
Thinking of our neighbors in Cuba

There’s no denying that Gustav will be hitting Louisiana, and probably Texas, hard, next week. However, right at this moment, Gustav is really slamming Cuba.

According to Dr. Jeff Masters at Weather Underground, Cuba will be hit with category 4 Hurricane winds, and with a storm surge of 18 to 23 feet.

With the US-based embargo of Cuba, it’s hard for countries to help Cuba. I don’t care for our embargo, and it’s past time to establish relations with a country with whom we’ve shared so much history. I’d like to think we would extend a helping hand to the Cubans, and they’d accept it. But that would mean dropping all the macho posturings with both countries.

All I can say is, as we worry about the impact of Gustav on the US (and rightfully so), spare a thought for our neighbors to the south.

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