
Fun with CSS

I’ve been catching up on all the fun and interesting writings out and about and one that appeared several times in my RSS reader was kicked off by Mandarin Meg. If you haven’t read Meg’s site, she comes up with the most clever uses of CSS, providing ‘cut and paste’ examples that you can incorporate into your site.

This example appeared in the syndication feeds from Yule’sFrank Paynter’s, and Jim at Noded’s weblogs. Literally appearing, because all three sites provide full content feeds.

Seemed like a fun exercise, so I’ve replaced my main weblog page header with a triple version that uses three different colors, and alpha transparency to create a three dimensional effect. It looks good in my Firefox on Mac, and scattered about, but still good in Safari. It would horrify me to see what it would look like in IE on Windows, so I won’t even look.

The title on the individual pages is what I had been using, and most likely will be going back to, after we’ve had a little fun with the current title. Unfortunately, relative positioning doesn’t translate well from use to use, machine to machine, OS to OS, and especially, from browser to brower.


No standing still

As you can see from the new site look, I have been busy in my downtime. Once I finished with my road trip, which was down to Florida taking photos for a book proposal I’m preparing, I returned home to find that the WordPress team had released version 1.5. I then grabbed a copy and started making the changes for Wordform, which is what is now driving this site.

This is a work in progress, which is my way of saying that things can and probably will be breaking this week. However, I think I have the critical elements in place, and only need to test, heavily, before I release the code to the public. I also have to come up with a better upgrade and installation program because I have made some significant changes to the WordPress, and it was a bit painful to move this site to the new software.

(I’ll detail these when I release the software at the Wordform site.)

It was good, good, to have a break, and it’s good to be back writing. In fact, I pushed forward my port of Burningbird to Wordform, as I had promised myself I wouldn’t write back at this site again until it was ported, and I wanted to start writing again. But the break off and away from the computer gave me some good time to plan for the future and think about what I am going to do going forward. This is resulting in many changes to this and my other sites, which I’ll detail in later posts.

Oh, and a new look for Burningbird. Figure I would live up to my name.

Just Shelley

Road trip and spring break

Saturday I’m off on a road trip where I have no intention of weblogging, or even accessing the internet. I decided that this would be a good time to take a longer break, and focus on matters outside of this weblog. Besides, Spring is a good time to try new things, don’t you think?

I had a couple of other posts I wanted to write, but I don’t think I’ll have time to finish them, I’m so far behind. If I manage to catch up and they’re half way decent, I’ll post them before I go.

I am closing down comments on all of the weblogs, starting tonight.

You all take care of yourselves. Behave or be interesting.

See you, soon.

Just Shelley

Swivel stick

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Loren, who has been sharing tales of courage and horror from his fearsome youth, recounted one incident with a slippery log and a fall into a swift stream. Ever since, he’s hiked out of his way to avoid having to use logs to cross streams.

(He and I also shared a five year old fascination with matches, oddly enough. I wonder if the cause and effect associated with ‘matches’ and ‘uncontrolled fire’ is an epiphany all five year olds undergo?)

I share his wariness of log crossing, but mine is based less on specific event than ongoing experience. Not only do I avoid logs, I also avoid ledges, unsteady hillsides, icy paths, and any form of roller or ice skating. I am a klutz, you see. A rather good one, at that. In a parking lot, I can manage to slip on the one and only wet pinecone; I can climb down rocky paths, only to slip on a bit of gravel at the end. I trip over unseen roots, and knocked myself out trying to chase a ball during softball when I fell into a tree. I even fainted at a wedding once, when we were required to stand for part of the service and I locked my knees, and caused myself to pass out.

When I am in prime physical condition (yeah, that will be the day again), I can move like a panther, all supple strength. But then, something always seems to get in the way.

For instance, Sunday I drove down to Bollinger Mill to film it and the Burfordville covered bridge. It was a perfect day, in the 30’s, excellent weather and the mill and bridge are extremely well maintained. Crossing the covered bridge to the other side, I started down the hill towards the White River in order to get a better shot at the mill and the spillway. I didn’t pay attention to the signs of recent flooding, until I started slipping on the wet mud that covered the hill. Not wanting to slide down on my butt into an icy cold river, I dug my stick into the ground and held on for dear life, twisting and turning to maintain my balance.

“Oh my!” “Watch out!” “Wup!” “Damn, this is slippery” “Youwillnotfall Youwillnot fall!” “Ahh!”

Eventually I managed to stable myself until I could find firmer footing on a bit of rock and from there, pull myself back up the hill, dignity and camera intact. That is until an older man who had been across the way walked over to me and asked me if I was alright. I thanked him and said it was just a slight slip, and nothing much to worry about.

“Well, we were worried that you were going to fall in. Glad you didn’t.”

Then out popped a huge smile.

“I shouldn’t say this, but you sure were funny.”

So much for the panther.

Burningbird Weblogging

This is a disclaimer

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

This is the only disclaimer I will issue from this site. It reads:

I will never issue a disclaimer at this site. Again.

The discussion rages around us about how we’re in danger of losing our credibility, or our ethics are in question. However a more serious issue is at stake: we are in danger of becoming bores.

Somewhere, somehow, along the way we began to take ourselves seriously, and now it’s difficult to read original writing that doesn’t have a caveat or a disclaimer attached. Multiple weblogs have popped up with people appearing out of nowhere, demanding that we all conform to a certain set of beliefs and practices, and the rest of us, who at one point in time used to have fun nod our heads and say “Yesir” or “Yesmam”, because no matter what, we want to be seen as ‘credible’.

