
Wordform kickoff

The Wordform project has officially kicked off, though I’ve been doing some work in this, off and on, this past month. I had planned on waiting for the formal release of WordPress 1.3, as a baseline for Wordform, but I’ve decided to go ahead with development. It could be some time before 1.3 releases, and I’m anxious to try out my ideas.

I created a site for the development process, which will be used for testing, and to document the progress. As I make each change to the original WordPress, I want to document why I’m making the change, as well as provide the new or altered code. I would dearly love non-tech user input, so will try my best not to get too techy.

I appreciate the good work of the WordPress developers, providing such a nice baseline with which to work. I could see possibilities in their source, and this is what inspired me to do a little experimentation of my own; that and the fact that WordPress is GPL, as will Wordform be, in turn.

Since I am diverging from WordPress at this point, I won’t be able to provide as much help or support for this product, as I have in the past. I won’t be able to give the developers such a hard time, either, but that might be considered a perk. However, as you can read at the Wordform weblog, I am converting my ‘floating cloud’ design from this site into a WordPress 1.3 template/theme, including all the comment features I’ve currently enabled–for those of you moving on to WordPress 1.3 and who like what I’ve done with comments.

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