
The geeks have it

Jonathon has become the latest recruit to the Geek Force. I’ll have to send him an autographed copy of Unix Power Tools 3rd edition as soon as it’s published. Just think, Jonathon– 1200 pages full of tips!

(Makes a good doorstop, too.)

And now Jonathon can join us in the most important debate of geekdom:

Which is better? vi/vim? Or emacs?

Blood has been spilled over this issue, so use caution when responding Jonathon. In fact, there are many items that generate an almost religious ferver within the Unix world as you’ll find out…soon.


Love’s in the air

Seems as if love’s in the air in blogdom. It started with Jeneane’s declaration of simple love and continued with AKMA’s wonderful reaffirmation of his love for his wife, Margaret.

Mike’s newest Sandhill Trek interview is about love, and encompasses some of his best writing to date, in my opinion. And Jonathon asks a question:

I wonder whether some people are better equipped to love than others, or simply more skilled at it, or got better lessons in loving (or studied more seriously), or does it just—as the cliché suggests—come down to working at it?

Are we born to love? Or is it an acquired skill?

Love. Makes the world go round and then turns it upside down, like a roller coaster, and some people stay in the cart for the ride and others fall out, and it hurts like hell when you hit the ground.

Love. Lots of talk about love. Should we talk about love? In a comment attached to Jonathon’s post, Stavros writes:

I’ve always felt that the real thing is cheapened by talk, and prostituted by poetry.

Yeah, lots of talk about love. But I have nothing to contribute about love, so all I can do is link and move you along to others with something to say.


More on the Canadian letter

Allan has posted several postings, herehere, and here, about the infamous Open Letter to America from a Canadian, as has Steve and Stavros. However, it was Allan’s postings that touched a nerve.

Allan states With friends like America, who needs enemies, and in a later posting, based on comments he’s getting, he writes:


McDougall’s letter was surely written in a fit of pique, but it is obviouly the culmination of a lot of frustration, and that’s what all these responders have not cottoned on to.

We’re tired of America’s jackboot. We don’t want Macdonald’s cluttering up our landscape, or having trade wars based on political manouevring in the corridors of Washington, or your bloody government refusing to sign up for the Kyoto protocol, or declaring war to ensure oil supplies, or forcing citizens from the ‘Axis of Evil’ to be photographed and fingerprinted on arrival in the USA [but not Saudi Arabians — even though at least 15 of their citizens were involved in 911].

We’re tired of your corrupt entrenched politics, your energy-guzzling way of life, and your culture of the inane.

Comments are welcome, but please try and accept that you are not perfect. We’re a little tired of your hypocrisy and cant.


What’s difficult for me about Allan’s postings is that I am an American. After reading these, I have to ask the question: Allan, do you include all Americans in your litany?

Do you include me?

Is this an unfair question? Oh, yes it is, very much. But to me, it’s no more unfair than a statement such as:


You have become a nation of monsters, America. Hypocrites. Murderers. Fools.


When I originally talked about this open letter, my complaint about it was that the author is grouping all Americans into one category, and then tarring us with the same brush. I felt the letter was a rant, but more than that, I felt it was myopic. It’s as if the author sees only that which he wants to see in the US, which is that the government is corrupt, arrogant, and evil, and that the people are complacently allowing this. That we are fools, and not doing anything to stop the evil.

Allan sees a frustration in the letter– that the person who wrote it is angry because the US isn’t living up to its promise; the US is indulging in the worst forms of hypocrisy; is murdering innocent people with our increasingly aggressive stance in the Middle East and blind support for Israel; and is ignoring issues of environmental importance for the corporate bottom line. To go with this, the people of American have sold out for hamburgers and comfort and security.

But the people mentioned in this letter includes me. I am an American. Does everything I have done to fight for that which I believe in count for naught because I haven’t immediately effected a change? If this letter represents frustration, then what of my frustration with not being heard by the author of this letter? And what of my frustration when others are not heard by this author?

Many people have spoken out against an invasion of Iraq, such as the House Majority Leader Dick Armey, Henry Kissinger, and several others, including myself. Many people have spoken out against many of this country’s actions in regards to the so-called ‘War on Terror’, again including myself. Many have spoken out for Palestinians, or perhaps a better statement would be that have spoken out for peace in the Middle East and the necessity of working with both the Israelis and the Palestinians to achieve a lasting peace. Yes, including myself.

