Diversity Events of note People Photography


Pridefest 2005 Today’s outing to the St. Louis PrideFest 2005 parade did not begin auspiciously–we were hit from behind by a lady driving an SUV. Luckily my roommate, who was giving me a lift, drives a larger van and we could drive away after the insurance cards were exchanged.

(I hate the sensations of a car wreck: the screeching tires, the metallic thud, and the fast jerk as your car is pushed forward. I dislike more my roommate’s car being damaged because he was giving me a ride.)

Anyway, he dropped me off at the parade route, and I found a spot in front of a light pole in a little bit of shade, right next to a large group of gay women. Ironically, it was the group the lady who hit us was joining. That poor woman became the butt of several of her friend’s jokes, and one bad pun from me (“Nice running into you again.”)

They were a marvelous group to stand with : every time any car, float, or group went by they would cheer and cheer. Their exuberance added much to the event.

The Parade started right on time, and they kept the pace up, probably because they wanted to finish quickly. It was in the upper 90’s and humid and the air quality was horrid. The conditions were more than compensated, though, by the parade participants. They were a wonderful group, and more than once, I found my eyes stinging a bit from the gentle pride, and absolute joy you could see on their faces.

A Mother's Pride

There were participants from several companies, including several real estate firms. I gather that gay money, at least, is welcome in the housing market. Even in Missouri. Politically, the mayor was there, as was the fire chief and a couple of aldermen, and Ross Carnahan, a Democrat. There was even a small contingent from the Log Cabin Republicans, though they marched at quite a distance from the one somber entry, aptly named “Fear”.


There were some fun and flamboyant participants, but most of the marchers wore simple cotton shirts in various colors, with the word “Pride” over the chest. Even though they live right in the middle of that part of the country which condemns everything about them, they can still smile at, and throw pretty beads to, a crowd that has consistently voted down many of their rights. I think next year the St. Louis Pridefest organizers should consider adding the words “Courage” and “Determination” to the outfits.


Reflection in Glass


Critters History Photography

Pink and shadows

Thursday I thought I would try the Castor Shut-Ins, see if the overcast days would help with the photographs. The challenge with taking photos in Missouri is the unusual coloration of much of the environment here–all that pink because of the iron deposits in the state.

Overcast and cooler but still humid at the Shut-Ins. This was the first time I’d been in this area since Winter, and it’s amazing how different it is with the seasons. In the winter, all is open and light. In the Summer, though, the leaves close in and the hills are full of shadows.

It’s difficult to describe to those unfamiliar with the types of forests in this area what it’s like being deep in the woods in the Ozarks in the summer. Most guidebooks recommend saving the trails for the fall, spring, or winter. They say it’s because of the bugs and the heat, but I can’t see how this, alone, is enough to discourage the avid hiker. I think it’s the heaviness of life that surrounds the hikers that intimidates.


Walking through the trees on Thursday, I was reminded of the passage from the old short story, Windigo by Algernon Blackwood:

The forest pressed round them with its encircling wall; the nearer tree-stems gleamed like bronze in the firelight; beyond that — blackness, and so far as he could tell, a silence of death. Just behind them a passing puff of wind lifted a single leaf, looked at it, then laid it softly down again without disturbing the rest of the covey. It seemed as if a million invisible causes had combined just to produce that single visible effect. Other life pulsed about them — and was gone.

The creature seemingly at the heart of this story is a variation of the legendary Windigo: spirits of humans who out of desperation and madness, turn to eating other humans to survive. As punishment they are made into a creature, tall, fearsome, and hungry for flesh–a Canadian werewolf, since the Windigo is primarily a Canadian legend. It is just one of the many creatures of legends that are said to populate the dense stands of trees in wilder forests–when we peer in among the woods and can’t quite see what is making that shape, or what caused a bush to shudder.

The Ozarks where I walked on Friday are said to be the habitat of the Ozark Howler, a very large and heavy black cat that roams the hills, emitting a blood-curdling howl. It’s eyes are said to glow yellow, it stands three feet high at the shoulder and, according to one ‘experienced Ozarks huntsman’, the ‘numerous’ sightings have shown us that without a doubt the creature does exist.

Well, without a doubt until you see the name of the leading Ozark Howler investigator: Itzakh Joach.

Unlike the woods of the shadowy north, east, or west, the Ozarks have never had a fearsome reputation. No monsters stalking the unwary hunter; no restless spirits. Not even the animal life is that inimical to humans, but more on that later.

At Amidon Conservation Area, where the Castor Shut-Ins are located, I met an older couple leaving as I came in. Since mine was the only car in the parking lot, I assumed I was the only one about. Aside from the usual squirrels and birds, it was quiet–not even a little wind to stir the leaves and the humidity.

At the section where the dirt trail moved on to the rocks, I noticed that the end of one of the dead trees was shredded and torn apart. Though this is a good indication that a bear had been in the area, how fresh was the damage was hard to determine.

