
By their own words shall they be known

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I’m keeping my neighborhood links but will be moving them to a separate page. However, the blogroll won’t just sit there, passively. A couple of tweaks:

First, I was thinking about accessing changes.xml from and checking for recent updates; however, does this for me and has a PHP service, so why am I giving myself grief? When I incorporate, I’ll do like so many others and order the links by most recent updated. However, a little extra code will skim the top five most recent blogs and put them on the front page.

But wait! That’s not all.

Originally, I was going to look for favorite posts from the weblogger, list in a separate page, and then link to this page in addition to the person’s weblog link. I still may do this but it is labor intensive. To be honest, I’d rather to let you speak for yourselves. And so you are.

Next to the weblog link in the new neighborhood page will be a second link opening a page listing the complete text of all the comments you’ve ever made, in descending order, to my posts. Above the comment is the author’s name, and a link to the original comment in the posting page.

We’ll be able to see, at a glance, everything you’ve ever said here at the Burningbird since the day I started using MT comments. I call it this new sticky strand, “Talkback”.

Now when people read my comments and ask themselves “Who is this guy?”, Talkback will tell them. By your own words shall you be known.

The Talkback page is up and running at this time. You can try it yourself with any URL that’s associated with at least one comment. Type the following into the browser address/url field, changing the yoururl to the URL:


Provde the exact same URL you use in comments now, and all your comments should show.

To demonstrate more fully, comments from some weblogging neighbors who have ‘talked back’:


Dorothea Salo (BTW, Happy Birthday David!!)
Stavros the Wonder Chicken
Jonathon Delacour
Gary Turner
Mark Pilgrim
Dave Winer


Unfortunately, if you haven’t used your weblog url with your comments, Talkback doesn’t work. However, I’ll be quite happy to add your url to your comments in the database if you ask. Nothing more than a simple database update.

I have a few other things I want to do with the Neighborhood page, but they’ll keep for another day.

Updated TalkbackI added the capability of searching by name. The format for this is:

With this, those who don’t have a web site, or who didn’t leave a URL can still track their comments by the name they’ve used. The name you use in the URL must match the name showing in the comments.

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