outdoors People Photography


The clouds broke today and for the first time in about three weeks, I finally had a chance to go for a long walk. The fall colors have started, and I was able to get some color shots. I am concerned, though, that something might be wrong with the camera. The photos seems to have an odd blurred edge to them — not being out of focus, almost like a slight double exposure. Probably some setting I’ve tweaked wrong. I hope.

I’ve loaded a few. Sorry, no sunflowers.

I don’t know if it was the fact that the weather was nice today after so much rain or perhaps the people were excited at the prospect of the debate, but the folks I met on the trail were exceptionally nice. Gentle, friendly smiles and nods, and even letting me pet their dogs. I met one, Scruffy, I wanted to take home but remembered Cat and that Scruffy had a Mom who would most likely object.

When the people said hello, it wasn’t a quick hello either; it was looking into my eyes, making sure I knew they were looking at me and saying hello.

outdoors People Photography Places

Fighting Failure

All indications say that the fall colors this year will be muted compared to last year. I can see this already when I go out for a walk — too many leaves just dying without that final burst of color, falling to the ground as damp, dark shapeless lumps. But it’s still a bit early in the season for Missouri, so I have hopes.

I thought the monarch butterflies might be out and visited Shaw today to get butterfly pictures, but most of the flowers had already started to fade and the butterflies mostly gone. However, I was exceptionally lucky to have spotted some of the brilliantly colored prairie gentian. Or at least, I think it’s the prairie gentian. Whatever it is, it’s a lovely, delicate, beautifully colored flower–a rara avis in the plant world.

Though I could find no butterflies, there were caterpillars out and about, and I had to keep a sharp eye out when driving to not run over any. When I was walking around the lake, I saw one fine, fat fellow walking down the exact center of the road — not from side to side, like others I’d seen; right down the middle, as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

He was crawling fast, too, and I had a hard time getting his photo without too much motion blur in the background. But then, motion blur with a caterpillar works, don’t you think? Like a cosmic giggle.

I left my fair butterfly-to-be and tried the prairie near the visitor center in hopes of spotting one monarch, but the most I saw were bees, more bees, and some other odds and ends of flowers on their last legs. I was extremely pleased to see that I’ve lost most of my phobia of bees and can now walk among them without fear; a few years back, I’d have run screaming from the area. But I’ve been bitten by so many things this year, a bee sting would have all the familiarity of an old friend who says painful things for your own good.

(For instance, this last week I received two identical bites, one on my upper back, right in the middle; the other under my bra on my right side. Not ticks, because the little bite marks are too big. Who knows what got me this time, it’s becoming a running joke in my home, “Eh, I’m off to feed the critters, again.” My roommate estimates that I’ve become an important part of the Missouri ecosystem. It’s reassuring to know that, no matter what else, one is always good enough for the bugs.)

When faced with the nothingness of the butterfly garden filled with bees, I was reminded of my enthusiasm with existentialism lately and my wonderful new discovery that Jean-Paul Sartre wanted to write a cookbook. Yes, indeed, he was the ultimate foodie, I kid you not. Following is an entry in his diary, which provides a recipe for tuna casserole ala void:

October 10

I find myself trying ever more radical interpretations of traditional dishes, in an effort to somehow express the void I feel so acutely. Today I tried this recipe:

Tuna Casserole

Ingredients: 1 large casserole dish

Place the casserole dish in a cold oven. Place a chair facing the oven and sit in it forever. Think about how hungry you are. When night falls, do not turn on the light.

While a void is expressed in this recipe, I am struck by its inapplicability to the bourgeois lifestyle. How can the eater recognize that the food denied him is a tuna casserole and not some other dish? I am becoming more and more frustrated.

When you are an artist, how frustrating, indeed, to deal with those who lack the discernment to see that the emptiness that surrounds them is a tuna casserole; they persist in smelling goulash.

Back from the bees to the road again and my friend, the caterpillar, and it’s onward march down the exact center of the road. Moved by what, I don’t know–probably visions of tuna casserole–I put my foot in front the caterpillar, curious as to what it would do when faced with an obstacle.

It stopped dead and touched my shoe carefully, as if trying to figure out what it was. It started to crawl to the right, stopped, then crawled a little to the left. Finally, it climbed onto my shoe.