There was hardly any water running in the stream over the Shut-Ins; as wet as it has been up here in St. Louis, the southern part of the state is going through a drought. Still, it was uncomfortably humid as I walked about the rocks. I followed the trail down to the stream bottom, but stopped about half way–tired, cranky, and dripping with sweat.

Castor Shut-Ins

Every once in a while I’d hear sounds from back down the trail — twigs breaking, movement in the bushes. I actually stopped walking a couple of times to listen more closely, and expected to see more hikers arrive, but no one joined me at the rocks.

I decided not to do the full loop, which would take me through too much brush. When I headed back I noticed fresh scat in the path by the torn apart tree. (For you city folk, ‘scat’ is a polite term for animal shit.) This pile of scat was very distinctive: one of Missouri’s rare black bears had come, and gone, while I’d been exploring the rocks.

I had a mixed feelings, seeing that scat. I was disappointed the bear wasn’t there at the trail, and realized I may have frightened him or her away into the bushes near the water. At the same time, and even knowing that no human has ever been threatened much less attacked, by a black bear in Missouri, I froze like a deer in headlights. I had to walk through the forest, about half a mile, to get to my car. My nice, safe car.

An interesting albeit stilted half-mile, too. I’d walk for a little ways, slowly and deliberately, and then hear a noise and freeze, grabbing for my camera (to take a picture, or somehow use as a weapon, I wasn’t quite sure). If all was still, I’d start walking again, head rigidly kept to the front, eyes fixed on the trail.

My nervousness was largely unjustified, as black bears are a timid, non-aggressive animal. Though they can reach up to 400 pounds, the ones we usually encounter range between 100 and 200 pounds. If you startle one they might ‘slap’ at you, but unlike a big cat, a black bear slap will usually only tear your clothes and scratch you. You can even be near their cubs, and chances are they won’t react negatively unless they feel you are a direct threat. Serious black bear attacks rarely happen because of accidental meetings, defense of young, or because of fear.

However, black bears have attacked and killed people–dozens in the last century, several in the last five years. There’s no rhyme or reason to what causes a normally timid creature to turn predatory. What’s worse, is that a black bear that’s a killer is a stalker–deliberately stalking the person, and then moving in for the kill.

Most of our fears of the woods have to do with being stalked by the unseen. Knowing that our dull human senses can’t detect that which can smell our fear, watch our stumbling steps. In the Stephen King Book, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, a young girl is lost in the woods of Maine and struggles to survive the elements and lack of food and clean water. As she stumbles along, she is stalked by a creature, the thing in the woods she comes to think of as the God of the Lost, a creature with long, spiky teeth, half seen clawed paws.

Boom! Thunder woke her. Crack! Lightning, right overhead. And rain, lashing down. The most violent storm Trisha had ever seen. She struggled to her feet, gathered her stuff, blundered toward the rusted-out cab, and as her hand touched the door, she saw it: A slump-shouldered huge something poised across the road, with great cocked ears like horns. The God of the Lost, waiting in the rain.

In the woods, lost or no, one’s fancy grows as long as the shadows cast by the trees in the afternoon light–a fact that is sheepishly self-evident once we’re back in our nice aluminum cars, air conditioning cooling heated cheeks, and slugging down water from a plastic bottle. We pack the terror in the woods out with us, along with the rest of our trash.

I’m disappointed that I couldn’t get my picture of a black bear. Seeing fresh evidence is exciting, but not as exciting as having a picture of a Missouri black bear. I have an idea, though, where I might be able to get a bear photo this fall and will continue my quest. In the meantime, this will be last hike for the summer in the Ozark wilds. Not because of the bear: because of the heat and the humidity, the omnipresent poison ivy, and the nasty bug bites I have on my legs.

Ware pretty plants


Cyber Moon

Mother Earth, what can I say? You have a great looking kid.

tower moon



One of the many advantages of digital photography is that you can see what a photo looks like immediately. What happens to that great scenic when flattened out into two dimensions? And is that butterfly lost against the floral background? With this, you still have a chance to re-take the photo, if needed.

Still, there’s always room for the odd and even serendipitous image…

These images, as with most I show in my pages, reflect more or less the original digital image. I’ll usually crop the shots, and I may adjust the shadows and highlights if the picture is too contrasty. Or if there’s dust on the lens, I’ll use the fill tool in Photoshop to ‘erase’ it. In addition, I almost always sharpen an image after making a compressed version of the picture, and always before making a print.

I’m trying out a new Photoshop plugin set, Reindeer’s Optipix, which is said to have superior edge detection and sharpening. When I opened the edge enhancing filter, I was given options to set noise removing radius, and then edge sharpening radius before picking the amount of emphasis. Curious about the impact of these adjustments, I searched around for more detail. In one forum entry about the plugin, the reviewer mentioned that rather than an unsharp mask, which is a Laplacian of the Gaussian, the Optipix filter takes a Difference of Gaussians to enhance edges.

