
Wrapping words in flannel

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I wrote in a previous post, To Keep Burningbird or Not:

One issue I’ve been debating off and of about with myself is whether to keep the Burningbird weblog. I’ve splintered off so many interests into different weblogs, and the main reason I do so is there is there is an assumption that everything I write is somehow a ‘flame’ and what I write then becomes seen in this manner. I’ve become hesitant about even making comments in other weblogs because of this.

Yes, I am a passionate writer, and yes, I can have a temper. But I’m also capable of calm reason, instances of beauty, thoughtfulness, generosity, and even playfulness. I am growing very concerned that my writing is perceived surrounded by a faint ghostly lick of flame; I wonder how much of it is truly being seen, read in its own regard, or just dismissed as so much ‘Burningbird’ burning.

My last posting was negative of President Bush, but I’m pretty sure he’ll survive. However, the issue of negative commentary, or perceived negative commentary has taken up a great deal of my thought tonight. The focus of it, unlike President Bush, is much closer to me.

Recently I’ve been making comments at, based on several very interesting statements made by one of the writers, Danah Boyd, that were hard for me to disregard. One such wasWhy are bloggers mostly straight white men. In this post, Danah asked the question:

Why do you think bloggers are mostly straight white men?

Well, that question pre-supposes a lot of assumptions. It’s a fairly strong statement that is going to generate a lot of discussion.

The other posting was one I talked about earlier, and was on Defining and Categorizing Weblogs. In it, Danah outlined a plan she and Liz derived to begin a conversation on categorizing weblogs. She listed four steps:

Plot 1: Bring the interested Etech folks together to have an interesting conversation. Although i realize that this will be dominated by a particular kind of blogger, hopefully we can get folks thinking outside of the box for a bit.

Plot 2: Hold a workshop at a conference where we can attract a more diverse segment of bloggers/journalers.

Plot 3: Do a bit of ethnography as necessary

Plot 4: Publish our findings.

Since folks here are obviously interested in this discussion, we’d like to encourage you to engage with us on this venture. Join us at Etech if this is feasible for you!

As I wrote previously, I am hesitant about any form of weblog categorization. But I originally commented in the post that I was equally concerned about the fact that the conversation was starting within a expensive tech conference that was US based, and would be rather limited in participation. My comments are on the post, you’re free to read them if you want.

I was surprised when Liz responded, both in comments and in her weblog about the hostile nature of my comment and that of another person. I thought I had taken great pains to not be seen as hostile, and the other person’s comments, while strong, didn’t seem hostile. Or at least, not to my perception.

Liz did apologize, and I thought we had moved on, but then tonight I was stunned when I read the following at her blog:

There hasn�t been a lot of posting lately on I suspect that the unrelenting negative tone of the comments have a lot to do with that. It�s discouraging for those of us writing there. And what�s most discouraging is that the most negative and meanspirited comments on the site seem to come consistently from other women.

The comments on misbehaving led danah to write about her sense that blogs aren�t a safe space. And they�ve led me to seriously consider shutting comments down on Trackbacks would allow people to comment remotely from their own bully pulpits. The point of the site was to celebrate and highlight women in technology, not create a online catfight club. The original purpose is becoming obscured by negativity, and at the moment it just doesn�t seem worth it.

This is not about unwillingness to hear criticism. I have no problem with disagreement. It�s about unwillingness to tolerate meanspirited personal attacks. And if people can�t tell the difference between the two�well, I think that says a lot about them.

How does one respond to this argument? I am, must be, one of the women being accused of being meanspirited, but I don’t see that my responses have been that way. But then, according to the second part of the argument, if I don’t see my own ‘meanspirited’ behavior, then that says a lot about me?

What does it say about me? That I am basically mean? That I am disrupting the value of the weblog? That my participation is of no value? Or worse, a negative value?

Such a broad brush, and such devastating paint to use against another, one of the same women in technology that forms the focus of the site.

Liz also points to Danah’s personal post labeled “Why Blogs aren’t a safe space”. In it, Danah wrote:

While i may feel attacked here, in my own digital home, i feel outright demolished at misbehaving. Unlike many group blogs, this one has an identity. It’s a blog about women and tech. It’s a blog by women involved in tech. It’s a blog by thinking women who think, say, and create far more than a few posts a month on the site. There is an unspoken context. These are things that i take for granted. I try to keep posts short, but in doing so, i fail to lay out the framework and thus i’m attacked both for what i say and what i don’t say. Instead of creative suggestions, “perhaps you forgot this,” i usually see you’re wrong/foolish/inappropriate. Sometimes i wonder if we created misbehaving as a tool to increase our masochistic lashings. It’s certainly not a forum for interesting conversation in a safe space.

…interesting conversation in a safe place Can one have an interesting conversation in a safe place? Isn’t there an inherent risk in all communication between unlike people?

(I also commented at Danah’s, you can read the comments there. I don’t think it did any good.)

I have seen some pretty ugly stuff said by men over at misbehaving, in particular a man named Julian who is about as bad as they come. However, most of the discussion that has been classified by both Liz and Danah to be so ‘ugly’ has come from the same women in technology they say they’re highlighting.

I think in some ways that’s the issue – they say they’re highlighting us, but they really aren’t. They are highlighting the cream of the crop, the most successful, the most well known – the epitomy of women in tech, and mostly with an academic edge.

But women in tech come from such different backgrounds, with so many different concerns and interests. For many of us, ’success’ is measured by still having a job when the dot-com era imploded. As for attending conferences, well, there is a reason that most tech conferences have ten percent female attendance…or less. We are different – sharing sex and profession is not enough of a common platform to ensure agreement, or even passionless conversation.

