
Loss of Intimacy

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Have we lost the window of opportunity for intimacy in our writing? Did we have it once, but then we stood at the edge of change, and in one direction lay power and glory, the other obscurity and intimacy, and we chose the glory?

Somehow when we stopped using Blogrolls and started using aggregators to keep up with each other’s writings, we started to lose our touch with each other. No matter how many readers we did or did not have, when we had to visit each other’s weblogs, it set both a tone and a context for the writing.

Now, we have a wonderful ability to consume mass quantities of data, and we are probably the most well informed citizens of this world, if not the known universe. If all this data were food or beer, the sound heard the loudest would be a hearty belch.

Perhaps it’s for the best, because there’s something distasteful about putting your most delicate thoughts into a writing, which then just gets shoved up next to a video of a basketball game riot, half a dozen dire political announcements, an adorable picture of a kitten (which will upstage everything else), and a bit of code. Perhaps we what we need is mood aggregators, similar to the old Mood Rings popular decades ago.

With the increased popularity and scrutiny of weblogs in the press thanks to the American political scene, putting one’s thoughts online is somewhat like standing in the middle of the T station in Boston and shouting out for all to hear what is or is not on your mind at the moment. Even if you’re in a group of friends, there’s something about the surroundings that keeps you chit chatting on common place things. We have lost the internet equivalent of candlelight dinners, Sunday morning brunch, and a late night chat over cocoa or beer.

Oh, we still have voice for anger, no worries there. In fact, we have even greater capacity for anger and rightousness and umbrage. But then, there’s something impersonal and dispassionate about anger. Anger is the ultimate camouflage for what’s really going on in our heads and our lives. People don’t look too closely at you when you’re angry.

And look at the marvels of technology available now. There’s room in syndication feeds for ads and images and podcast enclosures, and who are we to stand like frozen blocks of salt in the path of progress.

I wonder though, since I’m in the mood and it’s a cloudy day and suits the topic, have we achieved this massive information input, increased exposure, and technical supremacy by sacrificing a space for either exquisite beauty or exquisite pain?

Technology Weblogging

Just around the corner

If I were a betting woman, I would bet that WordPress 1.3 (or would it be 2.0?) is releasing sooner rather than later. At least it looks that way from the code, though the developers are going back and forth on a couple of items. Even though I plan on doing my own development from this release on, I’m still interested in WordPress, and plan on being so in the future. After all, my decision to go a new direction has less to do with WordPress and more to do with wanting to try some ideas of my own.

Who knows, maybe some of those ideas will make their way back into WordPress. Life is full of both surprises and variety.

I’ve helped several people move to WordPress, and thought it might be of use to write out the major changes that I’m seeing in this release, and point to any additional information of which I am familiar. That’s the great thing about an open source project that’s being implemented in an open environment – we can all peek in while the work is underway.


I’ve been using themes over at Kitchen, and just implemented a Theme Switcher, so that the readers can pick their favorite. Ryan Boren wrote an anatomy of a theme, and the WordPress Codex wiki has an overview of how to develop a theme.

From a user perspective, a theme consists of two parts: one or more templates, and an associated stylesheet. The theme template can be as simple as a single index.php, which replaces the one that exists within the weblog root directory; or it can consist of a whole group of template files, such as comments.php, sidebar.php, footer.php, index.php, and so on.

The template files and the stylesheet and any incidental material is placed in it’s own subdirectory under wp-contents/themes/. For instance, one we have at Kitchen is called “Kitchen One”, which is located in a subdirectory called kitchen-one.

When the files are copied into the wp-content/themes directory, they’ll show up automatically within the themes selection list in the new Presentation page within the WordPress administation page. You can then activate whichever theme you want to use. Currently the theme at Kitchen is Kubrick, but that could change tomorrow.

