
Kind people, neat pictures, and Kookaburra

It wasn’t hard to tell that I was in a pretty bad mood last night, was it? Not just yesterday, my mood has been down for a few weeks. Stuff.

But I thought I would start practicing some of that discipline I wrote about earlier, and rather than wax maudlin here in the weblog, pull my droopy jaw up. After all, a frown is just a smile upside down, so turn it up!

I dusted off my old version of Visual Studio 6.0 today and I’m wrapping Dave Beckett’s RDF tools, Redland and Raptor into PHP extensions. Doing this, those who want to work with RDF in PHP can do so with a to-the-metal library. What’s rather astonishing about the whole thing is that I’m actually enjoying working with the C code, and my old version of VS. It’s like eating liver – it’s okay every ten years.

I had a kind note from Robb Beal today, so I thought I would embarrass him by saying hi here. Hi Robb. I really like the design of your weblog.

I braved the miserable heat and went to the store and it was full – full! – of local produce. I came home loaded down with bi-color corn on the cob, huge tomatoes, tree ripened nectarines, and sweet, huge dark red cherries. Nectarines and cherries for dinner tonight.

Not only that, but the store finally had my favorite candy in today – Kookaburra licorice. Both strawberry and traditional licorice flavors. They don’t get it in very often–there’s been some problems with bringing foods in from other countries because of increased security–and it’s not cheap, but I love the stuff.

I’m sitting here eating my nectarines and cherries and licorice, and looking at photos in other weblogs. Loren Webster has a great shot of a water fall from a hike this weekend. And Jeff Ward has the funniest photo of a truck that miscalculated the height of power lines it drove under. Dave Rogers has cute photos of his cat and little girl online. Notice that I mentioned the cat first.

John Dvorak has a new new weblog and he posted what he had for lunch today. He should like being pinged by this post.

I also get to go on my first airplace trip since 9/11 sometime in the next few weeks. I don’t know what day for sure, but I am curious what it will be like flying with all the new security.

Ah well. Good licorice.


If only we didn’t have to live with decisions

’ve upset, disappointed, or angered people recently, through action and decision. However, lest you think this is a po’me writing, with me crying on your shoulders, think again–these folks are right to be mad at me. To them, what I’ve done is wrong, and I’m not going to disagree with them.

I didn’t act as I did because I felt morally superior, or justified. I didn’t trip about lightly because the act was easy, and had no costs. I am aware, daily, in the silences, of what was lost. I knew all the consequences of my actions before making a move. And I still moved, not because I felt my way was the only right way, and others were wrong; but because my way was the only right way for me.

And I have no regrets. Well, no regrets at the decisions.

See you next week.


Creating a PHP Extension out of Redland and Raptor

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Since I’ve worked with compiles of Redland before (though long ago), and have Visual Studio 6.0 and am experienced with its use, I’m going to take a shot at creating the PHP extension of Raptor and possibly Redland for Windows. These won’t be a general purpose binary of the libraries. They will be built specifically as extensions for PHP. If anyone has done this before, with VS 6.0, warnings of any odd quirks would be welcome.

C is a powerful language, and I have a lot of respect for it. But I like cross-platform solutions. I like not having to deal with binaries from OS to OS. That’s why I bought into Java long ago, and Perl, PHP, and environments like Mono/C#. However, with each of these languages, you hear folks talk about how they’re ‘too slow’. You ask for specifics, and you’re told they’re ‘too slow’. You ask for requirements, and all you get is ‘too slow’.

Well, sometimes all it takes is a little extra effort, or a fresh perspective, and you might be able to get a cross-platform solution that could work. But you’ll never know because all you get when you ask for details is, “it’s too slow”. Well, chances are the native libraries will also be ‘too slow’, too. How will we know? Without a formal requirement of what’s needed, and specific performance test cases, there’s no way to judge if the native library will even make a difference.

