
WordPress 1.2 release

The long awaited WordPress 1.2 has just been released. You can download the source directly at the Source Forge page if the WordPress site is slow.

A major architectural update in 1.2 is the tool now makes about 25% less calls to the database, which should make significant improvements in performance. I’ve noticed this improvement in my working versions of the product–as long as I don’t use automated trackback and pingback of URLs within each post. My recommendations is: do not do automated trackbacks, manually grab and add trackbacks and pingbacks as appropriate. Remember that a trackback isn’t necessarily a link to another post.

There’s all sorts of new goodies in this release, including support for internationalization (and yes, I realize that I need work in this area for supporting trackbacks from Japanese sites), category hierarchies, built-in blacklisting, thumbnail image generation, and the new plugin architecture. The plugin architecture is particularly nice, and I’m porting as many of my hacks to it as I can.

There was one change mentioned that I’m interested in but unclear about; according to the change log:

Directory flexbility: Now you can have all the WordPress files in one directory and the weblog in a higher level directory.

I wouldn’t mind a cleaner directory for my weblog, but I’m not sure the mechanics of this, and can’t find any documentation about this change. Speaking of which, I also wouldn’t mind more documentation on the plugin architecture. However, now that 1.2 has been released, I’m sure we’ll see an increase in the overall documentation for the tool.

Unfortunately, I’m right in the middle of something else and can’t work with WP 1.2 as much as I would like right now. I hope to start making the move towards the end of the week. As I do, and create plugins, I’ll add them to the WordPress Plugin list, in addition to documenting their use here. (That is, after first checking to see that a plugin to do the work hasn’t been written already.)

As for those hacks that can’t be done with a plugin, I’ll also document how-tos here, which the WordPress folks are more than welcome to copy for inclusion in the wiki in they wish. I won’t document these directly at the wiki, though; I don’t want these hacks to seem as if they’re officially sanctioned by the WP team. Well, unless they do get officially sanctioned by the WP team.

When the hacks and plugins are working in my test weblogs, then I’ll port this weblog. I also want to do a re-design first, so that’s another chunk of time. There are existing styles designed for WordPress I could copy and then modify–but I can’t find the list. If I find this, I’ll post a link to it. (Here’s the link, thanks to Tubedogg.)

This is a major new release, with numerous new features, so for those new to WordPress, all I can say is, patience. If you run into a bug, report it, don’t just drop the tool. If it doesn’t have something you want, check to see if the feature is planned for the future, add a feature request, or see if it does do what you want, but you need to make some modifications first.

All in all, I’m pleased with the move to this tool, and look forward to when I’ve migrated the rest of my old MT weblogs over, and have upgraded everything to the newest release.

Then I can go back to writing about…well, what exactly is it that I write about? Stuff?


Upgrade Updates:

Note I checked the support forum on this flexible directory modification, and found that a) this is an .htaccess redirect hack, and b) there are two fields in Options that control this. You enter the Blog URL, the WordPress URL, update, and then go to the permalinks option and generate .htaccess entries…but it sure didn’t work for me.

Looks to me like there’s a missing redirect to the index.php file in the .htaccess file to work. When I manually added this, and altered any other reference to index.php to point to the WP directory, it did work, then. But was that what I was supposed to do? Or leave some of the files in the weblog directory?

update on this item A documentation page for this option was pointed out to me at the forum. I’m so used to checking the documentation wiki, didn’t check the documentation at the site itself.

Modifying the file worked, and removed the redirect to index.php. It sounds like rewrite is only needed if rewrite is being used for managing archives anyway.

This works nicely. It’s more secure than having your weblog in the midst of your WP files, not to mention easier to work with from a design perspective. The application could generate the change itself, but that means setting index.php to global write – per previous LAMP essay.

One upgrade question down.

Update on Japanese trackback

Another support forum entry discussed the problems with getting trackbacks from Japanese language weblogs–but it looks like the solution is partially in Japanese. However, the code is in English, so looks like it could be used to make mods to the code. I hope because I don’t like deleting the Japanese trackbacks. Unless, I’m doing something else wrong with the trackbacks.

Too much tweaking.

Technology Weblogging

Survival guide to LAMP: Unlimited weblogs

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

L is for Linux, A is for Apache, M is for MySQL, and P is for PHP

At this time, being able to create multiple instances of WordPress weblogs isn’t built into the tool interface, and some folks have been turned off of the product because of this. After all, if people are looking to move from Movable Type, it’s most likely because the new licensing system restricts the number of weblogs created. It would make sense they would, then, be interested in moving to a system that provides multiple weblog support.