The style sheet is named style.css, and this is critical because the theme name and what pulls it together is found in the stylesheet. The theme definition block for Kitchen One is:

Template: gemini
Theme Name: Kitchen One
Description: A deep warm rich kind of style.
Author: Joni Mueller and Shelley Powers
Author URI:

Odyssey interface and Gemini template for WordPress 1.3 designed and built
by Root

CSS Design by Joni Mueller and Shelley Powers
Photo by Elaine Nelson

The values on the left have meaning to the theme system and should be written as shown here. From the top, these provide for the theme name, a description, the author, the author’s web site, and any incidental information. The key variable is the one named ‘Template’. This points to the template being used for the one theme, because one template can be used in many themes. In fact, all the themes at Kitchen use the Gemini template except for one, Kubrick.

In this case, the Gemini theme is a simple one – a single index.php page. For all other functionality, this theme uses the existing default files, such as wp-comments.php. For Kubrick, the theme uses several template files: 404.php, archive.php, archives.php, comments.php, footer.php, header.php, links.php, page.php, search.php, searchform.php, sidebar.php, and single.php.

So how can a system handle one theme that has one file, and other theme that has many? Simple, it checks for the existence of files when a page is accessed, and if the file exists in the theme, it’s used. If not, the default file is used instead.

So for Kubrick, when you access a single entry page using index.php, the application checks to see if there is a single.php page in the template subdirectory. If there is, it loads this; if there isn’t the index.php page handles the request. The same functionalty is used for archives, category, author, searching, and so on.

This is a very effective way of managing file-based templates without having to worry about overwriting a user’s existing modification when you upgrade the application. No more going, “Oh crap, I just copied over the index.php file.”

You can check out the use of templates and themes at Kitchen, and even use the new theme switcher (look at the bottom of the right hand column).


Another significant change with the next release of WordPress is the existence of pages. A page is like a post except that it’s not included as part of the archives or categories. For instance, the link titled “How to Participate” at the Kitchen is built using the page functionality, not the post. If you click the link, you’ll see it opens at the top-level of the site.

The challenge with a page is that each one requires a new entry within the .htaccess file. So if you want to create a page and have it immediately accessible, you have to make your .htaccess file writeable. Or you have to re-generate the permalink entry for .htaccess every time you create a page.

Still, you’re not going to create that many pages. Rather than make .htaccess writable, I’d recommend creating the pages, and then generating the permalink entries for .htaccess all at once.

There is a new status appearing in WordPress code of ’static’, which makes me wonder if these pages are going to be created using the regular weblog post page and then statically generated – which would make more sense for this type of page. Once one moves past the same problems we’ve had with writing to a directory. Stay tuned…


Nothing more fun than to go to a weblog that’s been around for years and search on a popular term. What returns is an extremely long page with every entry that matches that search term. If you’re lucky, you’ll only see excerpts. If you’re not, you’re in for a long wait.

WordPress has dealt with the problems associated with too many entries being returned by implementing a thing called ‘paging’. You can see it in the Kitchen, if you access a popular category like Administration, a frequent poster, like The Chef, search on a popular term like weblog, or access an entire month’s entries. At the top and bottom of the page is navigation to go from the current group of posts to the previous, and so on.

The count of posts displayed is based on the same number of posts that you display on the front page of your weblog. You include the navigation bar using something like the following, from the Kubrick theme:

<div class=”alignleft”><?php posts_nav_link(‘’,’’,’« Previous Entries’) ?>&;lt;/div>
<div class=”alignright”><?php posts_nav_link(‘’,’Next Entries »’,’’) ?></div>

At this time, the Gemini template does not have the navigation links. What will happen, then, is that the last specified number of posts show in the results, but there is no navigation for older posts.

Which is a very effective demonstration about how themes can have different behaviors, as well as different appearances and layouts. This has some interesting possibilities for experimentation.

Change is Change

There are some changes that may or may not make it into the finished problem. For instance, the previous nightly build included enclosures, which would automatically pull images and audio files into enclosures in RSS feed. This has subsequently been removed, and hopefully will be implemented as an option.

