
What kind of war do you think we’ll be fighting?

I just couldn’t leave Steven Den Beste’s postings about a ground war in Iraq. While I can assume that he has a good understanding of tactics and strategy and troop movements, there was something about his postings that jarred me. Something that didn’t feel right.

I finally realized what it is. Seven Den Beste talks about a war with Iraq in terms of the amount of water needed and flow of troops and preferred routes as if he assumes that the only battles will occur within Iraq, soldier to soldier. He’s approaching this as a ‘traditional’ war, and this led me to a question: exactly what kind of war do you think we’ll be fighting if we invade Iraq?

If you think this is going to be similar to the last Gulf War, think again. That war had general support even among the Arab states because Iraq proved itself to be an aggressor. It’s actions were uncontestable–it invaded a relatively defenseless country, Kuwait.

Today all we have is a nebulous general threat that Hussein is a bad man and is developing terrible weapons, which he’ll use against us. This is in addition to the general opinion that Hussein is supporting terrorists, which he’ll again use against us.

At the same time we’re discussing the dangers of Iraq our newspapers and web sites online–including our weblogs–are beginning to discuss how Iraq isn’t the only country with this type of activity. After all, look at Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran. These countries also support terrorists, are developing weapons of mass destruction, and so on. If I were a member of one of these countries, in fact of of any Arab country, I would be wary of any presence of the United States in the region, much less a military one.

After all, the only countries showing themselves to be aggressors at this time are the United States and Israel. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the papers and see for yourselves–which are the countries rolling out tanks, dropping bombs, and talking about invasion? Just because we all consider that we’re the good guys doesn’t make our actions less aggressive.

Returning to the Gulf War, our position at that time was to turn Iraqi military back to its own borders; not to pursue the Iraqi into their own cities and homes. Bombing military trucks out in the desert is relatively simple–what happens when the military is threaded in and throughout schools and hospitals and homes? Drop the bombs, shoot the guns and to hell with the consequences?

With each civilian death we will weaken our own position and strengthen the resolve of the Arab people. A people that, for the most part, share a common language, heritage, and religion. And a people that can see for themselves from our publications that we in the West don’t think much of them. That we don’t like them. That we don’t trust them. That perhaps a regime change in the different Arab countries is necessary for true democracy to flourish in the Middle East, and for peace to truly reign.

And for the United States to truly be safe.

I don’t know about you but I don’t hold my hand out in friendship to people who spit in my face. Do you? And I sure as hell don’t hold my hand out to someone who’s thinking of kicking my butt and telling me how I should manage my own country.

I said previously that if the US invaded Iraq we would be surrounded by enemies. By this I didn’t mean that we would be facing hostile actions from the military of Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran and so on. I meant that we would be surrounded by a people who consider us a threat, a danger, and an aggressor. We would be their enemy, but an enemy with a superior military force.

When a people are faced with an opponent possessing superiour military strength they’re not going to grab a gun and go get blown away by a tank. They’re not going to shoot a 22 at a B52 bomber.

They’re going to develop weapons that exploit the weakness of their foe. They will find their foe’s vulnerability and seek to target it with weapons designed to exploit this vulnerability most efficiently. And they won’t be hindered by ubsurd concepts such as ‘honor in war’ and ‘fair play’ and only harming combatants. This is a war–anything goes.

Didn’t we learn that one in Vietnam?

Almost a year ago we showed the world our vulnerable spot. We, who have fought the majority of our wars on foreign soil, literally collapsed when someone brought the war to the mainland, to our home. Less than 100 men came close to bringing our country to a complete standstill. We couldn’t have demonstrated a more effective target, or a more efficient weapon.

So I ask the question again: If we invade Iraq, what kind of war do you think we’ll be fighting? Something to think about when you pull out your maps and push your little toy soldiers around and talk about water supply.

(And suddenly I have lost any and all interest in debating an invasion of Iraq with the warbloggers. Wonder why.)



We are not at war

This is one that all bloggers, be they peace, war, anti-war, green, blue, techno, porno, whatever, should get angry about.

First up: Camps for Citizens. Ashcroft wants to create camps for US citizens that are determined to be “enemy combatants”. There, people will be held indefinitely, as ‘guests’ of the US government without any recourse to their constitutional rights. As the LA Times writes:

We are only now getting a full vision of Ashcroft’s America. Some of his predecessors dreamed of creating a great society or a nation unfettered by racism. Ashcroft seems to dream of a country secured from itself, neatly contained and controlled by his judgment of loyalty.

Who would be detained? People like Jose Padilla, who has now been determined not to be associated with al Qaeda. Lately, information is leaking out that Padilla wasn’t associated with any plot to create a dirty bomb, either. However, he’s still being held as an enemy combatant, without access to the rights supposedly guaranteed to all Americans.

(Can’t let him go–that would be admitting we made a mistake, wouldn’t it?)

Why all of this? It’s the War, you know. What war? Why, the war on terror.

News for you folks — no war has ever been declared. There is no war. The president did not go to Congress and inform Congress that we’re now in a state of war. What we have here is two stupid, paranoid, out of control men in office: one President, the other Attorney General. Hey warbloggers: these are the men you trust to lead an invasion of Iraq?

Time to return to discussions about the Dishmatique and soap–I suddenly feel dirty.

(Thanks to b!x for pointing out both of these pieces of Americana crap.)