While WordPress doesn’t yet have push button support for it, implementing multiple weblogs is actually quite easy if you’re willing to go beyond the button stage. And since I know you’re all closet hackers, I feel comfortable that the button was left behind, long ago.

In this LAMP essay, I’m going to cover the steps you can take to implement multiple weblogs. In addition, I’m going to cover my own little ‘multi weblog management’ hack hinted about in an earlier writing. However, I’m going to cover a couple of different options when creating new weblogs: 1 for those who aren’t quite comfortable with the Linux command line; another for those on the hacker track. All total, I’ll be creating, oh, 4 or 5 weblogs. We’ll see how I feel by the time I finish writing this.

(And I’m thinking of doing them all the same design, but in different rainbow colors: bright violet and purple with maybe a touch of yellow; deep pinks and roses, with a hint of olive; oceans of blue; the obiquitous bittersweet and orange; and of course, where would I be without Missouri green, with just a hint of lime to show that I can still salsa with the best of them. I’ll call the latter blog, the “Margarita Blog”.)

Creating each Weblog

First step is to download WordPress and create your first weblog, the mold if you will, for all the other weblogs. To do this, I created the subdirectory, following the steps detailed in The Command Line is Fine, Come on In. The database has already been created, and then it’s a matter of installing the weblog tables and software as described in Installing the Weblogging Tools. At this point in these essays, there is one working weblog, at

Before creating a second weblog, now would be the time to implement any changes to that you want reflected across all the weblogs, regardless of look and use. If your changes aren’t to the primary index.php file, or any of the other files that are going to be modified at each site, you can wait and copy the changed file at a later time. Or you might be able to get away without any copying, with a few tricks, discussed at the end of this writing.

Now is also the time to clean up the installation. For instance, if you’re not importing any data from another weblogging tool, you don’t need any of the import-*.php files contained in the wp-admin directory. In addition, what looks like legacy files from previous implementations of the software–b2rdf.php, b2rss.php, b2rss2.php–shouldn’t be needed; or the wp-comments-popup.php file if you’re not supporting pop-up comments, and so on. It’s worth the time now to go through the files in the primary directory of the tool, the root directory if you will, and make sure it’s as clean as possible.

Don’t delete the files you don’t want. Create a second subdirectory somewhere off your web path, and put the files there. Just in case. You can use your FTP program to examine and clean these files up, or use vi (remember vi?) to see what the files are doing, and the Unix move command, mv to move the files:

mkdir /home/shelley/tmp

$mv b2rdf.php /home/shelley/tmp

In this case, I created a directory for the files, and then moved the b2rdf.php file to it.

Once you’re satisfied that you have a good, clean, working install, now you’re ready to create your second weblog–and to install the Weblog Switcher. The first approach we’ll look at to create a another weblog is the simplest from a Linux perspective, but also the hardest to maintain over time.

Creating a Second Weblog by Copying Files

Create a new directory to hold your new weblog, following previously given directions. Once finished, you’re going to copy all of the files from the first weblog directory over to the second. My second WordPress weblog is at, and I’m going to copy the files from the original wordpress directory to the wordpress2 directory:

cd /home/shelley/www/wordpress

cp -r * /home/shelley/www/wordpress2/.

The first command takes me to my original weblog’s directory; the second copies everything, including directories (recursively followed using the ‘r’ option), to wordpress2. If you’re not on the hacker track, then use your FTP application to just copy the files from the first directory to the second.

After the files are copied, you need to create the second set of WordPress tables to support this new weblog. To be forward compatible with multi-weblog support in WordPress, it’s important that the tables are created in the same database as your first weblog’s tables. To do this, open the wp-config.php file that you created for the first weblog, but copied over to the second, and leave everything the same except the following line. You need to change the table prefix to something different in order to create the second set of tables. You can use whatever you want, but the example shows that the tables are prefixed with “wp2_”:

$table_prefix = ‘wp2_’; // example: ‘wp_’ or ‘b2′ or ‘mylogin_’

Again, you can use the vi text editor to make this change in Linux; or use your text editor on your home computer, using FTP to bring the file down, make the change, and then upload it again.

After you make the edit and save the file, run the wp-admin/install.php application in the new weblog location to create the tables. As with the first weblog, it’s just a matter of opening the page in your browser and clicking the Let’s Go link.

Once finished, congratulations: you’ve just created your second WordPress weblog. Not quite pushbutton–but close. Close.

(Of course you still have all that design stuff, but we all know how easy this is. )

To work with each weblog, you have to load each weblog’s admin page. It would be nice to be able to switch back and forth between the weblogs without having to hand type in the URL for the WordPress administration page, or the weblog page. That’s where the next change comes in, customizing WordPress to install a new administration page to handle this for you.