There is no longer an option to turn auto pinging on or off at the page level, but you’ll want to turn it off for the application, because it’s a performance killer.

There’s a new one that allows users with rank of 9+ to post as another person. Based on this, I’ve updated all the Kitchen writers that were 9 to 8, and changed the menu options accordingly. There’s discussion about turning moderation on automatically for all posts over ten days old, but most of us are doing this anyway. Or closing old posts off completely.

The global variables such as $tableposts are now deprecated, but should be around for at least one release so that old plug-ins won’t break when the application first releases.

There is now a WordPress export, which will be handy if you’re merging weblogs, which I had to do recently. From what I can see, there’s also been improvements in the other imports.

And looks like we’ll be able to have email list management to all users. That’s good news for the Kitchen.

And so on

There are a lot of other changes, many of which take place under the skin so to speak. The development team is working on new comment spam prevention techniques, as well as doing some good code clean up such as moving SQL statements into the functions and out of the pages. The GEO fields have been moved from the administration pages to a plug-in, though I know most people didn’t use this. Then there’s the mysterious Dashboard, but we probably won’t get a peek at that until the tool releases.

All in all, some very tasty additions, with only a few hiccups now and again.

Didn’t notice until today that the WordPress development team released a heads up on 1.3 at the Development weblog November 17th. This lists out some other new features, and confirms the themes and pages additions.


Build the walls higher, boys

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I was astonished to read this morning, a little brain storm between Don Park and Dave Winer, to have ‘refereed conversation’, i.e. a conversation between two people on their weblogs, given a special category, which is then aggregated and captured into a weblog and managed by a third person. Or I should say ‘refereed’ by a third person.

Dave Winer’s idea runs as follows:

Suppose there’s an issue, say Choice vs Life (to pick something heavy) and you’ve got two people who like each other enough to be willing to have a refereed online back and forth. So there are three people, one on each side of an issue, and the third making sure that there are no personal attacks. The discussion takes place only between the two people, for two months, two years, two decades, two lifetimes, however long it takes, however long both have something to say. (Of course people can comment on the discussion on their own blogs, on mail lists, radio shows, where ever.) A document with three authors that’s constantly being revised. Sure you can take vacations, maybe a month or a year at a time, as-needed. This would be different from a mail list, or a blog, or anything else. A deliberate respectful discussion, more about the respect and exposure of issues, than about settling the unsettleable. An interesting idea?

We have come so far in this medium to do what we can to open the doors on conversations, to enable the technology to allow people to join in based on interest, only to turn around to purposely pursue a path that guarantees to shut most of this down.

Mike Sanders in comments loved the idea, writing:

It’s a great idea and I hope you focus some of your seemingly endless energy to show how well it could work. Maybe you could get it going by picking three high profile bloggers to take on one side of an issue and three relatively unknowns to take on the other and have three high profilers moderate. I think this would give it a nice dose of drama (ie big guy vs little guy).

Here are some possible topics/bloggers: Rich Interface Apps vs Web Apps (Scoble vs whomever) Foreign Policy – Preemptive or Protective (Daily Kos or Atrios vs whomever) Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Resolution (Eric Alterman vs whomever) Limitations of Blogging (Dave Winer vs whomever) Limits of Indecency (Jeff Jarvis vs whomever) Truisms/Fallacies of Cluetrain (Doc Searls vs whomever)

I wrote at Mr. Winer’s weblog the following comment:

What you’re proposing is to increase the voice of the elite, while simultaneously shutting down the voice of the dissident.

Mike Sanders, look at what you’re doing? You’re promoting those who don’t need more voice. Why?

Do we need to hear yet more opinions from Jarvis and Scoble and Winer and Kos? Why even have weblogs? We’ll just install random link generators to these gentleman, and call it quits.

Are you all so afraid that fresh voices will take away some, even a tiny bit of your audience?

As for moderated conversations, I responded in Don Parks’ weblog on this.