Insects Political Weblogging

Golden Arches

Loren from In a Dark Time is off to my favorite place in the entire world, Cannon Beach:


There is something both inspirational and moving about the ocean. As it turns out, I spent my first honeymoon at the beach, but I also drove down to the beach to clear my mind the night I decided to leave my first wife. Perhaps it is the sense of timelessness you sense at the beach that makes it such a good backdrop to make important decisions.

He also leaves a gentle admonishment to me:

…I really don’t need to get dragged into someone else’s battle now do, I Bb?”

Loren is referring to my posting yesterday where I used both his weblog and a posting by Glenn Reynolds as examples of intelligence and intelligentsia, respectively. The interesting thing about this post is that I wasn’t thinking of Glenn Reynolds or the warbloggers when I wrote it; it was actually directed elsewhere. However, in the midst of my war debates, and using Professor Reynolds’ quote, I could see why the assumption was made that I was pointing it at the the warbloggers and Professor Reynolds.

Regardless, good point and well taken Loren, but no worries–I’ve realized how wrong it is to drag another into my battles.

Speaking of Professor Reynolds, he did write something yesterday that I felt was both honest and sincere:

I don’t pretend to offer guarantees that American intervention in the region will make life better for the people who live there. I think it will, I hope it will, and I think we should do our best to make that so. But those are secondary objectives. The primary objective is to make clear to leaders that if their country threatens America, they, the rulers, will be out of power at best, and dead along with all their family and friends at worst. Is that “nice?” No. I don’t care.


There is no pretense in this statement, and I can respect that, as I can respect Andrew Sullivan’s statement (pointed to by Doc) along similar lines:

The far-left notion that this is a cynical war for “protecting American interests in the Middle East” is absurd. Such a war might indeed make the Middle East a safer place, but the war is about protecting America and the West, as well as liberating the Iraqi people from one of the most evil tyrants in history.

I imagine that Sullivan would concur with Reynolds in that freeing the Iraqi people is secondary to ensuring the safety of the West. If I disagree with both on the direction the US should take, I can respect their honesty.

One can talk, really talk, when all sides strip away rhetoric and side issues and focus on true opinions, concerns, and realities.

Speaking of battles and discussions, Jonathon suggests that I focus on debating Steven Den Beste rather than Eric Olsen and Glenn Reynolds. After reading the posts he references I agree with Jonathon. ( Though I think the link to the legal post is inaccurate; should it be this one instead?).

In particular, I appreciate Den Beste’s multi-part Ground war in Iraq as a point of beginning discussions. With such a careful and detailed analysis, there is much to respond to.

However, for a discussion on the legality of a unilaterial US invasion of Iraq, I would prefer to focus more on John Chipman’s America’s Right to Fight Iraq in the Financial Times (through Glenn Reynolds).

I’ll work on both posts as I wash all my clothes and vacuum in a vain attempt to rid myself of the Missouri buglife that has decided that I look like MacDonald’s Golden Arches. However, from readings on the subject of chiggers that Ben was kind enough to provide, it would seem it was my last foray into the wild that’s responsible for my current suffering and that only time will provide me a cure. Unfortunate as there are so many bites on my legs I look like I have the measles.

I have found Dante’s missing hell: it’s full of chiggers.

(And I’m still trying to figure out what caused the huge bite that’s so inflamed–a mosquito couldn’t have caused this, could it? What kind of mosquitos live in Missouri–reincarnated fighter pilots?)


Stay tuned…

Grant me a modicum of patience on a continuing dialog about an Iraqi invasion. I’ve had a headache for the last few days that is becoming more and more demanding of my attention, so I’m giving it its way.

My way of saying that I’m just not up for this tonight.

Political Weblogging

War shit

Tom writes today that he’s bowing out of war blogging:

I think I’ve finally got the Iraq blogging out of my system. I wish I hadn’t allowed myself to get sucked into it. It’s not what people read my blog for. Readership seems to have evaporated. Emails and quotes have been conspicuously absent. I should have known better.

I can identify with Tom, because writing about politics, ‘debating’ with the warbloggers, and being a peaceblogger aren’t necessarily the focus of this weblog, either. My focus is on people connecting with other people, technology, philosophy, the environment, photography and writing. And sensuality, can’t forget sensuality.

And I have found that sensuality and war don’t mix. Sensuality and politics don’t mix. Sensuality and warbloggers don’t mix.

(There’s a pattern emerging here.)

So why do I do it? Why do I get into the debates, comment on the politics? The timing of Tom’s posting is serendipitous, because the posting I pulled earlier today touched on this. I salvaged a bit of it to repeat here:

Someone once asked me in an email if I think webloggers are journalists. I told her that webloggers aren’t journalists, we’re conduits; we don’t originate stories, we provide pipelines to new sources of information, ones that may be escoteric or obscure or unknown to the average person on the street. And these sources of information provide the news we don’t get from the mainstream press.


If the information is interesting our readers may discuss it with their family and at work, and this news finds its way, slowly, haltingly, gradually into the non-Net world. If there are enough pipelines joining the flow, it causes ripples and eventually even the mainstream press might take a reluctant interest.


Every once in a while I divert from my regularly scheduled programming to discuss a political topic, or to take on the warbloggers, as I’ve done this last week. I don’t do this because I really enjoy beating my head against a wall (‘it feels so good when I stop’), or because I expect to win the debate or to convince the warbloggers to see the error of their ways.


I do it because I’m laying a pipe.

I do it because I’m laying a pipe.