Adding in Switcher

Switcher is a page that’s dropped into the WordPress administrative interface, which allows you to record edit and view URLs for all weblogs you create, and then use this to switch between the weblogs. It doesn’t create a weblog, and you can’t use it to delete a weblog–yet. All it does is help you track and navigate between weblogs.

I’ll install Switcher into the original weblog’s administrative pages. The first step to install Switcher is to copy the zipped file containing the software. It can be found here, though note that downloading in Firefox requires saving the file and then opening it separately in Winzip, if you’re getting the file from your Windows machine. However, if you have access to the command line, a quicker approach is to use ‘wget’:


tar -xzvf multiweblog.tar.gz

mv menu.php /home/shelley/www/wordpress/wp-admin/.
mv install-multi.php /home/shelley/www/wordpress/wp-admin/.
mv switch.php /home/shelley/www/wordpress/wp-admin/.

These commands downloaded the software, unzipped the compressed file and extracted the files from the tar file (a tar file is a Unix archive file, a way of grouping files together for easier handling). Then the files were moved to the wp-admin directory of the primary weblog. If you unzipped them on your home computer, FTP them to your server.

When you copied the menu.php file into wp-admin, you overrode the existing one. Switcher is an independent application, but it does need to be installed into the WordPress menu to be accessible. Luckily, menu.php is easily modified to add a new option. All that’s required is to find the code where the array of menu items is being created:

$menu = array(
array(__(’Write’), 1, ‘post.php’),
array(__(’Edit’), 1, ‘edit.php’),
array(__(’Categories’), 3, ‘categories.php’),
array(__(’Links’), 5, ‘link-manager.php’),
array(__(’Users’), 3, ‘users.php’),
array(__(’Options’), 6, ‘options-general.php’),
array(__(’Plugins’), 8, ‘plugins.php’),
array(__(’Templates’), 4, ‘templates.php’),
array(__(’Upload’), get_settings(’fileupload_minlevel’), ‘upload.php’),
array(__(’Profile’), 0, ‘profile.php’)

Then, add Switcher as the last option:

$menu = array(
array(__(’Write’), 1, ‘post.php’),
array(__(’Edit’), 1, ‘edit.php’),
array(__(’Categories’), 3, ‘categories.php’),
array(__(’Links’), 5, ‘link-manager.php’),
array(__(’Users’), 3, ‘users.php’),
array(__(’Options’), 6, ‘options-general.php’),
array(__(’Plugins’), 8, ‘plugins.php’),
array(__(’Templates’), 4, ‘templates.php’),
array(__(’Upload’), get_settings(’fileupload_minlevel’), ‘upload.php’),
array(__(’Profile’), 0, ‘profile.php’),
array(__(’Switch Blogs’),0,’switch.php’)

Though this change is simple, unfortunately if you install a new version of WordPress, this menu.php file will be overriden unless you choose not to install the new menu.php; or do so, and then re-add this small notification.

(Note: As long as I’m an active weblogger, I’ll provide updates to this code. Hopefully when full multi-weblogs is implemented, it won’t be needed.)

What this edit does is add a new menu item labeled “Switch Blogs”, pointed to an application page called “switch.php”. This page is provided as is, and requires no modification of existing code – just drop the file into wp-admin.

Before you open the page in your browser, you have to do one more thing – create the multi-weblog management database table, wp_multi_blogs. You could try accessing MySQL at the command line and create the table…but an easier approach would be to load the page “install-multi.php” into your browser, which creates the table for you.

At this point, you’ve installed Switcher and if you open WordPress, you’ll see the new option in the menu. Clicking on it will open a page with a form with fields for a weblog’s name, the URL for the Weblog’s WordPress administration page, and the URL for the weblog itself. The image below shows both WordPress test weblogs and Burningbird.

Switcher screen shot

Of course, as you’ve probably realized, Switcher is only available in the original weblog’s WordPress administration pages. To add to each additional weblog, you’ll have to copy the menu.php and switch.php pages to the wp-admin directories for each. You don’t have to install the database table again, or add the weblogs, either. Adding a weblog in one administration page, adds it for all.

Of course, a better approach to all of this would be to have one installation of WordPress shared by all weblogs. Well, I can say that I gave this my best effort, but was defeated by a little thing called a symbolic link. And that leads to a second approach to creating another weblog in WordPress.