It climbed a little way forward and encountered the ridge where my sole meets the upper, and stopped again. Eventually, it followed the ridge around the shoe to the other side, but rather than get off, it just kept following the ridge, round and round my shoe. If I had not grown tired and sad for the little bug, it would probably still be circling my shoe now, on my foot under the table as I type these words.

Instead, I walked to the side of the road and among the the tall grasses, stamped on the ground with my shoe, gently, until the caterpillar fell off into the plants. It happily went on its way, I imagine to find the prairie gentian to eat.

One final entry from the Sartre cookbook:

October 25

I have been forced to abandon the project of producing an entire cookbook. Rather, I now seek a single recipe which will, by itself, embody the plight of man in a world ruled by an unfeeling God, as well as providing the eater with at least one ingredient from each of the four basic food groups. To this end, I purchased six hundred pounds of foodstuffs from the corner grocery and locked myself in the kitchen, refusing to admit anyone. After several weeks of work, I produced a recipe calling for two eggs, half a cup of flour, four tons of beef, and a leek. While this is a start, I am afraid I still have much work ahead.


The damn Dane again

I have to go to Indiana and thought I would leave some photos and Kierkegaard. Yes, some more of that Damn Dane, but you’re going to like these.

A person cannot possibly seek what he knows, and just as impossible, he cannot seek what he does not know, for what he knows he cannot seek, since he knows it, and what he does know he cannot seek because, after all, he does not even know what he is supposed to seek.

Philisophical Fragments

People Political

In Defense of Michelle Malkin: The Case for Integrity

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Michelle Malkin appeared on Hardball yesterday and much buzz is circulating about the experience. As to be expected, the liberals side with Matthews, while the conservatives leap to her defense.

Norm Jenson posted video clips from the interview in question, and after watching them, I wrote the following in Norm’s comments:

I hate to say it Norm, but I don’t blame Malkin for leaving in a huff. Chris Matthews was beligerant, didn’t allow anyone to answer, talked just to hear himself talk, and came out as an asshole.

He wasn’t as bad with Larry Thurlow, but he was absolutely horrible with Malkin.

Personally, I would have slugged him and then walked off the set.

Matthews didn’t play hardball with Malkin – he lowballed her; using an unrelenting, rapid fire badgering in order to discredit not what she was saying, but her, specifically. He literally attacked Malkin, never once giving her time to fully think, must less answer a question.

More than that, though, was his behavior before the show. I am not a fan of Malkin’s, as she herself has noted. But I have no reason to disbelieve her when she talks about her conversation with Matthews about her age before the show started. And I have to share her disgust with this. He’s a professional, and knows that this type of conversation right before going on TV can rattle a guest, and deliberately undermine their confidence–putting them on the defensive even before the questions started.

As for the responses, Atrios referring to Malkin as “LuLu”, played both the gender and youth cards to discredit Malkin rather than Malkin’s writing or statements. In fact, I found that this is common for him. If the only way he can discredit Malkin is to use statements such as this, the sooner he drops back into obscurity, the better.

In the recent discussion about Malkin’s book, “In Defense of Internment: The Case for ‘Racial Profiling’ in World War II and the War on Terror”, Eric Muller and Greg Robinson focused on what Malkin wrote, her historical research practices, and her previous statements. They were unrelenting in putting out facts to discredit Malkin’s book; but I don’t remember either of these gentlemen condescendingly patting her on the head verbally, or referring to her as “LuLu”.

David Neiwert doesn’t play gender or age cards, but he also declares Matthews the winner in this exchange:

It used to be infuriating watching Matthews’ show and seeing Hitchens, Coulter, Sullivan and that whole crowd simply waltz away with a free propaganda ride. I have no idea what finally turned Matthews’ old juices back on, but this (combined with his recent exchange with Bush propagandist Matthew Dowd) are certainly welcome signs. When he was just doing a column, Matthews was a solid reporter and smart analyst, but it all seemed to fly out the window once he got the MSNBC gig. Nice to see some hints of it resurface.

To call these tactics a return to solid journalism is ludicrous. Just because it’s on ‘our side’, doesn’t make these tactics somehow blessed with credibility and righteousness.

Do I agree with the claims of the Swiftboat Veterans? No, but I find that a calm recital of facts on the issue makes a better argument than histrionics (thanks to Tim for the link). And bluntly, as the Citizen Times said:

Inordinate amounts of time have been burned up by reporters and editors tracking down the charges of SBVT, time that could have been far better spent finding actual positions that will affect us tomorrow.