However, I haven’t previously tried creating a PHP extension; this will be a chance to learn something new. These will be external extensions, though, hopefully dropped into PECL, which should be good enough. I wouldn’t try to get PHP to bundle these with the PHP distribution. Too much weight for too little return.


Unfortunately, I haven’t had success with this porting effort. I’ve put the call out to others to see if I can get some help, but at this time, looks like Redland is staying a Unix-based solution.

And I’ve also been reminded how much I really dislike working with C; about as much I like working with PHP, Perl, Python, and Java. Oh, and now C#.

Sorry to disappoint.


A RDF extension in PHP

Danny Ayers points to an RDFWeb discussion entry about providing help with porting the Raptor RDF engine to Windows. Or with getting RDF support built into PHP.

Guys, PHP is open source. You don’t have to get the PHP folks to buy into including it as part of the distribution. What you need to do is provide the stripped down PHP code to handle the RDF parsing, and get this included in something such as PEAR or PECL.

Think “open source” rather than “who knows the insiders”.

Just Shelley

From eyes, the deleted

Originally deleted from an earlier post: If only we could see each other’s eyes

A couple of days ago while traveling to my favorite walking path, I came to an intersection full of cops and firetrucks. I knew there was an accident, but didn’t know how bad until I moved around the police car blocking my lane and ended up facing on to the actual accident scene. A few yards in front of me was a small car, not unlike my own, somehow flipped on to its roof. Several rescue people surrounded it, helping whoever was inside. The firemen blocked my view of the interior of the car and the accident victims–all except for an arm, lying limp on the road.

I slowed down, at first because I was startled, but then I continued driving slowly past the spot, eyes fixated on the rescurers and that arm. From the periphery of my vision, I noticed a group of people gathered to the side, all as fixated as I was. Luckily the cop directing traffic yelled at me to “Go! Go!”, snapping me out of my revery.

Why we’re fascinated by accident scenes, or photos of hostages being decapitated, or the more gruesome reality TV, is a complex phenomena that is sometimes dismissed too lightly as ghoulish behavior. Staring at a accident or other scene of violence is actually a fairly typical behavior that crosses all cultural boundaries; in fact, not staring usually requires some strength of will. Many times people aren’t even aware that they’re staring, fascinated, at a bloody scene until they’re abruptly reminded, like I was by the cop.

On September 11th, 2001, we were subjected to one of the most significant graphic scenes of all time, and the world sat fixated for hours–days– staring at every available bit of footage available. That is until in an oddly collective moment we rejected even one more moment of looking at smashing planes and collapsing towers.

I see the same sort of fascination in play whenever there’s a violent altercation between people. Groups form around a fight in a bar, and audiences tune in to watch two people scream at each other in a talk show. Two candidates being civil to each other at a debate won’t rate a line in the newspapers; but have those same two candidates spend the entire timing yelling at each other, and it’s frontpage news.

Are political weblogs popular because they bring new perspective? Or are they popular because the topics covered can generate heated discussions in the comments, which the readership laps up like dogs drinking water on a hot day. Billmon from Whiskey Bar recently shut down comments because he couldn’t afford the time to police them–a commendable act. I am curious, though, if his readership will decrease because of it. Will he lose the readers who need the fights?

It is understandable, though not necessarily noble, to stare at accident scenes or read avidly through comments at people swinging verbally at each other. It’s true that if we were all above that sort of thing, we would reach a higher plane of existence. But I like this plane. It has lightning bugs and fat robins, and every once in a while angry writing, edged like a knife and as beautiful as a stormy sky.

However, there’s a world of difference between being a passive viewer to a violent event–or even a participant– and being one who actively encourages such events because they need the excitement or the anger.

I remember when I was in my early 20’s and living in Seattle, an event that took place one night when I and my roommate were waiting at a bus stop in the University District. The stop was in the business section and the time was fairly late, so there weren’t a lot of people about. We had been shopping and both of us had bags of stuff.

Two people were walking toward us and I glanced casually at them, looked away, and then snapped my head back to look again. The young woman was perfectly ordinary, but the man would startle a second look from a marble statue.

