Semantics Web

Snapshot in semantic time

Danny AyersI’m guessing Shelley’s comment was where the ‘lower-case semantic web’ thing originated.

You betcha. And I’m going after royalties, baby. I figure a dime for every mention, and my taxes will be paid and groceries bought. For a month.

Yup, I just hope that Technorati has lots of money. Lots and lots of money. Corante, too. And Marc Canter! He oughta be worth a car payment, at least. HeYAH. In the dough now, children. In the dough.

I also wish more folk would take the time to pull together the threads in a meaningful way like Peter Van Dicjk did with the early semantic web discussions. Creating a tool to make it simple to create this type of page would be an excellent programming project. A project that could be used to… generate even more money!

money money money…MONEY. money money money…MONEY!

Nobody can’t say I ain’t got my priorities straight. No siree Bob.


The links to my writings in the paper haven’t survived the many weblog tools moves I’ve made. I’ve since found the posts, published below:

A Semantic Conversation

Deconstructing the Syllogistic Shirky

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