Symbolic Links and WordPress

Now, this solution I’m about to detail is a Unix-based solution, and takes us down to the iron of Unix, so to speak. Instead of copying all files, what you’ll do instead is copy the files that are unique to each weblog–the PHP and CSS files located in the root directory. But instead of copying the other WordPress directories, such as wp-includes and wp-images, what you’ll do is create a link from your new weblog to the directories associated with the original weblog.

To follow this approach, again create a third WordPress subdirectory; mine is located at Copy the files located in the root directory of the original weblog installation, and make an edit to the wp-config.php file to change the prefix to ‘wp3_’ to create a third set of tables.

Unlike the previous approach, the only other copies you’ll make are the wp-admin and wp-includes directories to the new site. For the other directories, what you’re going to do is create what is known as a symbolic link between the directories at the old location and the new location.

A symbolic link in Unix is a way of accessing the same files in a given directory in two different places. For all intents and purposes, when WordPress accesses a library function in wp-includes, or a plugin in wp-content in the new weblog directory, it behaves no differently than if the directory was actually, physically duplicated. However, and this is a big however, if you make a change in wp-content, let’s say add a new plugin, in either WordPress weblog, the change is reflected across both.

As you can imagine, this is a simplified approach to maintaining the weblog. Instead of having to updated one version, and then the other– you upgrade one, and you’ve automatically upgraded the other.

To create a symbolic link, you’ll use the Unix link command, ‘ln’, with the ’s’ for symbolic option. You specify the source of the link, and then the target. For this example, linking to the wp-content directory in the old directory is accomplished with the following:

$ ln -s /home/shelley/www/wordpress/wp-content wp-content

Unfortunately, this is one command you have to give at the command line; your FTP program will be no help. At least, that I know of.

Use the same approach to link the wp-images directory, and any other that can be shared between the installation. When finished, if you list out the contents of the directory using the long listing format (with ‘l’ option), you’ll see something like the following:

rw-r–r– 1 shelley shelley 1061 May 19 18:35 wp-config-local.php
-rw-r–r– 1 shelley shelley 992 May 19 18:35 wp-config-sample.php
-rw-r–r– 1 shelley shelley 1001 May 19 19:26 wp-config.php
lrwxrwxrwx 1 shelley shelley 38 May 19 20:36 wp-content -> /home/shelley/www/wordpress/wp-content
-rw-r–r– 1 shelley shelley 585 May 19 18:35 wp-feed.php
lrwxrwxrwx 1 shelley shelley 37 May 19 18:35 wp-images -> /home/shelley/www/wordpress/wp-images
-rw-r–r– 1 shelley shelley 4656 May 19 18:35 wp-layout.css
-rw-r–r– 1 shelley shelley 2182 May 19 18:35 wp-links-opml.php

You might be asking yourself about now, why didn’t I link wp-admin and wp-includes? Well, it wasn’t for lack of trying.

One major dependency in the whole system is the wp-config.php file, located in the root directory of the WordPress installation. Not only does it provide database access, but it also defines the location of the installation, in a variable called ABSPATH, set like so in the code:

define(’ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);

This variable and the data connection information is used all throughout the system. It’s incorporated by including the wp-config.php file within other PHP files. The code used in the files is the same as the following, found in the admin-header.php file:


Unfortunately, that little reference to a relative location, ‘../’ in the code defeats the symbolic link within PHP code. No matter how you try and trick it. So, the wp-admin and wp-includes files don’t access the specific version of wp-config.php in each weblog directory– they access the one in the initial WordPress installation, every time.

Not too handy if you’re trying to access wordpress2 or wordpress3, or wordpress(n).

Until I find a workaround, you’ll have to just copy wp-admin and wp-includes. And to be honest, if you’re not comfortable with the Unix system, you’re going to just want to copy all of the files. It is easier that way. You just have to remember when upgrading to make copies across all the installations.

Where to next

This is all a workaround, and a hack. It definitely works, and you shouldn’t have problems – but it exposes way more of the Unix environment than a lot of people are comfortable with. Heck, even I got lost a time or two. Or three. And you don’t even want to know what I was saying about symbolic links, relative directory references, and PHP.