To be fair, Mike did recommend that on the other side of the ‘fence’ there be relative ‘unknowns’ — but why can’t there be unknowns on both sides? Why do we keep returning to these men, again and again. Are we so dazzled by the light of their linkage?

Don wrote about the idea:

Very cool. Dave’s blog-based debates can be implemented using a new type of blog category: Conversation Category. The idea is for a small number of people to share a single blog category and converse over a long period of time through their blogs.

A conversation aggregator subscribes to the category feed of all the participants and merge them into a single feed and publishes a mini-website dedicated to the conversation. The ‘referree’ of the debate or the conversation moderator gets editorial rights over the merged feed and the mini-website.

There, I responded with:

What you’re doing is taking what we’ve achieved in weblogging, and then limiting the number of participants (which smacks of elitism) and allowing an outside person to constrain the conversation even further (which smacks of censorship and control) and then wrapping it up with a syndication bow (we’re assuming RSS 2.0) and calling it new technology.

Are you and Tim adults? Can you manage the hypertext link? Are you willing to turn off comments on those posts to eliminate distraction? Guess what — you’re all set to have a conversation in weblogging. And if you need examples of how to do it, I can point out about a couple of thousand.

Whatever happened to people monitoring and being responsible for their own behavior? To allowing fresh voices into a conversation? To keeping the barriers to participation low?

What’s even sadder is the number of techs who have jumped on, specifically talking about this implementation or that, not even really paying attention to the social ramifications–somewhat like the scientists who pursue research regardless of the consequences, just to see if they can make it happen.

Here at this site, we kept the Kitchen door open. We’re using basic weblogging technology. We want fresh voices, and diverse views.

Shame on us for doing this all wrong.

There is precedence for a formalized match between webloggers, refereed by other individuals.


Beginning Morph: Wordform for groups

Rather than closing The Kitchen we’re moving into a totally self-sustained environment. To that end, I captured a snapshot of the most recent WordPress 1.3a code and have started modifying it to provide administration free group weblog support. This will become, eventually, a group form of Wordform.

(My inclination is to separate out the group aspects of Wordform into a product separate from the individual installation of Wordform. The main reason why is that the group management aspects should become more encapsulated as a result, and this is a good thing for product development and support. More than that, though–why add extra functionality when 95% of the users won’t need it?)

Before doing so, I did look very carefully at the possiblity of using Drupal; testing it out in an installation of my own, as well as trying out the version at OpenSource CMS. There is no doubt that this is a very powerful product, with some pretty amazing abilities. However, it is the power that makes it, in my opinion, not the right product for a totally self-sustained environment.

First of all, Drupal is a community tool, not necessarily a group tool. By this I mean that the community decides which post shows in the front of the site at any point in time, rather than having posts show in the front as they are created. As such, the sense of community is fostered, but at the cost of the freedom of each individual writer. WordPress, from which Wordform is being derived, is a group tool in that it is provides functionality for a group of autonomous, independent individuals who determine when their writing is going to appear in the front.

Drupal is also a bit too geeky, and though Wordform might border on this at times, not to the extent that Drupal does. For instance, what do the words “taxonomy module” mean to you?

In addition, Drupal is too powerful, and by this I mean there are too many options, even for new users. What I’ve found working in the software and web development business for a couple of decades is that while providing more options might appeal to the geekier folks, too many options can be intimidating to newer users.

WordPress has a way of controlling which options show up by assigning different options based on different user ranks in the menu management file (menu.php). I’ve taken this and modified the settings for Wordform so that a new user has very limited access to functionality: they can write and edit their own posts, add a link to their site, moderate their own comments, and adjust their own profile. That’s it.

Over time they can ask to have their rank increased if they want additional privileges, and any user higher ranked then them can increase it. However, they have to specifically ask for this in a post and another member then has to grant this request.