What is it that we’ve been doing the last several years but establishing the authenticity of our voices? What more credibility do we need than that?

I used to frown at sites where the webloggers would use pseudonyms, not the least because I have a god-awful time spelling that word. Actually, it was because I thought that if our words meant anything, we would attach our name to them.

What I’ve found as I’ve grown up from babe to toddler to fresh young thing, to old and tired woman in these very pages, is that names don’t matter, because it is the words themselves that have to stand out naked in the light. It is our writing by which you know us, or don’t. At this point in time, either you know me or your don’t; you trust me or you don’t, and no disclaimer is going to make my voice more authenticate, or real to you.

I also used to mouth about this standard and that: one shouldn’t delete or edit a writing once posted; or one should note when there is a possible conflict of interest; or, in the case of something like Marqui, one shouldn’t write about a product in our space unless one has an interest in same.

What a pompous prick I was.

Frankly, if another opportunity comes along like Marqui (but not Marqui, itself) I plan on taking it. Why? Because it allows me more dignity than to have to pass the hat, an act that nibbles away at my confidence. And I will most likely write once about how I’m being paid by the company, but I’m not going to circle the entries in red ink and paste on “I’m getting bloody paid for this”, with each entry. Neither will I write anything I wouldn’t normally write, but you’re going to have to take my word for it, because I’m not going to post a notarized notice on my site that I Am Not Lying for Bucks. In fact, you might as well assume that everything I will write is a lie, but it will be an authenticate lie, because I will never write anything that I don’t want to genuinely say.

So if a company wants to pay me for upping their Google rank,rather than sneak it in through my comments, I will. And I’ll do so in my own immutable way, which will probably frighten away all of the right-thinking companies anyway, leaving me the interesting ones, and we’ll proceed to possibly have some fun. Because if I don’t promise not to lie, I do promise to do my best not to bore you, but no guarantees: what I may find interesting may not interest you.

(You don’t like my gnomes?)

I was asked in my post, The Other Shoe on Nofollow, the following:

Really now. Do you have a citation for this conversation with Dave Winer or did you just make it up?

I answered:

I make everything up at this site.

I’m really a haberdasher in New Jersey. My name is Stan, and I’m bald, 85, thin as hunger, sad as regret, but with big black eyes that once twinkled wickedly at saucy ladies who would show too much ankle.

Oh, and I walk with a limp, every other Sunday.

That is my disclaimer: *I make everything up on this site. It will then be up to you to read me, or not; to believe me, or not. You will have to make your own judgment whether to regard what I say about the Google nofollow attribute, or Jeff Jarvis, or the Harvard Conference of the Week, or especially, the existence of Missouri mountain gnomes. Basically, you’ll have to read what I read, and then read what others read, and you’ll have to form your opinion and act accordingly, because I’m not going to do it for you through the use of a bloody disclaimer! Sorry, there is no ‘get out of thinking’ free card at my site.

(By the way, I lie, but I do not lie about gnomes.)

I read something in Rebecca Blood’s weblog that brought me up short this morning and made realize how far we have fallen in our effort to be polite and proper and credible and ethical.

I’ve noticed a slight problem with the Technorati tagging system. For every tag, Technorati is pulling an indentically tagged photograph from photo-sharing site Flickr. Unfortunately, for a few hours this morning the most recent tagged photo under MLK was a picture of a protester’s sign that read “Setting aside our differences to focus on our common goals: peace, love, harmony, killing Jews, and tolerance.” Nice. [more…]

Now, that photo is perfectly appropriate on Flickr as part of an individual’s collection, and as documentation of Sunday’s rally. It’s perfectly appropriate as an illustration for ‘protests’, or even ‘Israel’ and ‘Palestine’, even though it surely will offend some people wherever it appears. But it is not appropriate to illustrate a category tagged ‘MLK’. I personally was offended–these sentiments reflect the polar opposite to those espoused by Dr. King. More to the point, such an illustration is inappropriate–that poster has as much to do with Dr. King as would a picture of a banana peel.

I called Technorati to register a protest, but was informed that Technorati had no mechanism available for removing the photo other than turning off the entire Flickr feed. Worse, I was met with polite protestations that Technorati is not in the business of editing the Web, just delivering it. I was also given some vague heebee-jeebee about “community standards” and how “the community would decide”.

Well, I’m here to tell you that community standards vary wildly, and in the case of an aggregator mean nothing at all. An aggregator like Technorati only provides a succession of individual posts, it doesn’t summarize or codify the content it serves. Furthermore, “community standards” do not, indeed, can not defend against abuse of the system–only design can do that.

I will write more on Technorati Tags later, because they have very serious consequences to semantic web development, but for now, I read Rebecca’s reference to ‘appropriate’ images and enforcing ‘community standards’ and I wanted to put my head down and cry. What is sadder is that Rebecca has enough power within this community, and hence Technorati, to possibly force her opinion of what is ‘proper’ through, and that scares the bejeesus out of me.

If this is what you want from a ‘credible’ weblog, or an ‘ethical’ one, than I can guarantee you now: I will never be credible, I will never be ethical, and I sure as hell will never be appropriate. And you may stick your ‘community standards’ where the sun don’t shine in my mountain gnome’s gnarly little ass.

*I even stole that phrase from Dave Rogers, who I think is telling us that what’s real is shared spit and cat babysitting. But I have seen a gnome, Dave.