The next step is to take this into full multiple weblog management, and this doesn’t have to be complicated, but will require more coding. Specifically:

  1. First, the concept of the table with metadata for each of the weblogs is good, but it needs to be extended to include the table prefix for each weblog installation. In addition, a second table to record users per weblog should be added to restrict access to the weblog to authorized folks.
  2. Once this is done, then the wp-config.php file should be altered to point to the database, not a specific implementation. This means we would have one wp-config.php file for the entire installation.
  3. Instead of running an installation program, an introductory page would provide access to functions to create a new weblog. The subdirectory would still need to be created, but the administration page would not only create the set of tables for each weblog, it would record information about the weblog so that the next time the page is accessed, the weblog shows in a list.
  4. The administration page would allow you to select any one of the active weblogs, and when you proceed to the WordPress pages you see now, they would be activated for this particular weblog. This will require some, but not excessive amounts of edits to the current admin pages. The WordPress folk have followed some good, clean coding techniques separating the data from the process as much as possible, which makes this task far easier.
  5. For a little frosting on the cake, when we create the weblog, we could also copy the individual weblog pages into the new account, except for one thing: write permissions. That thing I wrote about in the last LAMP essay. The only way we can copy files into the new directory would be to set the write permissions to global in that directory. To be honest, I think a better approach would be to create a separate subdirectory in the WordPress install with files that need to be copied for each new weblog, and just let the folks handle the copy. Sometimes, less is more.
  6. Finally, a set of cross-weblog functions should be created to allow one to access posts across weblogs, in addition to comments, and maybe even categories. This can be managed in SQL, as long as the database is a certain vesion. Yeah, for SQL.

I won’t take on this hack. Why? Because open source is not chaotic source.

The WordPress development team has multiple weblog support planned for a near-term upgrade, and I can’t see why both of us would be coding at cross purposes. In addition, my design idea may not be compatible with the existing development team’s idea of how to implement this beastie. Why introduce contradictory implementations?

As it stands now, my little emulation system is forward compatible with multiple weblog support because the plan has always been to support different tables for each weblog. When this happens, just drop my table, and my menu.php, and we’re ready to rock and roll.

I hope no one is disappointed that I don’t have something more sophisticated. If you see errors with the implementation, please let me know. If you see a better approach, then please, either add a comment, or even write it up at your site. This is a lot of typing, and I need a break from the LAMP series, and I’m tired – so please excuse what are, I’m sure, many typos.

Technology Weblogging

Survival guide to LAMP: File creations in PHP is nobody’s problem

L is for Linux, A is for Apache, and P is for PHP

Before providing instructions for two of the tweaks I made to WordPress 1.2–multiple weblog emulated support and generating static pages–I need to spend some time on the issue of permissions and writing to directories from a PHP application.

Typically, when a web page is accessed from the Internet, it starts a processing thread in the operating system to allow the web server to serve that page. If you have followed this series and bravely embraced SSH, you can log into your site now and take a peek at these processes just by typing the Unix command, ‘ps’ (short for process status). To see processes other than just your own, and to get a nice, full listing of information, use the command options of ‘e’ (for every process), and ‘f’ (for full listing):

$ps -ef

You’ll get a lot of stuff back, but some of what you get back should look similar to the following:

nobody 19905 24708 0 16:58 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 20054 24708 0 16:59 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 20059 24708 0 16:59 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 21016 24708 0 17:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 21018 24708 0 17:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 21019 24708 0 17:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 21022 24708 0 17:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 21095 24708 0 17:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL

These are threads serving web requests. The first column in the output is the ‘owner’ of the process, and as you can see, requests to the Apache web server are owned by ‘nobody’.

When an Apache web server is started, it’s started by the special user known as ‘nobody’. By restricting the environment in which ‘nobody’ operates, only a narrow window of accessibility is allowed into the system, to prevent or at least slow down malicious activity. After all, ‘nobody’ owns any directories, or belongs to any groups–what can it do?

(That’s not to say ‘nobody’ owns all web page accesses. A CGI-based application, such as Movable Type, can operate with expanded permissions in an environment (implemented through the application of a web server add on, such as suexec) that redefines the owner associated with the web request process: instead of the generic ‘nobody’, the page runs within a process controlled by the actual owner of the web site. This means that when you access a page from within these cgi-bin directories, they operate with all the permissions of the owner of the subdirectory.)

Though that nobody owns most of the web requests on your system, but since you’re not a system admin or webmaster, what does this mean to you? A great deal, as a matter of fact, if you’re using applications built on PHP. Any action within PHP that results in output to a directory requires setting permissions on the directory to allow that nefarious user, ‘nobody’, write access. Since ‘nobody’ is really anybody that means setting a directory to wide open write access.

If the PHP application allows file uploads into this directory, the file name can be manipulated in such a way that it exposes files that normally shouldn’t be read–such as the /etc/password file containing user/passwords for the server. In addition, other combinations of file names and actions can result in directories being deleted, or sensitive material being placed in system that when accessed via web server can result in odd behavior. At best.

