Just Shelley

Decisions decisions

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

There is nothing more implacable than a decision waiting to be made.

It can shake you out of sleep, pulling the covers off, forcing you out of bed and to your feet. It can hover around you during your waking hours, beating at you with tiny, subliminal fists of frustration.

As time passes the decision grows and swells and bulges and puffs out and enlarges and stretches and expands. Your attempts to fend it off become weaker as it smothers you in it’s soft folds, pushes you against the wall, rolls over you as you try to run.

Poets write of Decision. In The Road Not Taken Frost wrote:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler

The poem ends with “…and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

In this poem Frost sees Decision as noble — Man choosing to follow his own path rather than following the crowd. Compare this to Dorothy Parker’s caustic and brutally direct ‘Resumé:

Razors pain you; Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give;
Gas smells awful; You might as well live.

No nobility here — life as a lesser of evils.

Not all decisions are the same. Whether to choose strawberry ice cream or chocolate is but a moment’s thought; after all, one can choose chocolate tomorrow when choosing strawberry today. There are an infinite number of these decisions made in a life; exercise to keep your decision making capabilities from getting flabby from disuse.

Some decisions can only be made after sleepless nights and days spent in thought, little scales in your mind working overtime. To have a child or not. To marry or not. To make this move, buy this house, take this job, follow this path. Or not.

Regardless of the magnitude or its impact, once the the decision is made, you’re free of the weight, the monster has rolled on. This leaves plenty of room for Decision’s younger brother, Regret.


The wonder of it all

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The Washington Post created a small but nice animated photo display, with music, showing some of the latest Hubble photos, caught with a new advanced camera system.

Take one minute — just one minute — to lose yourself in wonder.

Photography Places

Don’t breathe!

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.


Today, four cranes made their way underneath the San Franciscan Bay Bridge, necessitating closure of the bridge temporarily. The closure was to prevent the weight of the cars from lowering the bridge span, an undesirable effect considering that clearance between the cranes and the Bay Bridge is only 22 inches — a very squeaky fit, indeed.

Since San Franciscans are always on the lookout for a good party, several folks showed up to witness the crane passage, and the sky was full of helicopters.

Luckily, no one breathed and the cranes made it safely through.

(See related story in SF Gate.)

Technology Weblogging

Self-hosting continued

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Considerable discussion related to my assertion that Radio and Blogger are centralized web publication systems.

First, a caveat — the use of decentralization that I made yesterday had to do with web publication without dependence on a centralized tool-specific server that you can’t, personally, control. It had nothing to do with the P2P concept of decentralization, and it had nothing to do with the fact that you can host your individual pages on your own server. It was specifically related to the web publication tool, itself.

Based on this, further clarification on my statements from yesterday:

Any publication system that requires that one aspect of it be centrally located — such as Blogger — is a centralized publication system. Yes, you can host your published pages on your server, but you still have to use the centralized Blogger system to publish these pages. This makes Blogger a centralized rather than a de-centralized solution.

From my understanding, Radio also requires access to what Userland refers to as a “cloud” to manage part of the publication process. And my understanding is that all or part of this cloud exists on the Userland servers. It is very simple to post pages to an individual server using Radio; I’ve done this myself. However, you’re still dependent on a Radio cloud.

Am I incorrect in this understanding? In other words, if I host my Radio pages on my own server and Userland’s servers all go down, will any part of my publication process be impacted? I’m not talking about — that’s not the point. The point is, is a centralized Radio cloud necessary at some point for the publication process?

I have to think it is when I read something such as this:

Radio UserLand implements a powerful feature called upstreaming which mirrors the contents of the user’s www folder in a folder on, which is a 24-by-7 public Web server at a fixed location. When a file is changed it’s automatically copied to the server through XML-RPC. This makes it easy to publish static content to the Web even if you don’t have a full-time net connection, or if you move around. The url of each user’s folder is included as an attribute in the users.xml file.


When Radio UserLand launches and as it’s quitting it sends a hello or goodbye message to OurFavoriteSongs.Com. This sets the user’s signed-on flag true or false and records the users TCP/IP address and port, so that it knows how to communicate with Radio UserLand. (The chat facility is an example of the use of the IP address and port.)

