
Zoe says read this or Scoble gets it

Zoë, via her goduncle Danny Ayers, sent me an email telling me I should write about an excellent Semantic Web Tutorial by Ivan Herman.

I told her, well I told Danny to tell her, that I wrote the Bad Words (”Semantic Web”) once today, and that I may end up banned from *Scoble’s RSS feed aggregator for this. She, through Danny, said no problem–including a cat picture would make it all okay.

So here I am, pointing you to probably the most in-depth and comprehensive tutorial on RDF I have seen (not to mention a fun use of Ajaxian-like technology in presenting it).

Here, also, is the cat picture so that Scoble won’t ban me from his RSS feed aggregator.

* “I mean it, I really mean it this time. If you don’t provide full feeds I’m going to stop reading you! I know I’ve said this 73 times before, but this time I’m serious! I’m re-a-a-a-ly serious. Here I go…I’m going to unsubscribe you…there you go…you’re gone…no more billions or readers because I stopped reading you! No one knows who you are, now. Who are you? Nobody, because I’m not reading you!”

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