
What’s the motivation?

I’ve reached a lull in the activity for the Burningbird Network Co-op, though I still have additional work to do reorganizing my own stuff. That’s the fun about moving from tiny, cramped quarters to brand new spacious digs.

I guess this means I need to go out any take many more photos. I’m heading to San Francisco again on Sunday (finally, the long awaited trip), and will see what I can find along the way.

Clay Shirky has joined the discussion at the, I guess we could call it the Echo Initiative, with the following:

I find it significant that this page was empty until now. What _is_ the motivation? Is just it to save RSS from the Personality Wars[tm]? If so, would the ideal solution to be to take some flavor of 0.9x and call it PIE 1.0, and then start working from there?

Right now, the conversation looks muddled, because a lot of questions that were asked and answered in the development of RSS itself (it should be 7 bit; it should be represented in XML; _required_ metadata should be kept at a minimum; it should not try to be an input to the Semantic Web) are coming up again, to no good effect, imo. If the goal is to get something that works like RSS, but is more richer, and more extensible, and defended in advance from the new type of standards war of which RSS seems to be an early harbinger, then that probably ought to go in a charter statement somewhere (and the HP would be a better place than here, I think), in order to keep it from being a pile on.

Whenever you see people proposing to base something on OWL, you know the Ted Nelson quotes are not far behind.

I copied the quote entirely because Clay also added RefactorOK next to the quote, which I believe means that people can edit it.

I like Clay – the man is not afraid to say, “Hey! The f**cking King is nekkid!”, but usually using much more polite language. Yes, what is the motivation.

I do know that once an XML syndication format is designed, and the aggregators prep for it (I can hear them, yet another syndication format), the only button, and hence the only syndication format, supported at this site will be one of the following:

[image lost]

Why? Because I think the Personality Wars, as Clay so aptly put them, are a waste of energy and time, both of which could be turned to something more constructive. Because I wouldn’t mind getting involved in this technology, but the ownership angle irritates me – not to mention multiple flavors of the same thing.

Because don’t we all have something better to do? Like create fun techie things to play with? Have great discussions about literature, politics, and philosophy? Talk about our family and friends? Share a giggle?

Like take more bandwidth stealing photos? Write more “…For Poets” essays?

Like, have a life?

RDF Weblogging

Personal Publication Data Model and Formats

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The weblogging model and effort seems to be focusing at this point on a Roadmap, with a call to signify support of same.

What does this mean for you?

It could replace RSS 2.0 and RSS 1.0, providing a completely neutral syndication feed format.

It could replace all existing weblog APIs.

It could form the basis for weblog tool interoperability.

It could be used to coordinate weblog data with other data, such as data defined within RDF or topic maps.

In other words, if you’re a weblogger, and the main tools get behind this initiative, you will be impacted.

I still am not comfortable with using a wiki for this effort because I feel it puts a gate in the way for people who are not used to wikis participating – making comments in weblogs aside. And I wish that there was more involvement on the part of non-technicians. But I commend the effort of the people who were involved in this, and this effort. It is more than past time to bury the politics, the differences, and validate this loosely joined Weblogging Consortium in formalizing this new data model and associated formats.

I vote to call it Pubs. What do you think?


I guess a consensus was reached and the name’s going to be Echo. Better than Pie, but I still think it’s not going to age well. I can hear it in the future, “Why echo? What does it mean?” But then, I wanted Pubs, so this could be chalked up to sour grapes.

BTW, if you blinked the initiative is heading to completion with a roadmap, a name, a strategy, and backers beginning to step up from all the major weblogging and other weblog-based tools. Me thinks, though, this is going to get rocky before the initiative hits the pavement, when implementation begins to happen.

Technology Web


My DNS change to the new server switched over in mid-post, and that created some interesting results. I’m still recovering from them. Note to self: take a break from weblogging next time you switch servers.

Once this all stabilizes I’ll move any outstanding comments and trackbacks from the old server to the new one so they aren’t lost.

I’m also waiting for wildcard DNS to propagate for so that I can turn on the co-op weblogs. I originally looked for them before the propagation made it all the way through and now I have to wait for the cache on my ISP DNS to expire before I’ll be able to access them. You can access, I can’t.

I screwed up the zone file by forgetting the period at the end of one of the name server names, resulting in:

Since it was the secondary name server, things seem to be working out.

Kaf wrote in the comments (which I have to move over, unless they’re here already, but where’s here?) – this week is the 20 year anniversary of DNS. It was purely a coincidence that I wrote the Internet for Poets essay.

Question on this essay: did you find the writing fit the general concept of “Internet for Poet”? Was it helpful? Interesting? Should I do more of the same?

Technology Weblogging

Kicking the baby squirrels, again

Recovered from the Wayback machine.

I received an email from Kevin Marks, one of the new members of the Wayward Weblogger Co-op this morning about a posting Steven Den Beste wrote. It would seem that a person running a small hosting service is in violation of MT’s license. According to den Beste:

A couple of days later I posted that Kathy Kinsley, she of the Third Hand, was going to start a small hosting service whereby people could pay a small fee per month for a site which would have Movable Type on it.