What a blast from the past this was. I remember studying about the Laplacian of the Gaussian (LoG) and Difference of Gaussians (DoG) when I did a college paper on David Marr’s landmark book on computational models of visual neurophysiology, Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information. This book had such a profound impact on me that when I graduated from college, I wanted to work with computer vision (in addition to computational linguistics). Of course, when one only has a BS rather than a PhD, one goes to work with databases and FORTRAN rather than computational models of vision.

Still, I have my copy of the book today, and I think I even have that old paper somewhere. I remember when I wrote it out, on an old typerwriter, I had to hand letter in the formulae, and hand draw in the diagrams. My, haven’t we come far? Of course back then, I still had a fair hand and my writing was legible. Now, if it weren’t for my graphics tablet and pen, I’m not sure I’d remember how to hold a pencil.

To return to Vision, in his book, Marr explored various aspects of vision and with each discussed the physiology behind the act, modeling it mathematically, and then deriving a computational representation.

Consider edge detection. Our eyes have ganglion cells that respond differently to the presence or absence of light. ‘On’ centered cells respond when light is first introduced, and continue to fire as long as the light is maintained. Other ‘off’ centered cells respond only when the light is removed. Both actions are necessary to detect an ‘edge’ , which is really nothing more than a light area next to a dark or darker area–a difference of intensity of light.

(Think about tearing open a bag: one hand moves toward you, the other hand moves away and the action results in an effect–the bag opens, the aroma of potato chips fills the air. If both hands moved in the same direction, you’d starve.)

So how does a computer detect an edge? After all it doesn’t have cells.

Well, according to Marr and others of the time, one way to detect edges is to blur the image, and then subtract this from the original in order to determine the changes of intensity or zero crossings; leaving what Marr termed the zero-crossing segments–edges whose slope denotes the level of contrast of a an edge. Computationally, this is equivalent to taking a transform of the aforementioned Difference of Gaussians , and if you view a graph of this equation, it actually physically approximates how one would think of an edge if one imagined it one dimensionally–two steep hills with a deep divide between them.

For someone who alternated between love of mathematics, and terror of the same, Marr’s book was the first time I’d seen a real, rather than ‘accepted’ correlation between complex mathematics and the physical world. What made it ironic is that I didn’t meet this epiphany while studying physics or computer science. No, I was studying about the human visual system in the process of getting a degree in psychology

David, this one's for you

(A zero-crossing drawing, generated by Photoshop.)

Thirty years ago Marr envisioned a time when computers could see and wrote a book called Vision, published after his death of leukemia in 1980 at the age of 35. Five years later, I sat under a tree on campus making notes, and stopping from time to time to just stare at the bark, the birds against the sky, and the shadows the buildings made–crude hand drawings of which would make their way into my report on his research.

Five years later, in 1990, while I wrestled large databases for Boeing, a small company released a product called Photoshop that would incorporate work of Marr and others.

Fifteen years later, I sit with a thin, titanium computer on my lap, Marr’s book turned upside down on the chair’s arm, while I try a plugin downloaded over the Internet that does what I only dreamed could be possible twenty years ago.

Critters Photography

Sweet babies and fireflies

The Missouri summer has moved in, with weather in the 80’s, humid, and rich. I’ve moved my walks to the morning, when it’s still cool. Come July and August, even mornings won’t help and that’s when you take the deep, canyon and river hikes.

I went to the zoo to check out the new Fragile Forest exhibit and the baby penguin. Unlike my last trip in the winter, today the place was quite busy, and all the fountains and falls were turned on–I hadn’t realized what a beautiful zoo the St. Louis zoo is. It’s not big, but it is nicely designed, and wonderfully intimate. I guess that Parent Magazine ran a survey and the St. Louis zoo was named the number one zoo for kids in the country–primarily because the various critters are accessible.

The penguin baby was hidden by adults at the Penguin and Puffin exhibit, but it was nice to watch the antics of the birds and to cool off in the 45 degree temperature controlled environment. Unfortunately, the apes were nowhere to be seen at the Fragile Forest, either. It is still too new for the animals, and they spend a lot of time in their old habitat.

However, other animals were out and about and nicely active; including the prairie dog village, which had several babies of their own. I managed to capture a picture of one sweet faced, tiny baby.

The Babe

I really enjoyed the zoo visit today–even taking time to chat with folks, when normally I’m rather shy around strangers. Color, lots of color, and I’ve been of a mood for color. And some excellent fresh cooked, spiced potato chips that I enjoyed by the lake, watching the flamingos.

Flamingo in June

The colorful birds and the antics of the prairie dog pups cheered me considerably. I was in a bit of a dark mood the last few days, which is one reason I wanted to take a break from the computer today. However, as I wrote in comments recently, …a person who is bright and cheerful all the time is on drugs, so at least we know I’m clean and sober.


After today’s flamingos, more color–the fireflies came out tonight. I wish there was a way I capture them on film, but it wouldn’t work. The magic of fireflies is that they glow quickly and just out of the corner of your eye — blinking out when you turn to look. If we captured them on film, the magic would be lost.


Water Bird