
Sappy Woof!

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I am more than a little fuzzy tonight — way too much technology. However, in between tarring, gzipping, ftping, installing, testing, breaking, and re-installing, I’ve had time to keep up with all the linguistics discussions and I have to say how much I’ve enjoyed these.

It started with the now legendary Linguistic Relativism and Korean essay by Stavros, which Tom calls the …Stavrosian linguistic relativism thread. Then Jonathon sat down, joined the discussion, excusing himself momentarily for a quick cuppa, before returning to the talk. Language Hat, a very welcome addition to my blogroll, joins in, not surprising because he is a linguist after all. A New York linguist at that.

Is that an oxymoron?

Jeff joins with Tom in defending Chomsky, who must be tickled pink to be discussed within a linguistic context, rather than the usual “Let’s string the commie Arab loving bastard up” context he’s normally discussed within weblogs. Norm teaches us how to say ‘shit’ in Danish, which will come in handy some day. He also introduces his youngest son to weblogging. Since his son is a chip off the old Jenson liberal block, the conservatives in the audience are probably practicing their Danish right now.

My evil twin’s lover, Happy Tutor joins in, but people still come around.

Dorothea provides a wonderful discussion of Cave linguistics. Now you all know why she was the perfect editor for a book on RDF. Correction: David contributed this gem.

And these are just the more formalized writings. You have to read the comments associated with each to get the full, rich flavor of this discussion. Altogether, grand.

Og like.

I want to go back to school.