Having a directory open to global write access is a system vulnerability. However, before you run to your server to wipe your PHP weblogging software from it, take a deep breath, relax, and access your administrative pages for your software. The first thing you should hit is a login page to provide a username and password.

PHP applications that have some form of file upload almost always have some form of password protection to keep that infamous ‘nobody’ from accessing the page, and hence uploading the ‘bad stuff’. Though the server sees the access as ‘nobody’, the application ensures that the access is from ’somebody’.

Of course, this isn’t a totally reliable solution–someone could also run a sniffer on the network, grab your password if you don’t access your weblog tools using SSL security, https, and then log into your system and do havoc. But then, they can do this with those cgi-bin applications I mentioned earlier, too.

(There is a version of suexec being circulated about for PHP called phpsuexec. However, with the limitations associated with it, including running PHP as a CGI application, I can’t see its use spreading very quickly. )

The short end to this long story is that write access and file and directory permissions are always an issue when working with PHP applications. However, by restricting global write access to as few a directories as possible, wrapping authorization about the software that does the writing, and then ensuring that good user permissions are maintained by the system administrator for our computers, unless we get specifically targetted by some of the more clever of the bad guys, we should be safe. And let’s face it: nothing keeps out the really clever bad guys, regardless of what we do, other than unplugging the machine from the Net.

However, having to enable global write access for directories where uploads or changes are going to land also means there’s some extra work for you when installing the software. PHP-based weblogging software such as WordPress almost always require that at least one directory is set to global write (usually detailed in the installation instructions). Not a problem you think, but when you create the directories, they’re initially created without global write permission. Unfortunately, since you’re in a fever of anticipation about getting the software up and running, you tend to forget to change the permissions and get an error such as this:

Sorry, I can’t write to the directory. You’ll have to either change the permissions on your WordPress directory or create your wp-config.php manually

More likely, you’ll get a less friendly message, such as the following:

Warning: fopen(../wp-config.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/…/wordpress2/wp-admin/install-config.php on line 122

If you’ve installed PHP applications before, you know what’s wrong; but if you haven’t it may take some help from support folk to figure out what’s going on. Well, until now – now you know why you’re getting those errors.

Are you curious as to why the global write isn’t set when you first create the directory? Of course you are. It’s kind of like the seventh Harry Potter book of Unix knowledge.

When creating a directory for the first time, there’s a basic set of permissions given it by default that have been predefined for our user accounts by our system administrators. This is called the umask or user mask, named that way because setting permissions can be seen as a masking operation.

Just think of file and directory permissions as a filter with three holes: small, medium, and large. If you throw a bunch of rocks into it and all the holes are open, all the rocks will fall through. However, if you cover the large and medium holes using masking tape, then the only rocks falling through are the small ones.

Masking tape. Masking. Mask. User mask. Umask. And here you thought that Unix terms were bizarre.

Anyway, no system administrator worth her salt would ever define a umask that automatically sets directories to write enabled: not unless it’s her last day of work and she’s just won the lottery. And she’s a malicious bitch to boot.

No, you, as just any old user on the system, will have to change the global write permissions using the chmod command, and has luck would have it, I’ve already written how to use this command.

(Or you can have your FTP program change the permissions for you if you’re bypassing the hacker track on this series. )

Just remember to keep those file write errors in mind as you read the next few LAMP essays – not that there’s any doubt you’ll forget this essential element after this essay. Why, I bet you never forget write permissions on a directory ever again.


There are no poor social software scientists

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Last week Liz Lawley wrote what I thought was a very thoughtful piece, both at her weblog and at Many-to-Many. She wrote:

I think we’re watching a significant moment in weblog history. Justified or not, the anger among MovableType’s users will push many of them to new tools, and has permanently changed the perception of SixApart by its customers. The users have spoken, and the landscape has shifted.

I agree with her completely. More than that, I think that this experience ultimately will prove healthy for all parties involved.

Years ago when I worked at Boeing, I worked very closely with the Oracle folks in the area because we were one of Oracle’s biggest customers. About that time Oracle released a new version of their flagship database product: Oracle 6.0. It generated a considerable amount of discussion on our floor, not to mention a lot of sleepless nights because unlike previous versions, 6.0 was a change in the architecture of the product, not a feature release. And boy was it a change, going from an old partition system to the new tablespaces, and providing a new fangled thing called row level locking..

Later on I was chatting with one of my friends at Oracle about the product, after the dust had settled and we were finally past the move. I remember saying something about how it takes guts to pull the rug out from under your customer’s feet with a new architecture. He just shook his head and said I didn’t even know the full truth of how much of an impact this move had on the company. He said the customer reaction was so severe that Oracle came within a half a step of having to declare bankruptcy, and going out of business.