Many of us have defied Bush and his plan fordrilling for oil in ANWR, and work to bring accountability for the environment to our government. Hell, most of us didn’t even vote for Bush–he did not receive the popular vote in the last election.

Am I getting too personal in this reaction to the letter? To the suport for this letter? Damn right I take it personally. When the writer groups all Americans into all encompassing statements such as “You Americans”, I have to take it personally.

I am aware of the problems in my country. I face these daily. I am aware that we have a president who is, to me, out of control. I am aware of how increasingly dangerous it will become to speak out against the President and his actions. I am aware of the abuses of the constitution by both Bush and Ashcroft. I am aware that our current administration is ignoring the environment at a time when pollution is killing hundreds, thousands, and possibly even millions. I am aware of all of this. And I watch the news every night and am appalled at how little real news is covered compared to what I read in the weblogs and international publications.

I, and many like myself, do what we can to make others aware of information that they’re not getting in the mainstream press. I, and many others, introduce topics such as the invasion of Iraq to hopefully reach those who are undecided, perhaps even open up the discussion with those who are firmly behind the concept of an invasion. Outside of this weblog, I write letters to members of congress, I contribute what I can, I get involved when I can, and I’m careful with my vote. I make my vote count.

I do what I can. And I work very hard at making a difference. All of which goes for naught when middle America reads a foolish letter such as this Open Letter to America, which only focuses on the negative of this country, categorizes us and dismisses us–contributing to my country’s growing sense of isolation and alienation from the rest of the world.

Allan, you say this letter writer is frustrated because of America’s actions. Then consider my frustration when letters such as this negate all of that which so many of us have been trying to accomplish, in our weblogs and in our lives outside the Net. From this point on when I talk about the invasion of Iraq and our poor Middle East strategy and Ashcroft’s actions and Bush’s disregard of the environment, I not only have to fight against these issues, I have to fight against the anger this letter has generated.

I’ve been called a terrorist sympathizer for supporting the Palestinians and for disagreeing with our policy in the Middle East. I’ve been bashed for supporting the environment and for disagreeing with a war in Iraq, and for disliking the president. Now I feel as if I’m being bashed because my efforts aren’t generating a fast enough result. Well, fuck that.

You Americans. When someone says You Americans, that’s me they’re talking about. Might consider than next time you non-Americans indiscriminately use that phrase.

One thing though–I don’t hate Canadians because of this letter. Unlike the author of the letter, I don’t lump all people into one group for condemnation because of the actions of a few, or one.

Just Shelley

Mid-life special

Yesterday one of my errands took me to KMart, home of the infamous Blue Light special. The store was strangely empty for a Saturday afternoon, with few customers and fewer store employees.

I couldn’t find what I was looking for and pushed the button at one of the service stations to get help. As I waited I looked around at the empty aisles and the tacky blue lights and the huge sale signs in this cavernous building, when I was suddenly hit with the thought, “This isn’t where I’m supposed to be. This isn’t what I had planned for myself.”

The force of the feeling of complete alienation from my surroundings almost folded me over. When the service person came up, I managed to communicate what I wanted, follow her, have an intelligent conversation with her, but inside it was, “Get the hell out. Now. Run!”

However, I didn’t run, but calmly paid for my purchases and slowly walked out to the car. Closing myself in I turned on my air conditioning and my music, and sat and thought.

I thought back to being on the road, no longer living in San Francisco, but also not yet living in St. Louis. I remembered driving through the thunderstorm in Nevada, and the biker gang and the trucker in Utah, I think it was. And I remembered my last cross-country trip and getting pulled over for speeding on the Navaho Reservation, and the Dog with No Name in New Mexico.

I wanted to enter the freeway and just start driving, but I sat in that car with my music and my thoughts, cool air blowing on me, drying the sweat on my upper lip and lifting my hair away from my face. Finally, I put the car in gear and I drove to another store, where I bought grapes and bottled water and some Corona beer to go with taco fixings. You have to have Corona with tacos.


The Dog Days

Well, wasn’t I in a melancholy mood before retiring yesterday? I blame it on the dog days of August.

This time of year, the Dog Star–Sirius, in the constellation Canis Major–starts appearing in the sky just before dawn for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, after hiding behind the sun for most of the summer. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that it was Sirius in combination with the Sun that causes so much of the heat we feel at this time of year. Those crazy Greeks and Romans.

Regardless of how we got the term, these days are the worst of our summer and it shows. The Southern Hemisphere webloggers are just going to have to carry the rest of us for a week or two.