
The chicken rules

Stavros, our favorite Wonder Chicken is suffering from an affliction known as Mike Envy.

Yup. The Chicken feels he can’t kick Mike’s ass in the weblogging arena, and encourages us to go over to Mike’s latest writing extravaganza and clog the comments with puerile statements, personal insults, lumpy and salted oatmeal, bad poetry, and other worthless odes and bits and pieces of mangled and tortured verbage.

The end hope is that the effort will drive Mike batty — well battier than he already is — forcing him to give into the weblogging flow, spending his remaining weblog days linking to endless Daypop 40 items of note such as three year old sandwiches. Personally, I think we can count coup for Stavro’s efforts if we can get Mike to create the aforementioned What kind of Doc Searls Dead Animal are you? quiz.

Stavros, if you really want to bring Mike down then you have no other recourse: you’ll have to bring in The Scotsman. He’s the only person known to get Mike to post less than 20 words (in comments associated with this post).

Update Mike did manage to link to every member of Cluetrain in addition to Dave Winer in this one post. There is hope, Stavros. There is hope.


Weblogging stuff

A couple of things popped up while I was out of touch yesterday.

First of all, my Australia friends sent me some Tim Tams! Very sweet of them and can’t wait to finally try these delectable treats. When I receive them, I’ll post my review. In addition, the Australian delegation also sent me a card (ala Mr. Delacour).

Thanks guys — you’re the best! What can I say but Australian women are very lucky!!

Secondly, there was an article about weblogging in a publication edited by someone I know. The article is Is there a Blog in your Future, and the publication is Idea Idee — a webzine geared for techie women (Canadian based, but open for all). Check it out.

In the next few weeks I’m going to be off and on with the weblog, posting erratically. Since I usually am fairly consistent with posting daily, multiple posts in a day, I just thought I would give y’all a heads up.

That’s it. Thanks.


All back

I had a lot of fun with the Australia Day at Bb. I am also, as you can see, testing out new color schemes. Feedback requested.

Hopefully when I move to MT I’ll be able to change the template and keep this same format. I like the organization of my weblog, except I won’t mind having the MT calendar. And I was thinking of keeping my own comment system, though MT’s is rather nice.

Anyway, my thanks to those who joined me yesterday in a bit of silliness and fun!

In another bit of news, Sharon has been picked by the infamous Webring King to now head up Bloggers with Attitude. Now how did the King know that Sharon has the most attitude of all of us?


When my Dad wakes up

“When my dad wakes up today, the first thing he will notice is that he is dead. But he’ll take that in his stride, because my mom will be cooking bacon downstairs and getting the coffee ready and these divine smells will keep him from worrying too much about it.”

Halley Suitt’s poignant and warm farewell to her father on his death, Tuesday.


Australia day on BB

Before I started messing around with my site and doing things such as alphabetizing my blogroll, I had the Australians on the list separated into what I called the Australian Delegation — a separate list of weblogs owned and maintained by those we affectionately refer to as Aussies.

In a surge of nostaligia, as well as an attempt to stay with one single theme for an entire day’s postings, I’m declaring today to be Australia Day at Burningbird.

All day long I’ll feature postings about all things Australian as well as postings introducing you to the members of the Delegation, who though now merged in with the other Plutonians, can still be spotted with their +17 hour rating.

Speaking of the hours, note that the Australians used to have a time difference of +19 from my home base in California (Pacific time), and now have a +17 hour difference. Why the two hour change?

Well, Australia’s Daylight Saving Time started last year in October, the Aussie Spring; it ended in March, the beginning of the Australian Fall. This chopped one hour off the time difference because their clocks were turned back one hour. When we in the States started our DST, we moved our clocks forward one hour, chopping a second hour and leading to the +17 hour difference you see today.

I am finding that Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity is easier to understand than international Daylight Saving Time. That’s what happens when you muck with Mother Time.

To make things even more interesting, not all areas of Australia participate in DST, same as in the States. However, since the Australian Delegation members are from New South Wales and Tasmania, both of which participate in DST, all of the Delegation’s hours were impacted.

More Down Under to come…