I’m modifying the WordPress installation even further to automatically add their profile URLs as a link and then removing even the feature to add a link. Eventually, I want to add a newbie edit page to the site that eliminates the post-slug field and the custom metadata fields, as well as limiting their post and comment status options. I’m already eliminating all of the password protected post options from both the group and individual versions of Wordform–I’ve yet to see this used, and if it were, it’s rather rude because it leaves a post in the middle of your page that demands your users enter a password to see it. If you’re going to password protect writing, you’re better off sending email, or creating a new password protected site.

I’m also modifying the Manage page so that only each individual’s posts show on the page, and the posts of those who have lower ranks then themselves. Of course, for new people, this means only their posts will show. Those with the highest ranks of 9, the site admins, will also be able to pull a person’s post and disable a person’s posting privileges.

(Any site admin with a rank of 9 can promote any other person to a site admin.)

One other aspect of the Kitchen site I want to modify is the ability to upload and edit themes. Right now, Kitchen members who have contributed something to this point have earned what I call “Founder Rights”, which also gives them site admin rights. They can also modify themes, but since all of the folk are known, I’m not worried about granting this right. What I would like to do, though, is provide an ability for a site admin to upload a new theme, or create a new theme.

Right now, none of the themes that are loaded can be edited, but I’m about to change this. Again, only site admins can change the files, so this should be a safe change to make. Just in case, and following on the rule that sh*t happens, I’m also creating automated jobs that backup the themes and the database nightly, so that I don’t have to bother the host if we have to back out changes from accidental or malicious changes.

There are other changes I want to make to both the individual and group Wordform, such as replacing the static radio buttons for Post Status with a database driven option so that new statuses can be added without modification to the page (ditto for comment status), and doing something with the categories so they’re not so hard to read. I also want to add in my full page preview option, and remove in the inline preview.

Another major change I want to add is an option, similar to what Movable Type has, to turn on edit formatting options on a per-post basis; so you can choose not to apply formatting (if you use your own HTML), use the basic line-break formatting, or use Markdown, Textile and so on, on a post by post basis but this is a very major change to the underlying architecture of the product and far down the road to a finished release.

For now, I should be able to tweak the installation enough to allow the group to manage itself without an administrator. We’ll see how it goes.


Ethical Committees

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

This is not a good day for my blood pressure.

Catching up on other weblogs, I found a pointer to this at Head Lemur’s weblog:

Nick Denton put up a pleasantly surprising post today, complimenting me for being a “volunteer watchdog” for blog ethics. He proposes Jeff Jarvis and I start a blog ethics committee in order to create some standards in blog advertising. It’s a great idea, a lot of work, and very important to the blogosphere.

So the man that brought us weblogging porn has appointed another person who runs a site called “Blogging Ethics” (and is rather tempermental and contentious to boot) to hook up with Jeff Jarvis, who is famous for protecting Howard Stern, and they’ll all come up with a bunch of ethics we need to live by.

Alan, Head Lemur, responded with:

The implication I see is that bloggers are out of control, have no ethics and need to have a keeper. Because there is no seal of approval or codified vetting process we are by default liars, thieves and if we take money whores.

The issue of the so-called Word of Mouth (WOM) marketing is appearing in an increasing number of conversations lately. Ben Hammersley was the first weblogger I knew of who was paid to write about a product through his sponsorship by Cuban Crafter Cigars, but he’s always been open about this. None other than Chris Locke, aka “Rageboy” just joined the ranks as Chief Blogging Officer for Highbeam Research. Marc Canter also brought this up recently, but I can’t find the link at the moment.

Much of the conversation about WOM comes down to trust–how much do you trust the person you’re reading? I have written recently about my PowerBook and my new Canon Printer, and how much I like both. If I did so and received money from Apple or Canon to write complimentary material, and then didn’t disclose this, this would be a pretty tacky thing to do. Or would it, if my opinion was genuine and everything I said was the truth?

Or does it all come down to how much you trust me? If so, then what does money have to do with it?