
SxSW Panels

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

SxSW has posted a list of panels, and you can vote on which ones to be presented*. danah boyd is participating in one and I’m happy to pass along her request.

Though I’m not going, if I were, I’d want to see the following panels myself:

Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web: The Impact on Scientific Publishing

New publishing technologies challenge the traditional structure of peer-reviewed scientific journals. For hundreds of years the “article” has been the primary vehicle for conveying scientific information – but semantic markup, tagging, and wiki are reconstructing scientific publications into a flexible and evolving concept. This panel will look at the social and legal implications of “Web 2.0″ and “Semantic Web” as they impact science and scientific knowledge.

John Willbanks

Spam of all Kinds: Dealing with Online Abuse

Spam, spim, spit, comment spam, referrer spam, splogs, software exploits, viruses, worms, phishing, dictionary attacks, cross-site scripting, social engineering: does everything new we do online have its own categories of abuse we have to protect ourselves and our users against? Can anything be done to stop it, or at least to defend ourselves against it? Listen to the experts as they discuss the solutions, for better or for worse.

The above is by Steven Champeon, one of the reviewers for Learning JavaScript, so I have a bias.

A Decade of Style

It’s been just over ten years since CSS1 was finalized, and almost 11 since the first CSS-supporting browser was shipped. A small group of grizzled veterans reflects on a decade of successes, triumphs, failures, disappointments, reversals of fortune, and just plain fun in the world of CSS and web design. Warning: may include surprising historical information, residual kvetching about past mistakes, and context for interpreting the next ten years.

Eric Meyer, who really knows CSS

Dueling Ajax Toolkits: Don’t Reinvent the Window

The number of Ajax Toolkits on the market seems to be outpacing the number of solid Ajax developers. Join us as the developers of the leading Ajax Toolkits square off to show you why you should choose their toolkit instead of creating yet another Ajax toolkit.

Dylan Schiemann

There are also three 3D talks that sound interesting, though I’m not into gaming; several on accessibility, which would make the conference worthwhile for any web page developer; how XSLT is sexy; one on the browser wars, which should be interesting, and on an on. Some really good sounding panels. I’d even think of going, but I’d be as welcome there as a wart on a wedding ring finger, just before saying the “I do’s”.

Anyway, if you are going, pick your panels.

*Note to O’Reilly, something to think on for the next ETech–let the audience be the conference jury.

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