Highlighting women who have made a difference or broken the barriers is a goodness that few of us would disagree with. It benefits us all to demonstrate that women in technology do exist, and can actually do good things. But not all the posts at misbehaving are on what this woman has achieved or that woman has done. Many are focused on the members own views and opinions, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned from weblogging it’s that when you express your views and opinions, you’re going to generate discussion, and not all of it is going to be positive.

Negative, positive, and the purpose of All good topics, but not really the point anymore, not for me. I will never comment at again, that’s a given. Nor any of Danah’s, another given.

But I will also find it difficult to comment at Liz’s weblog, or most weblogs I read on a daily basis that she and I share in common. It’s hard to just ignore being labeled ‘meanspirited’ when it’s given by people who are respected by most of the people you know.

Something I have to think about.

Just Shelley

Sweet and Sour

f all of the posts haven’t given you a clue, I had little sleep last night. My posting rate is inversely proportional to my lack of sleep.

Today is a good day in that my film scanner is on the way and I should get it on Friday. Additionally, the overall design and table of contents for the new book is exciting. Well, I’m excited. My editor is excited.

I also received a nice long email from an old friend this morning, and have enjoyed it immensely. I am reminded that I need to send a letter – a letter, not email – to another old friend in Boston. It’s also a beautiful day today, sunny and warm and a perfect day for a hike. Therein lies today’s hitch.

Due to my not following doctor’s orders, my foot is now in pretty bad shape, very swollen with some massive bruising. Not only can I not hike, I can’t walk down the stairs, which is frustrating. I can access the computer in bed, but it’s hard to type laying against bunched up pillows. All of you people who work on your computers in bed: how do you do it?

Thankfully, I can play movies on my computer and I have a nice stash of books from the library. Since I can’t go exploring outside, I’ve watched several new movies instead, including Pirates of the Caribbean and Whale Rider.

I had mixed feelings about Whale Rider. I thought it was a beautifully directed and acted movie, and I appreciated the narration from the perspective of the young girl, her matter of fact recital. I also really enjoyed the introduction to the Maori, and the humor that kept the film from being too painfully dramatic. If I didn’t like anything, I think it was the pat ending – I think the film would have been better if it had been ended about 5 to 10 minutes earlier. At which point exactly I can’t say without giving away the movie details.

As for Pirates, I was amazed that a canned Disney movie based on a theme park attraction could be so entertaining but it was. However, I have a serious crush on Johnny Depp, so maybe this isn’t so surprising. That man is criminally sexy.

(Used crutch words. Damn.)

Diversity History

Women’s Movement

I am ashamed to say that I did not know this month was dedicated to Women’s History until I read this lovely rundown of historical moments by Alas, a Blog.

In keeping up with the theme, bean is continuing posting events in women’s history that have happened on each particular day in January. These are in keeping with all the other exceptionally good writings posted at this site.

I am ashamed that I don’t write on Women’s Writing or history for that matter, as much as I should for someone with my interest in both. Too easily sidetracked into other things that aren’t that important.

Such as political speeches that focus more on steroid use in athletes then on providing health care for all the people in this country. But then, we have California’s example to go by – that state felt it more important to rollback increases in car license fees rather than ensure the children of that state get access to medical care.

Damn, I just got sidetracked again. I think I’ll spend some more time at Alas, and focus more on women’s writing than the President and his politics – it is a much more palatable subject.



I am somewhat disappointed that my response to Bush’s speech has not received many comments, though the comments I have received – agree with me or not – are of the type one hopes to attract when making strong statements.

Ah me, that’s the difficulty of this medium and commentary at times – just because you think you write something noteworthy, doesn’t mean everyone agrees. All you can do is shrug your shoulders, relish the writing of those who do take time to respond (and so eloquently, too!), and move on.

Or you could, like Stavros the Wonder Chicken, throw a different party:

Weblogs are a party, damn it, and sometimes they’re publications too, or instead, and sometimes they’re diaries, sometimes they’re pieces of art, sometimes they’re tools for self-promotion, sometimes they’re money-maknig ventures, sometimes they’re monuments to ego, sometimes they’re massive wanks, sometimes they’re public services, sometimes they’re dedications of faith, sometimes they’re communities. Always, they are a public face, one chosen and crafted to varying degrees, of the people who write them. They are avatars, masks, or revelations of our deepest selves. They are political or philosophical, merrily inebriate or sententiously sober. Do not listen to those who would tell you what they are not.

These people will destroy your soul. Classification is for insects.

My name’s wonderchicken, and I am a wild party.


Actually, it’s awfully well written

I am wary of how to be a better writer guides, but the Ten Mistakes Writers Don’t See by Holt Uncensored is excellent. The sections covered are: repeats (crutch words), flat writing, empty adverds (avoid fat writing), phony dialog, no-good suffixes, the ‘to be’ words, lists (uh, well, ignore this one), show don’t tell, awkward phrasing, and commas.

I have five crutch words I am trying to break myself of. They are: actually, ultimately, that, however, and fuckthepresident.

However, in regards to the essay’s section on comma use, my problem with commas is that I tend to use too many rather than not enough. One of my favorite college computer teachers, who happened to have a PhD in English, used to tell me he wanted me to write comfortably without worry about punctuation, and then go through the work when I was finished and delete half the commas — adjusting the text accordingly. I still try to follow this today, but am not always successful.

As for flat writing, that’s the bane of technical writers. It’s very difficult to write actively when you’re talking about code. Something about code flattens written language. Still (is still a crutch word? Hmmm), flat, or passive writing, is a very effective tool to use when you’re involved in a sensitive written debate, such as in comments. The flat writings nollifies the bite of the words, making it less, uhm, flammable.

If you want your writing to be perceived more passively, write more passively.

All in all, an excellent essay.