
Science blogs

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I can strongly recommend subscribing to the Science Blogs. I have never seen such an interesting mix of material come out of one place before.

From today’s reading:

Monkeys are not Mozart Fans from Mixing Memory.

Nerd Music from PZ.

(The juxtaposition of both of the above was purely by accident.)

The Top Ten Black and White Science Fiction Movies from the Cheerful Oncologist. I agree with most, except after watching Gojira, it wins over the American version HANDS DOWN. I also would swap out some of the movies for a few of my own. (Hmm, feel a post coming on.)

Just what every child needs from Respectful Insolence. I imagine that Sword of Truth jammies are big in the Springfield, Missouri area.

This just barely scratches the surface. I would call Science Blogs a Must Subscribe site.