
Ready for prime time

A while back, Marc Cantor talked about RDF, saying:

“I’ve been spending more and more time trying to grok the RDF folks. I have to say I like what I see and hear – but what I DON’T see are many apps and services actually up and running and working.

We have a saying over here: “put up or shut up”. I’m still looking for two different RDF apps or services to work together in some meaningful way. THEN bring on the books.”

Since I’m “…bringing on a book”, my first article for O’Reilly is going to be titled RDF: Ready for Prime Time, featuring a host, a veritable host of applications and APIs – all based on RDF and RDF/XML.

(Yes, Danny – I’m talking about Ideagraph in the article…)

I’ll post a link to the article when it’s online.

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