
Historical Truth

Kierkegaard had so much to say 150 years ago that is still fresh and relevant today, especially about writing and journalism. For instance, there’s been a great deal of discussion lately about the search for ‘historical truth’ in regards to actions taken during wars in the past, and how this truth relates to the current US presidential election.

However, as we are finding, as Kierkegaard found, the search for historical truth is less a matter of finding all the facts, as it is finding just the right set of facts for any specific group at any point in time.

In “Writing Sampler”, he wrote the following, as demonstration:

Merchant Marcussen in Badstuestraede had a large dinner party yesterday. At the table there occurred, however, the misfortune that the merchant knocked a gravy boat over himself and the lady next to him. This is how it happened. Just at the very moment when the servant offered the gravy boat, the merchant stood up to make a toast. With a movement of his arm, he bumped the servant and the gravy boat. This is the historical truth. We are well aware that a rumor is circulating that tells the story overwise, namely, that with a movement of her head the lady bumped the servant. But this is only rumor without any official standing. We have received no information as to the lady’s name. Some mention Miss Lindvad; others say it was Gusta Jobbe. As soon as we learn it, we will immediately report it. The name is of enormous importance, because for the [next] week there will, of course, be talk of nothing else in all of Copenhagen and in all of Denmark.

Just Shelley

Funny Ha Ha

Yesterday, in spite of green herons and kind wishes and the sound of needed coins falling into the alms box, was a very stressful day. The news about my father was difficult to hear, and this was compounded by a fight I had with my roommate. We rarely quarrel and part of it was my growing dislike being dependent on him, though he has never been anything but kind and understanding.

I am going to be spending most of the latter part of the week driving back and forth between Indiana and Missouri, but this time I’m going to take more breaks during the drives; otherwise they’re too tiring. I could stay at my brother’s, but frankly, the drives are a way for me to absorb events and re-aquire my equilibrium. Be prepared for photos of the roadway along the way.

I would lay my head down today and cry, but funny things keep intruding. Yes funny. Ha ha ha ha, funny.

Just Shelley

Old people die

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I heard from my brother last night. I guess my Dad’s move from hospital to home did not go well.

The assisted living home didn’t expect Dad to be released so quickly and weren’t set up yet. When Dad got there, all they had was his regular bed and they had to quickly move in a hospital bed, shoving his other bed into the living area. The organization that’s contracted to provide the specialized care Dad needs wasn’t notified and didn’t have anyone there. Luckily one of the helpers at the assisted living home had nursing home training and was able to help in the interim.

The surgeon who operated on Dad sent him home without any further instructions for physical therapy, care, and medicine, particularly pain medicine. All the assisted living home could give Dad was regular Tylenol. My brother hit the roof and had a frank discussion with the head of the assisted living house who directed Mike to the hospital discharge nurse who also had a frank discussion with Mike.

The long and short of it was that the surgeon felt Dad was going home to die anyway, and didn’t need any additional care. Including physical therapy, special care to help Dad once home, and pain medicine.

That was a mistake on his part.


Crazy Ivan

I haven’t been writing anything on Ivan because it’s a crazy storm, all over the board. Jeneane’s been covering it more thoroughly, especially the storm’s impact in Jamaica, a favorite spot for her family.

This was a nasty storm in the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, and Grenada, but luckily slipped right between Cuba and the Yucatan Peninsula. As horrid as a hurricane is for us in the states, it’s many times more dangerous for other countries that could get hit.

(As a side note, I noticed that Castro said he wouldn’t accept a penny from us in aid if it did hit. We have had opportunities in the past to extend a hand of friendship to Cuba and have disdained to do so. It is past time that our countries healed the wounds between us. We are too close, in many ways, to continue this old cold war anger.)

The computer models for Ivan differ, but it keeps drifting to the west. Whether it stays this course or not, is anyone’s guess. Florida looks spared this time, but if it hits full strength in New Orleans, this is going to be a nightmare. There’s no sugar coating of this – New Orleans cannot protect itself against anything higher than a category 1 or 2, as this older storm surge simulation demonstrates.

And due to the rather interesting way that politics works in Florida, it’s because of Ivan that Ralph Nader will be on the ballot this fall. I guess the prediction that Nader will become president when hell freezes over is closer to reality than originally assumed if he can muster a hurricane to get him on the ballot.

Politics aside, my positive thoughts go out to Missouri’s brothers and sisters in Louisiana, fellow children of the Mississippi river.