Insects Political Weblogging

Golden Arches

Loren from In a Dark Time is off to my favorite place in the entire world, Cannon Beach:


There is something both inspirational and moving about the ocean. As it turns out, I spent my first honeymoon at the beach, but I also drove down to the beach to clear my mind the night I decided to leave my first wife. Perhaps it is the sense of timelessness you sense at the beach that makes it such a good backdrop to make important decisions.

He also leaves a gentle admonishment to me:

…I really don’t need to get dragged into someone else’s battle now do, I Bb?”

Loren is referring to my posting yesterday where I used both his weblog and a posting by Glenn Reynolds as examples of intelligence and intelligentsia, respectively. The interesting thing about this post is that I wasn’t thinking of Glenn Reynolds or the warbloggers when I wrote it; it was actually directed elsewhere. However, in the midst of my war debates, and using Professor Reynolds’ quote, I could see why the assumption was made that I was pointing it at the the warbloggers and Professor Reynolds.

Regardless, good point and well taken Loren, but no worries–I’ve realized how wrong it is to drag another into my battles.

Speaking of Professor Reynolds, he did write something yesterday that I felt was both honest and sincere:

I don’t pretend to offer guarantees that American intervention in the region will make life better for the people who live there. I think it will, I hope it will, and I think we should do our best to make that so. But those are secondary objectives. The primary objective is to make clear to leaders that if their country threatens America, they, the rulers, will be out of power at best, and dead along with all their family and friends at worst. Is that “nice?” No. I don’t care.


There is no pretense in this statement, and I can respect that, as I can respect Andrew Sullivan’s statement (pointed to by Doc) along similar lines:

The far-left notion that this is a cynical war for “protecting American interests in the Middle East” is absurd. Such a war might indeed make the Middle East a safer place, but the war is about protecting America and the West, as well as liberating the Iraqi people from one of the most evil tyrants in history.

I imagine that Sullivan would concur with Reynolds in that freeing the Iraqi people is secondary to ensuring the safety of the West. If I disagree with both on the direction the US should take, I can respect their honesty.

One can talk, really talk, when all sides strip away rhetoric and side issues and focus on true opinions, concerns, and realities.

Speaking of battles and discussions, Jonathon suggests that I focus on debating Steven Den Beste rather than Eric Olsen and Glenn Reynolds. After reading the posts he references I agree with Jonathon. ( Though I think the link to the legal post is inaccurate; should it be this one instead?).

In particular, I appreciate Den Beste’s multi-part Ground war in Iraq as a point of beginning discussions. With such a careful and detailed analysis, there is much to respond to.

However, for a discussion on the legality of a unilaterial US invasion of Iraq, I would prefer to focus more on John Chipman’s America’s Right to Fight Iraq in the Financial Times (through Glenn Reynolds).

I’ll work on both posts as I wash all my clothes and vacuum in a vain attempt to rid myself of the Missouri buglife that has decided that I look like MacDonald’s Golden Arches. However, from readings on the subject of chiggers that Ben was kind enough to provide, it would seem it was my last foray into the wild that’s responsible for my current suffering and that only time will provide me a cure. Unfortunate as there are so many bites on my legs I look like I have the measles.

I have found Dante’s missing hell: it’s full of chiggers.

(And I’m still trying to figure out what caused the huge bite that’s so inflamed–a mosquito couldn’t have caused this, could it? What kind of mosquitos live in Missouri–reincarnated fighter pilots?)


Revenge against the Bird

To all whom I’ve managed to offend, piss off, antagonize, and otherwise singe fully with my firey feathery wings in this last year (‘ware the embrace of the Bird–she’ll fry you), you can rest assured that tonight the fates are avenging you.

Can’t sleep and am in a world of misery with marks of Missouris flora and fauna all over me.

I will never…ever…go walking in dense brush in unknown back woods without first understanding what’s lurking in said woods and preparing accordingly ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER again.

Cross my firey little bug-bitten heart.

(Yo, bugs! ‘scuse me, you want fries with that?)


Always time for the important things in life

I was hard at work on my newly upgraded server earlier today, installing libraries, creating databases, moving code. It was so nice to have all that room and I wasn’t paying too much attention to my surroundings.

Well, my little girl, Zoe, was having none of this. First she dragged her feather in, plopping it down on my feet. When I didn’t pay attention, she started clawing at my tennis shoe, batting at the lace. When that failed, she jumped up on my lap. I assumed that she was going to curl up and sleep. Instead, she laid down next to my arm, wrapped all her feet tightly around it, and placed her head across it – snuggling as close as she could get, eyes closed in pleasure.

It’s hard to work with a 9 pound cat wrapped around your arm. I tried to move her and she demonstrated her displeasure at my behavior by biting me. Not hard, but with enough pressure to get her point across.

What could I do? I turned on the music and cuddled her close, looking out the window at the birds as she slept in my arms, head nestled into the crook of my elbow.

Don’t you wish, when faced with friends and family who are “too busy”, that we could crawl up on their laps, wrap our bodies around them, and bite them when they don’t get the hint?

I think we lost too much when we got an opposable thumb and started learning how to communicate complex thoughts.


Will the last person leaving the Earth, please turn off the Sun

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

It’s difficult to shrug off stories that have the eye-catching title of Earth ‘will expire by 2050’. It’s also difficult to ignore statements such as the following:

The report, based on scientific data from across the world, reveals that more than a third of the natural world has been destroyed by humans over the past three decades.

We’ve known this was coming. We’ve known that we’re literally destroying the world. We see the evidence of global warming in drought and flood. We see the evidence of toxic pollution every time a city has to issue an air alert (something that happens with distressing regularity in St. Louis). We pile the garbage high, we sprawl into the forests, we overdevelop the land, cut down the trees, and overfish the seas.

And every day entire species die. Every day.

If you are planning for a family, currently expecting a baby, or have very small children, the earth they will be inheriting is one that’s dying. And for the most part, we in the US are killing it.

I have a hard time showing pride in being an US citizen when I read:

America, which sent 300 delegates to the conference, is accused of blocking many of the key initiatives on energy use, biodiversity and corporate responsibility.

Really, folks, where’s your priorities? What’s a little dead world when one is waging a War against Terror?



Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I arrived in St. Louis last night at dusk to be met with an apartment building surrounded by fireflies. That’s something you won’t see in San Francisco, and most other places that don’t have higher humidity.

One can suffer higher temperature and humidity for a nightly show of fireflies.

Still tired from trip today, though the drive yesterday was pleasant – just too long. Tried to get my DSL setup this afternoon only to find that Earthlink has a major DSL failure in the area. Perhaps the thunderstorm earlier in the day.

All I’ve wanted to do today is sleep, and since I can’t post and sleep at the same time, guess I’ll keep this post short. Tomorrow hopefully both the DSL and I will be charged up and ready to go.