RDF Writing

RDF and Grounding

I was so caught up in the Pie/Echo/Atom stuff yesterday that I missed Jon Udell’s discussion about my book. He wrote:

To get a better picture of how the CVM works, I read Shelley Powers’ very well-written new book, Practical RDF. I read it online, actually. Very cool to be able to do that. (Tank, I need a pilot program for a B-212 helicopter.) My eyelids fluttered for a while, and when I opened them again it was Chapter 10: Querying RDF: RDF as Data that emerged as pivotal.

Working through the chapter he finds:

This is cool. RDF triples are relations, and here we see that they’re amenable to relational processing. I can grok that.

Well, that made my morning. To hear others say they liked the book is a goodness, but when someone works through one of the chapters, and details an ‘Aha!’ moment, well, that’s what a writer lives for.

Jon also has some tough questions on grounding. What I should do is get with Simon St. Laurent and write an article on namespaces – the Meaning of it All – he from the tree structure, me from the graph point of view.

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