
Friday links

I’m not sure if I’m primarily posting on the weekends because I have so little time, or because it tickles my fancy to write when most people go quiet. It’s like going into your office on the weekend, and no one else is there. You crank the tunes, and build a little smorgasbord of aromatic and crave-inducing foods, with good coffee to drink, and you don’t have to worry about sniffing noses appearing over cubicle walls, trying to hunt down the food smell. It’s a secret delight.

Anyway, it’s link Friday–where I tip the kitty off my lap and link to other folks who have been hard at work all week.

Dave Rogers has started a free Battlestar Galactic mini-series campaign. His thought is that if the mini-series were free for download, from iTunes or elsewhere, it would help create new fans. I had thought these were free to download, and was disappointed to see that this had been discontinued at the SciFi site when the series became available at iTunes. I agree, though: it would make sense to provide the mini-series for free, and then charge for the regular episodes. I already have the mini-series on my little mini-video: my iPod. Don’t tell anyone but I also r-i-p-p-e-d e-p-i-s-o-d-e-s o-f F-i-r-e-f-l-y for my iPod, too. So many tiny good looking men; so many tiny strong and capable women. This is my idea of the way the universe should run. Well, bigger.

Elaine has another fun meme, and a nice writing to accompany it.

(Whoa! Two memes! Is that like stepping on a crack, breaking your mother’s back? )

Sheila points to a family site and I agree with her: it is very charming. And an enjoyable way to spend a bit of free time. Sheila also wants to hear of other Rhode Island family history sites such as this. I’d love to hear of something comparable for Missouri–and Washington and Idaho and points beyond. I always imagined this is where the true value of this environment would arise.

I really chuckled at Melinda’s account of her eye-opening discovery about the truth of Technorati. Make sure to check out her tag.

Think of it this way, Melinda: you’ve found the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Every once in a while, you find a photo that has a perfect title. And I love photos from funky cameras.

You know, the less Stowe Boyd writes about web 2.0 company crap, the more I like his writing:

Just as it is the brightest lights that cast the darkest shadows, the strongest bonds are those linking travelers to the unmoving world, but they are loose ties, hardly felt, like the embrace of the Earth holding us, or the push of the wind at our backs as we move ahead in the night. We are defined by our circles, but for the traveler these are loose, flowing, light: not a box and a book, but instead a bedouin’s robe and a song or two, songs to be sung alone, or with others over the next rise. Travelers are never more themselves than then, sharing our innermost songs, singing the circles, telling our own tales. and then, moving on.

This has particular resonance for me now, knowing that I will be going from virtual to real nomad in a few short months. But enough about me…

The Kircher Society writes on the 13th root, Loren Webster writes on Canadian poetsMark Woods points out the Canadian Tulip Festival, and 3 Quarks points out our changing oceans. Kind of a nifty world, eh?

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