
Spam comments

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

One of the advantages of going with MT comments is that I can see comments from older postings. And I’m finding out that a posting I did quite some time back when I was still living in San Francisco, is getting spam comments.

The posting had to do with the problems I was having with Sprint and international long distance charges. The company charged me over 600.00 dollars for about three hours of conversation — over 3.00 a minute.

The end to the long distance bill saga is that after a bit of investigation into my options and legal rights, I ended up only having to pay relatively reasonable fees and not the excessive amount first charged. (Who says the Internet isn’t useful?)

However, the posting associated with the Sprint long distance problem is now getting spam comments. Take a peek and you’ll see exactly which ones I’m talking about.

Spam email is bad enough, but spam comments? Is this a case of any comments are better than none? (Answer: I don’t think so.)