It was a bite the bullet moment for Oracle.

I was reminded of this story while reading the criticism directed at Six Apart, and realize that this was Six Apart’s bite the bullet moment. All software products have to, at some or another, go through a bite the bullet release. Microsoft did so with .NET. IBM did so with DB2 (and Linux). Oracle, Sun, every company that has a maturing software product will at some time or another, have to re-think it’s architecture or strategy or consumer base and possibly issue a bite the bullet release.

If the company survives, they’ll look back on the moment, realize what they did right and wrong and hopefully be a better, stronger company as a result. If the company doesn’t survive, well, this too is a growth experience.

Just as Oracle’s customers did long ago, Six Apart’s customers are also having to bite the bullet with this release, jarred out of their complacent dependence on regular, no or low cost staircase upgrades, and forced into reviewing what they do, and don’t want from their environments. If the Six Apart crew has learned, hopefully, the value of good communication, we’ve learned that we can separate the technology from the people and make decisions about what’s best for us, overall, without having to be worry about the personal consequences–after all, the technology we use is a tool, not membership in a clan.

When the dust is settled, we’re all going to be a bit more mature, and our environments are going to be a bit richer; but we’re not going to be moving in the same direction. Some will stay with Movable Type, others move back to Blogger, or on to new environments like ExpressionEngine or WordPress or Textpattern or any of the other wonderful tools that exist – too many to list.

As Liz said, the landscape has shifted, and I think this is good; we’ve all been moving in lockstep too long. We need diversity, and not just in our technology.

Perhaps I should have stopped reading Many-to-Many at this point, otherwise I wouldn’t have read Clay Shirky’s amazingly condescending writing today. Rather than focus on the gentle, even slightly melancholic reflections of Liz’s post, or focus on the fact that Six Apart’s recent experience is a wonderful demonstration of how not to communicate with customers, he responds with the following:

First, most of the analyses have focussed on the users, as if MT were a word processor whose main value was to individuals. Seen in this light, the users complaining about the changes are behaving childishly.

However, that’s what users always do in this situation — the reaction is baked in. The problem is not with these particular users, it would be with any group of users in a similar situation. Weblogging tools are community enablers, and when you create community, you engage people’s emotions. Period. Community membership precedes rationality, both historically (all higher primates are social) and literally (children attach to their families before they can talk.)

The dilemma for people who build communal tools is this: if you want something that hooks people emotionally, you cannot have rational users, and vice-versa. And when you build a tool that helps create a social fabric, changes to the tool trigger social anxieties. Always.

This is not to say that MT shouldn’t charge for their product — we use it here, and I’m assuming we’ll upgrade when the time comes. It is to say, though, that because MT has succeeded in creating social value, you cannot expect users to act rationally to change. If you want users to really care about a piece of social software, they will invest in it emotionally. If you change the bargain they think they are operating under, even if that bargain is merely implicit and obviously unsupportable and even if you have the absolute and unilateral right to change it, they will freak out.

According to Clay, this really isn’t about money. It’s about the fact that we users are regressed infants, crying out when the bottle is taken away. Or is that chimps losing a banana?

It is impossible for me to understand how Clay can disregard what many of us have been saying so completely as to not only miss the mark, but to do so in about the most offensive way possible. But then I had to look at who he socializes with in the social software arena, to better understand where Clay is coming from: he’s used to interacting with people who are comfortably situated, and therefore has no idea–none– about how the difference between $70.00 and $150.00 (or $700.00!) can generate such a reaction.

After all, have we not spent the last year listening to the social software people as they talk about this trip to London and that trip to Zurich? How many conference reports have we had to sit through, or photos of dinners where all the faces looking amazingly alike from event to event? How many posts focused on this new iPod, or that new cellphone?

Didn’t Dave Winer demonstrate this so aptly? Calling us ‘childish’ because we reacted in shock to the license prices, while saying that after all a dinner costs $100.00, a hotel $150.00 –why are we bitching about software that costs $70.00?

These people, they don’t have a clue about how the rest of us live. They don’t know that for most of us, the difference between $70.00 and $150.00 is the difference between making a car payment or not; paying for tuition or your kid’s dentist bill; or paying one’s health insurance premium; or even making the rent or buying food.

Dinner cost $150.00? My big treat is to take my roommate and myself out for a concrete at the frozen custard place, and I can tell you, we drive ourselves, do not take a cab, and it costs less than $10.00. It also doesn’t come around that often, either.

