Just Shelley

Returning Home

Spent the day getting unpacked from the trip, taking care of two weeks worth of mail and bills, as well as getting caught up with my weblog reading and writing. Also had to take a closer look at my financial situation, which isn’t healthy. I must write very consistently and very heavily the next few weeks or I’m going to be in serious financial trouble. I shouldn’t have taken the trip — but I had to get out of my apartment and out of the city. I needed a break.

Speaking of the weblog ring, through it I found and read Elaine of kalilily time, who wrote a wonderful follow up to the posting I did about Bush and the Axis of Evil, as well as a similar posting of Waeguk — Wonder Chicken — Chris wrote. With her posting, Elaine also printed a poem she wrote some time ago, part of which reads:

Someone�s daughter,
leather jacketed, baseball capped,
takes her place in U.N. Square,
lights a candle against the wind, and
joins her voice to the hymn
that pulses like blood
through the streets, through the night,
through the weary dreams of men
reduced to war.


Time to add new weblogs to my favorites.

Still very tired tonight, very out of it. I looked in the mirror and thought that I couldn’t possibly look more awful than I do now. I tried to go for a little walk for fresh air, but foot is still infected, still not healed. Time to stop ignoring it, and take care of it.

Well, aren’t I Miss Bitchy tonight?

And what’s with the evil blue and salmon colors ? I’ll have you know that these are Arizona Red Rock, soft Sunset Orange, and Desert Spring Blue. Behave yourselves or I’ll hurt you — I’ll bring back the Hot Orange! And force my page to load re-e-e-e-e-a-a-a-a-l slow.

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