
Nuff war

Enough war stuff. The topic is important and there’s a whole lot of stuff going on in the country that deserves discussion, but we also want to have fun. We need to have fun.

For instance, I’m extremely curious as to see what Dorothea’s cookin up for the new weblog home. I have a bit of an idea (no telling though), but I am really looking forward to seeing the end result. And not just cuz Dorothea thinks I’m a cool person.

I’ve been reading quite a bit more recently, but haven’t been overjoyed with all the books I’ve checked out from the library. I love “Let us Now Praise Famous Men” for the rich imagery, but the others have been less than interesting. I’ll post the titles when I’m finished. (I usually read multiple books at once, trading off every night. I’m weird that way.)

It would be nice if all of the webloggers in my neighborhood listed their favorite books (favorites, not only the ones they talk about in public), so I could look for recommendations.

Hint. Hint.