
In San Fran

Arrived in San Francisco last night. I’m staying in a wonderful hotel near the Embarcadero that I found through Hotwire. I’m amazed at how much I could save – enough to be able to afford to stay at this hotel.

The Wayward Weblogger co-op is going very, very well. Still work to do on it, the weblog statistics package is strange and I want to install a different one. There is a problem with MT and timezones and I’m wondering if it has to do with my setting the machine clock to GMT. Any ideas?

I’ve also got to install email filters at the server – I’m getting close to 600 emails a day now with all my weblog domain names. I can’t find the legitimate emails at this point.

Much to write on but first, work before pleasure. I’m off to the storage unit to spend a day unpacking and repacking boxes.