Even in the most optimistic of predictions, Kathy isn’t going to become wealthy doing this. Likely about the best she’ll do is break even or make a bit of pocket-change out of it, running a system with a few dozen users. And it appears she’s still going to offer this service, but it isn’t going to be based on Movable Type. Kathy received a nasty letter from the folks behind MT telling her she was violating their license agreement, and demanding either that she cease forthwith or that she fork over a big fee for a professional license.

Den Beste also points to a comment thread related to this letter, with entries ranging from the reasonable to the rant.

Kevin sent this link to me because of concern about the use of Movable Type on the new co-op, particularly since I’m helping many of the webloggers install this software. He wondered if we would need to get a commercial license. Good question – and stripping aside some of the hyperbolic (nasty letter? How can Den Beste know if the letter was nasty if he hadn’t read it?), my take on this situation and how this impacts the co-op:

First, there was no indication from Kathy, the recipient of the letter that it was “nasty”, but I imagine that it did ask her to cease using a non-commercial license of MT on a commercial site. Kathy’s site is commercial, she is charging folks for hosting, and she does hope to make a profit – that’s commercial. So her use of the non-commercial licensed product for her new service’s main pages was in violation of the license agreement.

I have a clue for Mr. Clueless on this one: Kathy’s use of MySQL for this same purpose, if that’s what she uses as the backend, is also in violation of the MySQL non-commercial license agreement. And it’s in violation of most software of this nature, as the creator of pMachine wrote in the comments.

Additionally, bundling MT in with site installations on a commercial site is also a violation of MT’s license, and this, again, isn’t unusual for software of this nature – if you want to bundle MT in with your hosting service, you must do with a commercial license. Same with MySQL. Same with most software that is freely available for non-commercial use. This is the policy I’ve adapted for all my software, and used this policy to push back at several commercial porn sites who wanted to use a scripting-based game software I created – though NOAA and several non-commercial web sites are using it with my blessing.

Using MT for commercial purposes or bundling pre-installed MT at a commercial hosting service doesn’t seem to be the question – hiring a software developer to install MT for you is, and that’s one that I completely disagree with the MT folks on. If I read the license correctly, that is.

According to the Personal Use license:

Prohibited uses include, without limitation, using the Software on commercial websites; providing, or offering to provide, any service using the Software; using the Software to provide web design or other services to commercial and non-commercial websites; receiving compensation from others for copies or modified copies of the Software; hosting, or offering to host, the Software, on any basis; receiving compensation for any service that uses the Software, including support services. (Emphasis added.)

As some of the more reasonable comments in the thread noted, how do you distinguish between providing support for MT and providing support for a web server when users install MT on a commercial hosting service? After all, providing a T1 connection, or maintaining the hardware is considered ’support’ for a MT weblog.

The ambiguity of the license wasn’t as much of an issue until now; before now, this was software provided by Ben and Mena Trott – just plain folks like you and me, and we all donated to help support their efforts. Now when the newly venture capital funded Six Apart is about to start their own commercial hosting service, this license has more than a little potential for being a problem. What about companies such as Hosting Matters and others, who are used by a great many Movable Type webloggers? What about design folks who help design weblogs, which just happen to use Movable Type? What about the software developers just trying to survive, who charges 10.00 to help someone install the MT software, after the client downloads it?

Six Apart did respond with a clarification on this issue at the MT web site:

Currently, if you’re a web developer or designer, and you want to offer Movable Type to your clients so they can update their own site, or you want to use it to perform updates on their site, one License Fee must be paid per server installation, either by you or your client.

So what can’t you do? You can’t sell the software yourself, or redistribute it with changes, or offer it installed as part of a hosting service, either bundled or as a pay option.

According to this, if I read it correctly, if you get the software and hire me to install it, this should not be in violation of the license – because I’m not bundling this with a hosting service, or providing a copy. I’m just helping you install some Perl code on your machine.

Still, this is then confused with the further statement:

Based on the comments and questions raised about offering support services, we’ll be working on creating a Movable Type Developer/Service Provider Network that will rely more on a software/service-provider relationship rather than that of licensor/licensee. We’d love to hear what you think about this sort of a program and if you have any ideas or suggestions of how it would work best for you as a service-provider or developer.

This concept of developer network is supported by what you find in the FAQ:

Q: I want to charge for installations. Is this allowed?
A: No. Movable Type’s development is supported from user donations, commercial License Fee payments, and our own pay installation service, and further development depends on our ability to provide related services to Movable Type users. Therefore, offering pay installation is prohibited. If, however, you represent a client and you or the client purchase a commercial license, you may charge for support services for that one client, as described in the Limited Commercial Use License.

Yet this is somewhat contradicted by:

Q: I run a business, and I am interested in additional services relating to Movable Type: initial setup of Movable Type, system and template customization, and/or additional design work.
A: Six Apart does not currently perform customization or design work around Movable Type, but we are in the process of developing a referral network for those seeking and providing services around the Movable Type platform. If your organization has a need for such services, please feel free to contact us and we will try to find an appropriate consultant for your needs.