We hope this is the last hurrah for this type of nonsense.

Otherwise, in 2040 we may be having the same debate about the awards some soldier is earning in Baghdad today.

I would like to add to this that enough time has been spent on Bush’s military record, too. “Last hurrah for this type of nonsense” is about right.

Integrity starts at home, folks. Our shit does, too, stink.

Diversity People Weblogging

Earth (Weblogging) Women are Easy

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The Washington Post had an interview with Jessica Cutler, otherwise known as “Washingtonienne”.

If you’re not familiar with the story, not too long ago Wonkette exposed a sex weblog based on a young woman’s sexual escapades with several Washington insiders. Within an hour or so after exposure, Cutler’s identity was disclosed and she was fired. However, lest you feel too badly for the now unemployed weblogger, she’s received deals to pose for Playboy, and a six-figure advance for a book on her exploits.

Michelle Malkin wrote a horrified diatribe about Cutler, calling her ’skank’ among other things:

I don’t usually write about such inside-the-Beltway gossip, but Cutler’s indecent conduct, glib rationalizations and in-your-face shamelessness, and the accompanying feeding frenzy over her, deserve a firm outside-the-Beltway lashing. This vulgar little episode reflects a larger, disturbing media trend toward normalizing and glamorizing sexual promiscuity among young working women. It harms those trying to succeed on their merits in the professional arena.

And it also harms our own daughters, who will be forced to fight harder to protect their dignity and credibility in a “Girls Gone Wild” culture.

When I first heard about Jessica Cutler, frankly I doubted the veracity of the exploits detailed (from the excerpts that have been quoted, she must have been screwing 26 hours a day), her proclamation of innocence (“Jessica’s blog … was the online diary she had been posting anonymously to amuse herself and her closest girlfriends”), and even the ‘accident’ of her exposure. As she says herself in the Post article:

“I was only blogging for, what, less than two weeks?” she says. “Some people with blogs are never going to get famous, and they’ve been doing it for, like, over a year. I feel bad for them.”

I know–if only I knew long ago that writing about my sex life could make me lots of money, I wouldn’t have bored you all with technology.

(Wait. What sex life? Did I happen to mention about being a 49 year old, non-Christian, liberal living in Missouri?)

Let’s do a reality check: here’s a woman who is very familiar with weblogging, Capital Hill gossip, Wonkette and what Wonkette sells – sex and politics – and she manages to take a weblog from Blogger to national TV in less than two weeks? “Accidental exposure” my ass…ets.

The play is different but the name of the game is the same: webloggers generate noise, and the media, ever on the lookout for a new edge, a new angle, follows that noise. People are beginning to notice this; the astute are even turning this to their advantage.

In this respect, Malkin is little different than Cutler with her entry into weblogging a few months back, just before she happens to release a book guaranteed to be controversial–writing in support of the Japanese Internment– and then spent time egging on webloggers who have written other books on the event.

The one screws politicians, the other screws history, and webloggers grease the way – in the end, it all comes down to someone being screwed.

Michele from A Small Victory, isn’t a newcomer and has been around for some time. She’s an A-Lister, though a quiet one – you don’t hear people reference her too much when they talk about the blogging power elite. I’ve found her to be one of the more thoughtful and open minded of the warbloggers. I respect her, though I may not agree with her. Of the Cutler incident, Michele also referenced her daughter saying:

I’m not a huge moralist and I don’t think there is no place for sex – or sexuality – in our society. But there is a big difference between promoting sexuality and promoting sex.

Perhaps my moral standards have changed as my kids got older. I see this blitz of breasts on even network television every day and it saddens me to think that my daughter is growing up in a media-crazed society that rewards most the women – and girls – who show the most. Maybe I’ve become a bit of a prude in my old age, but I cringe when I see women parading around in next to nothing because I know that teenage girls are impressionable and will emulate these women. What does a girl want, anyhow? Fame, fortune, Hollywood nights and hunky celebrities/rock stars dangling from their arms. No matter how”good” your teenage daughter is, it’s a safe bet that these are the things she’s daydreaming about as she stares out the window. Now, thanks to women like Jessica Cutler, the media that gives play to them and the people that open the doors to their virtual pink Cadillacs to pimp them, our daughters can further see how being a vapid, self-centered, materialistic whore can get you five pages in a major newspaper, a spread in Playboy, a book deal and a chance at fifteen minutes of fame.