However, perhaps all these centralized aspects of Radio — aggregation, upstreaming, logging on, etc — can be turned off to the point where you can totally decentralize your publication process from Userland. If this is so, then I apologize to Userland for making the statement about Radio having centralized tool dependencies.

Technology Weblogging

Self-hosting of weblogs

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

If you’re a Radio weblogger then you’re aware of the problems that Userland is having with its static server (see this brief mention). You’re probably pretty frustrated at this time because you can’t post, and even if you could post, your weblog isn’t accessible.

Those of us who have used Blogger can empathize with you because we faced daily frustrations with problems in Blogger and server problems with Blog*Spot.

Personally, I’m very glad I made my move to Movable Type, and I imagine that Jonathon is glad he’s moved, also. And now I’m hearing rumors that other folks will be making the move to self-hosted weblogs sooner rather than later.

Centralized weblogging. The concept sounds good — have others handle all the hosting details and all you have to worry about is writing something worthwhile or posting your recent “I’m a _____ quiz”. However, as we’re finding, what sounds good on paper isn’t necessarily effective in implementation, especially with the increasing numbers of people who are joining the weblogging ranks.

If you want control over your weblog you have to decentralize not only the postings, but the tool, itself; and this means hosting your weblog publication process. However, the problem with this is that it invalidates the principle behind weblogging — a personal publication system that enables the non-techie to publish content without having to fuss with the technical details.

What can a weblogger who just wants to have fun do?

Well, you can start by asking yourself if the centralized weblogging system downtime is a problem. In other words, how truly frustrating is the experience for you? If you find you can live with the system, the problem really isn’t that bad or doesn’t re-occur that often, then keep your weblog where it is, continue posting, and have fun. Here’s a hint for you: there is no such thing as problem-free technology.

(There’s a rule all technologists are required to follow stipulating that we can’t create perfect technology. If we do, everyone will think techies are inhuman and either start worshipping us or stone us to death.)

If you’re frustrated with the centralized systems, but it really doesn’t matter anyway because you’re finding you’re not having as much fun with weblogging as you thought you would, then consider stopping. Unlike a book, dear boys and girls, weblogging doesn’t have a final chapter other than the one that says “I’m sick of this shit. I quit”. And if you do quit, we’ll miss you but we understand.

(However, this doesn’t doesn’t apply to my Plutonians. If you quit, I’ll hunt you down and run you over with Golden Girl)

If you fit the third category of weblogger — you hate the frustrations associated with a centralized weblogging system such as Radio or Blogger, but you love to weblog — then you should consider moving to a self-hosted system such as Movable Type or Graymatter or other similar systems.

My choice was to move to Movable Type because I’ve found it provides exactly what I want and is intuitively easy to use. The kicker, though, is that Movable Type isn’t necessarily the easiest system to install. Especially if you’re unfamiliar with web site hosting.

So back to the question: What can a weblogger who just wants to have fun do?

You can ask for help. You can pay a small amount of money and get loads of help from Ben and Mena at Movable Type, a contribution that also helps to fund their continued efforts on behalf of MT. In addition, talk to the people who’ve made the move. If webloggers truly are the happy band of brothers and sisters we say we are, then we should be willing to help each other.

If you have a question about hosting companies, server types, weblogging tools, installation, whatever — ask. Ask at other weblogs, in comments, at your own weblog.

Send emails. Call a person on the phone. Chat in person. Ask about a person’s karma, and then, when they draw breath to answer, slide in a MT technical question. Remember that human axiom: there’s nothing we love more than to respond, successfully, to a question about how something works. It gives us a warm, cozy, smug glow.

Whatever you do, don’t sit there fuming in silence, getting more and more frustrated. If you do, eventually the pressure will build to the point that steam will come out of your ears, your eyes will bulge, your face will turn beet red, and the top of your head will blow off.

And that will scare your cat.

Update Discussion of Radio’s centralization — or not — is continued here