressions and next-steps on how I hope to be more a/effective in this new year. You can read Serge’s account of his experience with The Climate Project here on Worldchanging.

Mike’s resolution is to be more effective in the New Year, and asks his readers what are our resolutions. I don’t have any, I’ve barely been cognizant that a new year has come, and I have to change what I write on checks.


Jurassic Shrimp, Beaked Squid, Hairy Crabs

While most of us were agog about the recent filming of the giant squid, in Australia on Monday comes announcements of many marine discoveries in the last year. Among them are shrimp similar to ones extinct 50 million years ago, a new beaked squid, and giant lobsters.

I already mentioned my favorite, the Yeti crab.

It’s unfortunate that through habitat destruction and global warming, we’re killing off as many species, as we’re discovering.


Happy Cephalopodmas!

Of course I didn’t forget that this is Cephalopodmas day!

Others are also pointing this out, but I’ll give the tip of the tentacle to Laughing Squid for news about the new video of the giant squid, captured by a Japanese researcher. The video was of a smaller, immature giant squid, only about 11 feet long. Still, I can’t wait for the video to hit the internet.

Where else does one go when celebrating Cephalopodmas than Pharyngula, where PZ has so many good links, it’s hard to keep up. However, do check out the holiday greeting, the miscellany post, the baby squid and Cephalart.

Both Charles (earlier in the week) and Pink Tentacle point out the exquisite eco period illustrations of squid, octopus, and other sea creatures. These are amazingly beautiful. Charles sent me the link to this page and if you click the green button, you can access illustrations of octopus and squid. I’d love to prints of these.

Doug found the perfect gift for a woman like me, who appreciates octopus and tech equally: a USB/Firewire hub that looks like an octopus.

Last but not least, we must have music for this day: Thanks to Cephalopodcast for the link to the YouTube song Carol of the Old Ones.