
More Script, Less Teasing

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I finally rolled out the ScriptTeaser site tonight. My first writing focuses on the Dojo fisheye effect I created for the menu bar, and is titled Geegaws can be accessible. Valid, too.. In the article, I covered all of the code I created to make this particular geegaw valid, and partially accessible.

I have found with Dojo and many other of the Ajax libraries, most do not produce either accessible content, or content that validates (either as XHTML or HTML). Though I appreciate the effects, one of the mental decisions I had made in regard to my new sites was that I wasn’t going to be bringing any bad habits with me when I started again. If I’m going to start fresh, I’m going to start fresh.

This means clean and valid page source, clean and valid stylesheets, JavaScript that works with all my target test browsers, as well as accessible content. The sites are now in various stages of not meeting these good intentions, but over the next few weeks, they’ll shape up.

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