He was older, I would say in his 40’s. He had short hair, somewhat thin on top – blond or gray, I couldn’t tell in the streetlight. He was about 5′ 8″, and stocky, very strong looking. He wore khaki pants rolled up to under his knees, shitty tennis shoes with dark dress socks. He also wore a white T-Shirt with a khaki vest, and a white sweatband around his head. So far, nothing too out of the ordinary.

Except that he had hundreds of safety pins stuck everywhere on him. In his clothes, in the band tied around his head, through his lip, ears, eyebrows , in multiple chains around his neck– the man was a walking tailor’s assistant.

You don’t want to stare in the U District – it’s considered rude. But I was taken by surprise and I did stare for several seconds before I looked away. When the couple reached us, the young lady yelled at me, “Who the fuck are you staring at!”

I looked back at them. The woman seemed edgy, almost like she was on drugs. She was thin and jumpy, and moved about with abrupt, jerky movements. She was a pretty thing, elfin, with chin length curly auburn hair, and large dark eyes. Her tone was angry, but her eyes looked sad, hurt. Lonely.

That man, though. Well he was scary. He was looking at me, staring at me, with a half smile on his face and what seemed like lust in his eyes, but it wasn’t a healthy lust based on sex – it was lust for blood. He wanted a fight. He wanted that young woman and me to fight.

I told her that I wasn’t staring at them. I said I was just waiting for the bus, looking in their direction because that was the way the bus was coming. I used the same tone of voice I now use when I talk to the deer in the enchanted forest – low, calm, soothing. Non-threatening. And it seemed to work, she started to calm down.

That is, until the guy said something to her, something I couldn’t quite hear about how I was looking at the young woman because I thought she was funny looking or something to that effect, all the while never once taking his eyes off of me.

Whatever he said set triggered the young woman’s anger and she clenched her fists in front of her and moved closer to me, and then rocked back, and the moved forward again. I was much taller than her and she seemed afraid of me; but at the same time, in a contradiction in movement, she was also being very aggressive.

I continued to talk with her in the same soothing voice, trying to calm her down. My roommate also said something in her quiet, gentle way, and between the both of us, we seemed to calm her down, again.Her hands started to relax, to unclench. She seemed uncertain and started to move back.

Just as we thought we were in the clear, the man said something to her, again, quietly into her ear, never once taking his eyes off my face. This time when she reacted, she moved in, swiftly, and threw a roundhouse kick into my chest area.

The young woman seemed to have had some training because her kick was good form, but there was no strength behind it. All she did was ruffle the tops of the packages I was carrying, and the impact wasn’t much more than someone patting you hard on the chest.

But she did piss me off. It wasn’t so much that I have a temper, which I admit I do; it was more that after previous experience with abusive men, I had promised myself that if anyone ever touched me again in an aggressive or unwelcome manner, I was going to hurt them.

I threw my bags down on the ground and I stepped towards her, looming over her really, on the balls of my feet ready to move in, pick that girl up, and choke the fight out of her. Policemen’s hold and not letting go until she squeaked ‘uncle’. She pulled back, obviously scared, as the guy moved away from her to provide room for the fight.

I don’t know what stopped me. Several things, probably. It was the scared look in the girl’s face, and those damn sad eyes. My roommate also called my name, telling me to just walk away; that it wasn’t worth it. But I think it was that guy, and his blood lust–that look in his face. I just wasn’t going to fight that young woman for a sick fuck like him.

I grabbed my bags, and seeing a car coming down the street, I stepped off the curb and flagged the car to stop. When the driver pulled over, I asked the three guys inside if they would give us a lift. They said sure and I am my roommate got into the car and we took off. I didn’t once look back. I didn’t once look again at the girl, or the man.

But I remember those eyes. I’ll never forget that guy’s eyes and his lust for a fight. I feel them, from time to time, in the back of my mind, looking out at me when I’m reading other weblogs. If only I could see them more clearly, before I react rather than after.