With all due respect to Michele, society that is reduced to writing, movies, music, photographs, or other art ’suitable for children’ is too horrorific to consider. As for selling sex, this has been around long before we were born; and parents have been challenged by media’s influence on their kids since the first book was printed, the first song, sung.

I’m not that worried about teenage girls being exposed to Cutler when they’re bombarded with the likes of Britney. Best protection for kids is a good relationship with parents, and a fairly well defined set of house rules. Love is a better weapon in the fight to keep your kids grounded then censorship, or worrying about another sex kitten, scratching at a new kind of post.

I’m also not sure where this concern about decaying moral values is coming from; or the belief that standards are somehow worse than they’ve been in the past – that old and glorious past we keep bringing up whenever events such as this occur. If anything thanks to people like Howard Stern and Janet Jackson, who tease and turn sex into a commodity, we’re more uptight about sex than we have been in the past; a tension reflected in the glamorization of ‘bad’ girls like Wonkette and Cutler.

But I do share Michele’s concern with this …media-crazed society that rewards most the women – and girls – who show the most. I am less concerned with impressionable teens than I am concerned with the signals being sent us adults: that if you’re a woman and you want to get ahead, sex sells.

(Or, as Malkin so capably demonstrates, racism thinly disguised as patriotism works, too. )

Antigone, guest posting over at Feministe, might or might not agree with the harm of ’sex sells’. As regards to Cutler, she had this to say:

You may disagree with my take on this, but I’m glad young women are following their bliss when it comes to sex. And while I wouldn’t behave the way Jessica Culter did (especially with co-workers) what’s the the real harm she did (other than the fact that she blogged it and embarrassed some hypocritical, “family-values” Republicans)? What’s all the hullabaloo about?

By following her bliss, Antigone is referring to a new magazine, called Scarlet, which is … designed for intelligent women, who are sexually confident, but know that there’s always something new to learn. Open and frank, it’s the way that women speak to each other when men aren’t around.

Odd, but most of my female friends and I would talk about work, family, relationships, world events, medical concerns, funny stories, books, music, trips, hopes, and dreams. Has the relationship between women changed that much in the last few years?

But to return to antigone’s question: what is the harm? After all, we have Cosmopolitan magazine, Sex and the City, and now Scarlet–what can Cutler possibly add to all of this?

Frankly, not a lot. She’s just one more voice in a depressingly noisy lot.

Women are not only being told how we should look, we’re now being told what makes us horny. Men’s sexuality has been defined and constrained, packaged and marketed until I wonder how they can differentiate external stimulation from genuine, intimate impulses of sensuality. Are the markets now looking for a fresh new audience to exploit? Us?

If you look at what’s being promoted by Scarlet, you’ll find that it shares an amazing resemblance to magazines such as Playboy and Penthouse. From the magazine site:

Being a Scarlet Woman is about attitude, not looks. It’s about being fun, fearless and feisty. And Scarlet magazine aims to satisfy every part of you. You’ll find intelligent sex advice, features with a real women’s sense of humour and horny stories to help you get your rocks off.

Yeah, I only buy it for the recipes.

You want to know what turns me on? This rose. The color, the delicate scent, the silken touch of the petals constrasting with the sharpness of the thorns. Next week, this rose will be gone – brown and dying and dead–but I had the rose today. I took photo after photo of the roses and none would come out; not until this one, this picture that captured what I felt was the very essence of the rose. To me, this photo is erotica.

Returning though to Cutler and what this is all about. This is all about learning the game if you want to get ahead. Scarlet is looking for photographers: I think I’ll send them a picture of my rose. They’re also looking for writers. Here’s my chance; after all, it’s only words, it’s only sex.

And next to war, sex sells.

After all of this, I re-read this writing in my preview, and much of the hot air of indignation runs out of me in slow, wry puffs–brought about from the realization that the only change I’ve wrought in 3+ years of kicking this dog is a hurt foot, and a voice that echos .

I am an anachronism; worse, a moralizer, and not a very honest one, either. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I would like to have a little of the exposure that Malkin and Wonkette get for my own writing, and maybe even enough money not to worry so much every month. In this business, you need a gimmick to get ahead; rather than condemn these ladies, I should be grateful because thanks to women such as Jessica Cutler and Wonkette and Michelle Malkin, we women webloggers are now getting more exposure.

Any publicity is good publicity, I’ve been told. So why do I feel like we just took two giant steps back?