These comments, rather than clarify leaves the issue confused. Very confused. The first QA does imply that you can’t charge someone to install MT for them, and does leave open issues about even using MT in a commercially hosted site, such as Hosting Matters. The second QA contradicts this.

And this issue is further complicated because of a statement in the original comment thread on this issue:

It is *not* true that you can not offer for pay Movable Type support services. The payment of the $150 commercial license (by either the client or the contractor) entitles you to charge for support (installation, customization, design work). When we came up with that number, we figured that most contracts would far exceed the $150 amount and for most contractors, the fee would be nominal. We *never* imagined that a market of providing services for personal users would have flourished. We assumed that businesses (that could easily pay the $150 fee) would be contracting support services. We underestimated the personal user as client demand.

If I read this correctly, if I help someone install Movable Type and charge a fee, I or my customer must pay a 150.00 license fee, even though I may have only charged 10.00 to help the person. Additionally, if a client uses Movable Type on my commercial hosting site, and I answer a question about this for them, and perhaps charge a fee for this, I have to then pay the fee.

Just having MT on a commercially hosted site such as Hosting Matters, with no direct intervention on the part of HM in regards to MT could infringe on this one, as ambiguous as the licence is.

Sorry – this bird won’t fly. The license agreement is between the person who downloads and uses the software and the developers of the software. What other arrangements the person makes to ensure that the software runs is incidental to the issue. If it wasn’t, you might as well close the Internet down, right now, because we’ve been doing all of this wrong.

Point blank, without having to resort to the blawgers in the audience, I cannot see how Six Apart can restrict anyone from hiring a developer to install software for them – the license is between the person who downloads the software, and the company. The license can, in no way, prohibit anyone from helping that person, even at a profit. Not bundling MT with hosting services, sure. Not using MT on a commercial site, okay. Not providing a copy of MT as part of commercial services, fine. These are very reasonable, and clearly understood restrictions.

But trying to insert your software license between a professional helping to install software, manage, modify, or maintain that same softare for their customer? No.

Not a chance, babies.

I’ll even be a test case on this – someone out there who isn’t using Movable Type, but wants to: download a copy for personal use, and hire me for 10.00US to install it.

I’ve never begrudged Six Apart making money, and have donated for the use of MT for my weblogs. If I even dig out of my current financial hole, I had planned on donating more. And I wish Six Apart the best in their new commercial venture, Typepad. But I think it’s time that they get a lawyer to define for them what they can or cannot restrict, because this is not just Ben and Mena Trott writing free software any more.

However, back to Kevin’s original concern, this issue won’t apply to the co-op, in any way. Reasons:

1. The co-op is non-profit, every penny goes back into funding the machines on which the co-op is running.

2. Commercial sites are not allowed on the co-op machine.

3. I don’t charge to install MT for any co-op member. Hopefully the co-op members will help each other with installs in the future.

4. I ask that the members download MT on their own before I install, unless I’m helping to port a weblog that was already running in Movable Type. This way the direct relationship between MT user and Six Apart is established, and my butt is protected if the person decides to go commercial – which they can’t do on the co-op, anyway. Additionally, my hope is that the person will also donate for the use of the software, if there is a relationship established directly between the company and the person. And it doesn’t hurt for Six Apart to keep a count on downloads.

Photography Weblogging

Pics, stuff

I spent most of the weekend on the server, but also some time on the essay “Internet for Poets: DNS – what’s in a name”. I must finish this tomorrow because the thing is beginning to look like a book. It’s been fun, though. And far less challenging then configuring sendmail on the new server.

I’ve had little time for reading other weblogs this weekend, much less to respond to any in this weblog or in comments. Liz wrote an essay on Women’s Voices, related to women and technology, and women speaking out. Though I winced when I read her description of me as being prickly and difficult at times, I do think the conversation she wanted to start became derailed along the way, and that’s unfortunate. As for me joining me in? Nah, I have little to say.

A healthier focus for me, right now, is on something I can control, something that’s very positive, such as the co-op server (which I have to get finished quickly, my current hosting arrangement ends in a week), the “__for poets” essays, and my photography and other personal rather than social writing.

No battles this week. Next week. Maybe.

I did go for a walk late yesterday afternoon, and found a couple of photos to post. If I’m not entertaining you with my antics and wars, at least I can take all your bandwidth with my pics.

I took my roommate to see the Busch wildlife refuge yesterday and we spent a quiet time with the turtles, bullfrogs, watching the sunset and getting bitten by mosquitoes. Both of my arms are covered in bites, and one elbow is swollen twice its size from the bites.

But oh, it was worth it.


Lilly Pads and the sound of bullfrogs


Curious turtles who followed us as we walked the wooden bridges over the water, lifting their heads out of the water to see what we were about. Sometimes accompanied by fish.


Sunset. Nuff said.


Refuge observation blind as dusk settles into night