Recovered from the Wayback Machine.
The best thing about a road trip covering a lot of miles (4300 miles, round trip) is returning home, sleeping in one’s own bed, and waking up in the morning realizing that you don’t have to drive through the pouring rain. It looks like the storm that’s haunted my steps this entire trip has followed me home, but today I can ignore it. Neener, neener storm.
I want to thank Jonathon again for setting up setting up a fund raiser to help me get server space for this weblog and my other material such as the photo gallery. I had reconciled myself to losing my web sites at the end of April and thought I was adjusted to the situation. However, on the road, I kept experiencing things I wanted to write about and share, and I realized that the share part had become just as important as the writing. Not just the writing — I found that my interest in technology is actually starting to re-awaken and I want to finish my online C# book, re-join the RSS fandango, play around with RDF and a new Poetry Finder, create all new photo albums and… well, Thursday I arrived home wanting desperately to find some way to keep all of this alive. Only to see this:

This graphic or the fund link was repeated over and over again at other weblogs (Monica, Liz, AKMA, Allan, Tom, Steve, Chris, Gord, Dorothea, David, Norm, Karin, Jeneane, Karl, Gary, Hylton) many times associated with the kindest words from the nicest people. I feel like I’ve been living under a cloud for so long only to have the sun come out; and it blazes with a lovely, warm, caring fire.
I’m not one to ask for monetary help. I’ve always taken rather arrogant pride in paying for my own web server and in providing web space for others. What I’ve forgotten in my pride is that help from friends when it’s needed is about the best gift one can ever receive and give in return — it’s a true two-way gift. Virtual or ‘real’ friend, doesn’t matter — Jonathon’s the absolute best to start this drive, and you’re all the best to help.
Best of all: just think of all the trouble I can continue to cause.