Liz gave us the benefit of the doubt, that we were complaining about the cost because many of us could no longer afford to use the product, and we were given no warnings that such price increases were just around the corner. And she did so gracefully, in such a way that there is no loss of dignity–that we’re all shocked about the costs, we’re all in this together.

What Clay has done, is rubbed our noses in the fact that there are those that have, and those have not; and then made an assumption that everyone is a ‘have’ and therefore the complaints were about emotional investment not the cost.

Next time Clay, leave your assumptions at home with your Gucci case, next to your new iPod and the tickets from your last trip. You’ll excuse me as I go back to the free software us poor folk use.

Technology Weblogging

Survival guide to LAMP: PHP is not always open

P is for PHP

Right about now I imagine all those folks who downloaded the promotional free versions of ExpressionEngine given out over the weekend are finding something out: not all PHP is ‘open’. PHP source code can be encrypted so that the source code cannot be viewed, much less edited or copied. From the bit of open code within the EE files, it would seem that pMachine, Inc. (parent company for EE) is using Source Guardian’s encryption technology to protect their code. Encryption adds an extra step of security, but more than that, protects a company’s proprietary technology.

UpdateThanks to a tip in comments, I checked with pMachine, Inc. and found out that no, the purchased copy of ExpressionEngine is wide open, and as the owner states, “…beautifully commented”. Another aspect of encryption software such as Source Guardian’s is that the encryption can be set to terminate at a specific time, making it ideal for trial periods.

Which *blushes, kicks dirt, looks sheepish* I should have remembered before making the statement about EE.

My apologies for being wrong about ExpressionEngine’s use of encryption. Now, who has a copy that they’ll allow me access to so I can peek at the code? I am intrigued by the module architecture associated with the tool.

These source code protection systems are rather ingenious. How they work is that they provide client side applications that encrypt the PHP files and generate matched decoder files that are then included as part of the install of the source code. The call to load these decryptor files is in ‘plain view’ so that the PHP installation can run this part of the code without any additional software. Once the encryption functionality been loaded, it acts as a filter, providing the processing necessary to decrypt the code and allow it be to processed. You can see these files in a subdirectory included with ExpressionEngine labeled ‘ixed’.

Of course, for this type of system to be successful for webloggers, it must run in most environments without having to make any administrative changes on the server, and this depends on how secure the PHP installation is. For instance, if the server is running PHP in what is known as PHP safe mode, and has disabled dynamic module loading (the ability to load new PHP modules in at run time, which is what Source Guardian needs), then the application will fail and the only way for it to run would be for the system administrator’s to either disable that aspect of PHP safe mode or, what is more likely, to add an entry to the PHP configuration to allow this application to run.

(Note for Hosting Matters users: Hosting Matters servers are not running safe mode. Why? Safe mode is a pain in the butt, and breaks most of the really great open source PHP applications. As the PHP developers themselves have said, security should reside in the server management and operating system, not in the language tools. )

I think the fact that PHP can be encrypted is a surprise for some people because it’s such a major component of the whole open source movement. Myths aside, yes, you can use LAMP technologies, including PHP, to create closed source, proprietary, protected, copyrighted, encrypted applications. Contrary to any expectations you might have because of my strong, verbal support for open source technologies, I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with proprietary software–not as long as good faith is maintained between the company publishing the software and the customers using it.

Is there a risk that if the company folds, the customer is stuck with something that is no longer supported? Sure, but the same can be said of open source projects that never inspire any new community effort; Source Forge is littered with these.

I prefer using open source products as much as possible for my own site and home use because as I’ve said before, I’m a tweaker. I like to tweak the code, and I like to make the tweaks available for others to use. But I see nothing wrong with people using closed source applications. If I felt that all closed source applications were wrong, I’d have to give up my beloved Adobe Photoshop. I’ll sacrifice my two laptops out the window before I let you take Photoshop from either one of them.

(Fly, TiBook! Fly!)

And you couldn’t hold a gun to my head to get me to have anything to do with C code, again, open source or not. No, I take it back. You couldn’t hold a gun to my cat’s head, and get to me to work with C code, again.

This isn’t to say you can’t tweak in ExpressionEngine. It provides a ‘plugin’ environment, just as Movable TypeWordPress, and Textpattern do. The only difference with these applications is you can’t hack the internal code in ExpressionEngine even if you wanted to; you can with Movable Type but you shouldn’t because of license and future compatibility; and you’re welcome to with Textpattern and WordPress, and can distribute the hacks legally–as long as you and the other users of your hacks are aware that your code may be overwritten in future versions of these products, so you’re better off trying to work within the plugin environment as much as possible.

Speaking of WordPress, hacking, and plugins, back to work…