
When reality and virtuality meet and clash

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

During my brief contract earlier this summer, a jarring moment occurred when I walked up to one of the people I worked with and saw that he was reading my weblog. I’ve never had such an obvious mix of the ‘real’ world and this virtual world before, and I found it uncomfortable. He’s a very likable person, friendly and personable and now a budding weblogger – but it was still a moment that stopped me dead in my tracks.

I don’t encourage my friends to read my weblog, though they are welcome especially if it helps me maintain contact with them. However, I don’t talk about it with my family, and hope that they’re too busy to check up on what I’m writing.

When I went back to San Francisco this last trip I had kind invitations for lunch and fireworks, from a fellow Wayward Weblogger as well as Marc Cantor, but the trip was a difficult one for me, and I wasn’t ready at that point to bridge the real and virtual. I will be, soon, and am planning on taking a few road trips later this summer to meet webloggers who live close by, as well as, hopefully, getting the interest of a few folks to stop by St. Louis this fall for the Open Aire Conference. Well, those folks who are on this continent and can therefore make it that is. I’d also like to attend a few of the St. Louis Bloggers get togethers, though I’m a bit shy of gatherings. Odd as this may seem to people from my obvious in your face style of writing, I’m rather a quiet person in ‘real’ life.

There’s that real/virtual life dichotomy again. I’m frankly envious of those who can mix the two so easily and effortlessly – you see their pictures out and about, hugging this person or that, attending gatherings and shmoozing with other webloggers. More, they not only tell friends and family about their weblogs, they encourage them to get involved with one of their own.

However, I have a strong suspicion that those people who write weblogs read by spouses, kids, and employers tend to write differently then people like me who are, for all intents and purposes, obscured from view because we’ve kept the two worlds far apart.

We’ve all seen webloggers who have pulled postings because they made family members unhappy. We’ve heard about people who have lost their jobs or been reprimanded for talking about their professional lives, even their personal lives online. We’ve also heard about the people who have met their spouses and close friends through online connections. This isn’t necessarily new. But what about the opposite?

What happens when someone’s real world breaks into the virtual? For instance, your sister, wife, mother, brother, son, husband starts dropping comments in your weblog or other weblogs? If it’s difficult at times to separate the real from the virtual in your weblog writing, how much more so is it when bits of that reality appear here and there, like scattered fluff from a dandelion?

Of course, if the ‘real’ person is integrated as part of the environment, and by this I mean introduced and encouraged to participate, as well as supportive of the weblogger’s efforts online, the mix of real and virtual works smoothly. For instance, there’s a certain man of faith who has gracefully and graciously bridged the gap between real and virtual with family, friends, and co-workers.

However, there have been times when I have made comments in other weblogs, and have been surprised and discomfited by the nature of responses made by the weblogger’s family and friends. Not recently, not often, but it has occurred a few times in the past. It jarred just as much as rounding that corner and seeing a co-worker reading my weblog.

The easy rapport that I had shared with the weblogger – the friendship I had assumed – was put into perspective. The associated to the weblogger by the real world responder was saying that no matter how much I may connect with the person, it will never be the same as the connection that person shares with ‘real’ people. With ‘real’ family. With ‘real’ friends.

But I am a real person. Even a real friend, though the connection is virtual. Not family, true. But I am a real person.

There are other times when the ‘real’ person disagrees with a weblog post made by their loved one, or with other weblog postings and comments, even to the point of seeming hostility. These leave you confused as you’re not sure how to react. You want to respond in kind, but then you remember your association with the weblogger and you hold back. Or you don’t, and then you worry if the weblogger will get upset because you just slammed their husband/wife/son/daughter/boss.

You might choose to stay silent, or be tempted to email the weblogger privately asking ‘permission’ to respond freely. Worse, you ask the weblogger what the ‘real’ person’s problem is, as if they’re accountable for this other person’s actions.

You also might wonder if the ‘real’ person resents the weblogger’s time spent within this medium, their associations they’ve made. Are their comments arising from interest, or as part of an effort to ‘punish’ the weblogger? Is it unfair to even consider this? Yes, it is actually. All of it.

We shouldn’t allow a person’s relationship with a weblogger to impact how we respond to them. If we do, then we’re just denying that weblogger the right to have their place in this virtual world. Conversely, we need to be able to respond to that weblogger as we want without being jumped on my the weblogger’s friends and family. Unfortunately, this one is less easy. I know this from personal experience, too.

Speaking of online friends, I wanted to congratulate Sheila Lennon getting married. I enjoyed reading about the experience and the cake and the plans and tired but radiant joy that lit her words. I wished I could have been there, licking the cake crumbs from my fingers at the celebration, but my best wishes are no less ‘real’ for not being there.

My good friend, and fellow Wayward Weblogger Chris is looking at new opportunities, which could be taking him to some pretty exotic ports of call. I wish him the best of luck with his decisions and his moves.

I also want to extend deepest sympathy to Jeff Ward at the loss of his father.

As for me, I was also offered a ‘real world’ opportunity from another weblogger that I had to, regretfully, decline. The circumstances just didn’t work out; too many barriers – health, timing, and economics – in the way.


Photography Stuff

Being home and Open Aire conference

I returned from San Francisco, with its comfortable weather and lovely fog, to St. Louis where the weather is hitting record highs. I believe it was mid-90’s today and 50% humidity. The breeze kept the humidity down or it would really be unbearable.

Walking this morning, I discovered a wonderful tree along the way with these feathery pink flowers. I pulled over directly on the road and whipped out the camera grabbing a shot. Not the best of shots, but it at least shows the flowers.

It doesn’t matter what time of year – every time I go to Powder, I discover a new plant, bird, or flower. Every time.


