
Pull the link or Li’l burning lizard gets it

If Davezilla doesn’t pull my weblog from his “fucked weblog” web site, kiss Li’l Burning Lizard good-bye. I’ve sent an email to Mr. Davezilla, but have received no response. So I’m taking drastic measures.

To view same, go to the fucked web site and click the link associated with my weblog name.

Hopefully this will get through to Mr. Davezilla since email failed. All in good fun, of course.

Update: Davezilla came through! I am no longer a f**cked weblog. I am back to my old sweet, demure, mellow, and lovable self.

*blink blink*


This is RDF: The BB Reading List

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Below my Virtual Neighborhood is my Bb Reading List. This list is generated automatically using PHP from an RSS file (books.rdf), which is being build using the exact same technology as that used for ThreadNeedle.

Though I didn’t use RSS as a dialect of RDF for ThreadNeedle due to the hierarchichal relationship of a threaded dialog, RSS is an ideal match for a book list such as this because the list is a “grouping of like items”– the business model for RSS.

As this time I’m using the Dublin Core and Taxonomy RSS modules, with the addition of my own items. I’m planning on generalizing my added elements into a “books” module to add to the RSS specification, once I make sure something like this doesn’t already exist.

Note that the RSS is going to be changing. For instance, I’m adding separate elements for author because there might be more than one author, and I want to be able to access each discretely. Additionally, I’ll be using the taxonomy elements instead of Dublin Core’s subject, because a book’s subject can be more complicated then that shown for just the subject element. I’ll also most likely add multiple recommenders, as more than one person can recommend a book.

By automating the book list from an RSS file, I can pull out an ISBN number and use this to look up prices at Glenn Fleishman’s Book Comparison web site. Eventually, this could also interact with something such as the St. Louis Library Catalog Search, if the functionality is accessible as web services.

Think of it: we’re only a few small steps away from the following scenario:


Grabbing an RSS book reading list from your favorite weblogger, feeding this into a specialized application, clicking a link on each book to open a page containing:

All the Google listings for that book
–All the Google listings for each author of the book
—- Possibly even a Google listing of related subject matter
A catalog search for that book in the libraries in your area
A price comparison and availability of the book from several online book stores
Which bookstores in your area have the book in stock and their prices
A listing of all reviews of the book

…all based on a level of trust built into the RSS file through the associated person(s) or organization(s) making the recommendation, and the weblogger the list is pulled from,

…all from the same functionality, almost literally, as is being used to build ThreadNeedle.


(Note, list is still being updated – special thanks to Jonathon and Karl for listing so many great recommendations, which I’m still adding to my database. And you both let me know if you want an RSS file of your own once I work out the RSS module and vocabulary. I’m sure we can work out a cookie exchange.)


Poor lil scrubber

Jonathon has latched on to Eric Grevstad’s dishwashing tool, the Gemco Li’l Scrubber. Though he’s asked the other Sudsy Men of WebloggingAKMA and David Salo to give him the scoop on this device, I’d like to step up now and volunteer to send Jonathon one of these scrubbers in exchange for some mocha Tim Tams.

I’ll even throw in an SOS pad.

As a side note, the new addition to the Sudsy Men of Weblogging, Eric Grevstad, is not the same person whom I’ve been debating the invasion of Iraq with, Eric Olsen. Going from a debate about an Iraqi Invasion to dishwashing tools is a leap, even for the Bird.

But I don’t leap…I fly.


Has the invasion started?

Mike Golby references a report in the suspect online publication DEBKA that the invasion of Iraq has already started.

According to the report, the invasion started August 6th with the seizure of Bamerni airport. In addition, DEBKA implies that the troops moving into Jordan for military exercises, are, in reality, moving in as part of a stealth invasion force. Unfortunately, the Islamist opposition to the leadership in Jordan also questions the presence of troops in Jordan at this time.

The current administration’s will we-won’t we talk and accompanying actions are generating confusion and fueling heightened tensions as well as increasing pro-Iraq and anti-US sentiments among many of the Arab countries and elsewhere. Perhaps President Bush sees this flexing of our muscles strategy as a way of forcing Hussein to humbly approach the UN and begin arms investigations again. If so, I do not see this strategy succeeding.

I, as an American citizen, shouldn’t have such a strong distrust of my President and his cabinet, but I do. I see no good coming from any of this.

Technology Weblogging

They are intriguing

I’m not normally into tweaking the technology for the weblog, but I’m getting pulled into the lure of MT-macros, primarily through Mark Pilgrim’s infectious enthusiasm.

I rather like that acronym macro. And while I’m at it, I should incorporate better search. And I should think about converting to pure CSS and getting rid of my HTML tables. And since I’m in the neighborhood…

Whoa! Time out! RDF book to finish. ThreadNeedle to finish.

Must…not….blog. Must….not….play with blogging tools. Must….not….tweak site again. Must….not….

update Mark, did you mean <$MTEntryBody$>?