Home. Pink froths of flowers and fireflies and secret glens behind thick ropes of vines, surround ponds with turtles that follow you about, swimming beneath water lilies that flower once per year. I’ve lived in so many places and so many states and cities, but I don’t think I’ve come to care for any as much as this hot and humid and politically conservative but magical place.


During the drive home I thought about the Mississippi Bourbon and Blues Social I joked about a while back – a sort of counter-conference. A conference in the rough, with regular folks like you and me who have shared much with each other.

Having a get-together as a reaction to Dave’s elitist Harvard conference isn’t a good idea. Having a get-together as a reaction to any conference isn’t a good idea. These are important to folks, and I wish them nothing but joy with them.

(Joy with shoes on that is. Best wishes to Halley and I hope that your foot heals quickly. Way to go Liz – hero of the night.)

But the get-together in Missouri – that is a good idea.

No conference rooms, though. No weblogs, no TiBooks flashing their little white apple, no cellphones and iPods, no sponsors, and most likely no belly dancing. Above all, no buzz, no politically correct shmoozing for the cameras. Just a group of people who want to get together, walk about and explore, sit down to good dinners with great music, and chat with each other while they do it. Directly with each other rather than sitting side by side, reading what each other is writing in their weblogs.

I’m thinking of putting together a 4-day weekend of indoor/outdoor activities, either the last weekend of September or the first weekend of October and inviting folks to join me if they’re interested. I figured on cave exploration, picnics at Tower Grove, hiking, walks, bike rides, river boat rides, Missouri Blues and good down home southern cooking. And a drop of bourbon for those who imbibe.

All against the backdrop of Missouri as the summer greens give way to the brilliant colors of the Fall. An Open Aire Conference, if you will.


The good thing about a “conference” of this nature is that it doesn’t matter how many or how few people show up, because you can always have a great time.

Stay tuned as I think on this more.

Update Thought more, and it’s not going to happen.


Poor baby

I didn’t just work on the computer today. As part of my new “I have a life campaign” I got up this morning and went for a light walk at Powder Valley before the sweltering heat of the day hit. I then came home and tackled all the boxes I brought back from storage. Since most of them had books, and since my bookshelves are upstairs, I’m getting a good work out.

I’ve had help, though the poor baby tired out before the job was finished.



Typepad beta weblogs

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I’ve noticed some Typepad beta weblogs here and about.

Linotype is one weblog that looks like it tried to find my FOAF.rdf file, if I read the sidebar comments correctly. I didn’t know that Typepad was incorporating automated support for FOAF files. Additionally from this weblog, you can check out a Photo blog created with Typepad’s automated photo weblogging features.

Danny Ayers is also testing the Typepad waters with a site devoted to the Echo Project. Interesting concept of highlighting the important N/Echo discussions and changes, as weeded out from what are primarily fussy edits.

(Danny also commented on the disappearance of John Robb’s weblog – exactly who pulled the weblog pages?)

I’m rather hoping that some of the Typepad features get included into Movable Type. In fact, my biggest concern is, if Six Apart is focusing on Typepad now, how much effort will the company be putting into Movable Type in the future? Typepad is more than just a new weblogging tool – it’s also hosted support. Will there be a commercial version of Movable Type that has the Typepad features, but without the hosting?

I may have missed this discussion somewhere – but I’m still curious.

This leads me to N/Echo. We need the tool interoperability, including export/import and the open API, of N/Echo more than ever now. Many of the weblogging tools are undergoing management changes, which eventually may have webloggers wanting to move from one tool to another. Some webloggers will always want to stay in a hosted environment – it is pretty simple and carefree. But others are going to want to move on, and this includes users of Typepad, Manila/Radio, Blogger, Live Journal, JournURL, Bloghorn, and eventually AOL. We as users must insist on, nay demand interoperability, or risk getting locked into one specific tool.

Saying this isn’t picking on the tool makers, and isn’t being disloyal. I see that missing weblog of John Robb’s and I’m disturbed at how easy it is for months of writing to just disappear. Sure John may have been the one to delete the weblog entries – but when you don’t control your pages….pffft!

You don’t need technical know-how to know that this is Not a Good Thing, no matter how much you like the tools…or the tool builders.

Technology Web

Even servers take vacations

I was able to add SMTP authentication to my installed mail system, which means people will have to log in to send email as well as receive it. This should thwart the misbegotten sons of diseased camels that are spammers.

I found that the Wayward Weblogger co-op isn’t the only server that had some technical difficulties yesterday. When I went to visit Dare Obasanjo’s weblog, I found this wonderful system message:

K5 is on vacation for the day

Yesterday those of you who were around might recall seeing the site down or really slow for a good chunk of the day. There were some database problems, then a really bizarre thing with the Scoop servers which was solved by rebooting them, but after the reboot one came back up without sshd running so I can’t get in to configure it, and then some kind person decided to DoS us mildly. Oh, and I upgraded the database somewhere in there too.

So we’re on one Scoop server at the moment, and the database really needs to be archived more. I wrote a script to do archiving a lot faster, but it needs to run for a while, and it’s 4AM here and what with everything else I think I’m just calling today a maintenance day so I can go to bed.

It’s summer, and I’m sure many of you have things you’ve been meaning to get to. So now’s the time. Enjoy your K5 vacation day, and we’ll see you bright and early on Wednesday.


This is about the best description of a server problem – no holding back the details – followed by the best philosophy to take in these situations:

Here’s the problem. Here’s what we’re doing. In the meantime – I have a life, you have a life, these things happen, and don’t you have something fun to do, instead?

This just became the official policy at the Wayward Weblogger co-op.